完成端口,completion port
1)completion port完成端口
1.Streaming switcher model by managed I/O completion port;基于托管完成端口的流媒体交换矩阵模型
2.The article discusses two socket model of the server side application:blocked multithread model and completion port model,analyses their characteristic.Winsock网络通信系统一般采用客户 /服务器模式 ,讨论了实现服务器端应用的两种套接字模型 :阻塞多线程模型和完成端口模型 ,分析了它们的特点和优劣。
3.For wireless transmission capability and monitoring centre capacity which are two major difficulties of wireless remote monitoring system, a new scheme based on sliding window and completion port is proposed for improved the efficiency of the wireless transmission and capacity of monitor centre.针对远程无线监控系统无线传输性能、监控中心容量瓶颈两大难点,本文提出了一个基于滑动窗口和完成端口技术的远程无线监控系统的设计实现方案,提高了无线传输的效率和监控中心的容量,重点描述了软件的设计与实现。

1.Implementation and Optimization of High-performance I/O Completion Ports Server高性能I/O完成端口服务器的实现与优化
2.Testing of ports is not complete. Do you still want to go to progress page?端口测试未完成。是否仍要前进到下一页?
3.An intelligent device that performs line interfacing functions for a group of terminal at a multi-terminal data station.一种智能设备,在多终端数据站中完成一组终端的线路接口功能。
4.To setup your device port setting, you will have to go to device property page after installation is completed.要设置设备端口设置,您必须在安装完成后转到设备属性页。
5.One way to accomplish calibration is by adding two relays per port to the line card.一种完成校正的方法是在线路卡上每端口增加两个继电器。
6.After Client Setup is finished, log off the client computer客户端安装完成后,注销客户端计算机
7.Analysis and Perfection of Typical Port Network Scan Attacks网络典型端口扫描攻击的分析与完善
8.NAT breaks the integrality of IPSEC through changing the IP addresses and ports of IPSEC packages.NAT修改了ipSEC包的ip地址及端口,破坏了ipSEC端到端的完整性。
9.Define client strategy, standards, and management complete完成定义客户端策略、标准和管理
10.Well begin is half done. --John Ray良好的开端等于完成了一半。——雷
11.Completing the Set Up Client Applications Wizard正在完成设置客户端应用程序向导
12."Select the ports you want configured with these settings:"选择要配置成具有这些设置的端口:
13.A war is no excuse for indecorum.战争不成其为不端行为的借口。
14.there were four notches in the handle of his revolver.把火柴梗一端挖成v型凹口。
15.Complete the following program and client license information.请完成下列项目以及客户端许可证信息。
16.Completing the Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard正在完成终端服务器许可证服务器激活向导
17.You have completed the Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard.您已完成许可终端服务器证服务器激活向导。
18.The machine was completed by the time it reached the end of the assembly line.待到机器到达传送带末端时,装配就完成了。

1.Application of IOCP mechanism in performance testing of video conference server;完成端口在视频会议服务器性能测试中的应用
2.Design of bottom module of server based on IOCP;基于完成端口的服务器底层通信模块设计
3.I/O complete port(IOCP) of Windows present an efficient solution to the one-thread-per-client bottleneck problem.Windows下完成端口(IOCP)模型只需少数几个工作线程以及异步读写操作就可处理2 000个以上的客户端的并发连接。
3)I/O Completion Port完成端口
4)I/O completion po-rts model完成端口模型
5)I/O completion portI/O完成端口
1.This paper studies a programming method to implement the multi-thread server-side applications using I/O completion port under Windows operating system.探讨了在Windows操作系统平台下用I/O完成端口开发多线程的服务器应用程序的方法。
1.Research of HTTP proxy method based on single IOCP;基于单个I/O完成端口的HTTP代理方法研究

I/O端口 I/O(输入/输出)端口主要指小型机周边各种接口,诸如RS232端口(串行端口)、并口,USB口、光纤通道接口等。