1.Internet Transmission Analysis on Journal of Xi an University of Arts and Science(Natural Science Edition) Based on CNKI;基于中国知网的《西安文理学院学报》(自然科学版)网络传播分析
2.Review on Literatare and Citation Retrieval of CNKI;中国知网文献与引文检索评述
3.CNKI: the assistant of editors to examine academic manuscripts;中国知网:期刊编辑评审学术论文的助手

1.Statistical Analysis of Network Spreading of 《Journal of Catastrophology》 Based on CNKI基于中国知网的《灾害学》网络传播统计分析
2.The Simulation Evaluation on Business Model of CNKI and the Method for Improvement;中国知网商务模式模拟评价与改进策略研究
3.Internet transmission analysis on Journal of Xi'an University of Science and Technology based on CNKI基于中国知网的《西安科技大学学报》(自然科学版)的网络传播统计分析
4.Analysis of the development route of IOT in China感知中国——我国物联网发展路径研究
5.The Chinese Knowledge Diaspora Communication Networks among Overseas Chinese Intellectuals in the Globalisation Era;中国的知识流散——海外中国知识分子间的交流网络
6.How many Internet users are there in China?"--Sampling Design of a Country-wide Survey for CNNIC;“网民知多少?”——中国互联网络信息中心全国调查抽样方案设计
7.Research on the Sense of Measurement to China's Virtual Community虚拟社区中适合中国网民的感知量表初探
8.4K^ToD: Chinese net is not the fastest we all know that.中国的网络正如大家都知道的那样并不是很快。
9.Grassroots Initiatives and Knowledge Networks for Land Reform in Developing Countries发展中国家土地改革基层举措和知识网
10.Smart Earth and Reading China--Analysis on Development of Internet of Things智慧地球与感知中国——物联网的发展分析
11.Muzi Mei, a Mainland Chinese columnist. Well known for her blog on sexuality.木子美,中国大陆专栏作家。因网上发表性爱网志而知名。
12.Effectiveness of Knowledge Network Management in the Internationalization of Chinese Enterprise under the Constraints of Resoures and Environment资源环境制约下中国企业国际化知识网络管理有效性
13.L2 Acquisition of the Semantic Networks of English Spatial Prepositions by Chinese EFL Learners: A Cognitive Linguistics Perspective;中国学生习得英语空间介词语义网络的认知语言学研究
14.Post PC Periods and Wireless Sensing Networks and its Application in National Economy;后PC时代与无线感知网络在国民经济中的应用研究
15.The Research on Interpersonal Perception in Internet Chatting;互联网网上聊天中的人际知觉的研究
16.CNN International: Be the first to know美国国际有线电视新闻网:第一个知道
17.Study of the Knowledge Innovation Mechanism in the Internal Networks of MNCS;跨国公司内部网络知识创新机理研究
18.A Study on Customer Perceived Service Quality of Online Printing Service国内网上冲印顾客感知服务质量研究

China HowNet Periodical Databank中国知网期刊数据库
1.Making use of China HowNet Periodical Databank,the paper makes,by content analysis approach,a brief quantitative analysis on the development and current situation of online game research from 1998 to 2007 by domestic scholars covering such aspects as topics for discussion,research methodology,theories involved as well as shift of topics.借助中国知网期刊数据库,运用内容分析方法,从论文研究议题、研究方法、理论运用,以及研究议题发展模式等维度,对1998—2007年期间国内学界网络游戏研究的发展进程和现状,作了简要的定量分析。
3)Chinese knowledge中国知识
1.A cultural reflection on modernity, globalization and Chinese knowledge;关于现代性、全球化与中国知识的文化反思
4)Sensing China感知中国
1.After analysis of Smart Planet,the article believes that China shall abstract the essence of Smart Plant and carry out the "Sensing China" plan raised by Prime Minister Wen so as that China move alone the innovative road of Chinese characteristic which abide by the current development of China.同时对智慧地球概念进行分析,指出中国应该吸取智慧地球概念中的精华,大力推行温总理提出的"感知中国"计划,走符合中国现阶段发展特点、有中国特色的创新之路。
5)knowing China知中国
1.And in the course of founding Nankai University,he deliberated meticulously and explored arduously,making the foundation of Nankai University rooted in China\'s society so deeply that "knowing China and serving China" became a quite unique characteristic of the school.他推陈出新,锐意改革,在创办南开大学的过程中,经过缜密的思考、艰苦的探索,把南开大学发展基石牢固地建立在中国社会深厚的土壤中,"知中国,服务中国"成为南开大学鲜明的办学特色。
6)The website of State Intellectual Property Office of China"中华人民共和国国家知识产权局"网站

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