1.Study and Application on the Webpage Tamperproof Technique in the College Web;校园网站网页防篡改技术研究与应用
2.Furthermore, and it introduces reference block to help tamper localizing.提取JPEG 压缩不变量作为特征,并引入参考块来辅助篡改定位。
3.Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can point out the tamper-existing region and the extent of tampering.实验结果表明 ,该算法能够反应对图像的篡改 ,指出篡改发生的空间位置并给出篡改的程度 。

1.Where a will has been tampered with, the affected parts of it shall be void.遗嘱被篡改的,篡改的内容无效。
2.tried to tamper with the decedent's will竭力篡改死者的遗嘱
3.(4) distorting or mutilating a work created by others;(四)歪曲、篡改他人作品的;
4.Distortion or alteration of another person's works;歪曲、篡改他人作品的;
5.clear - cut evidence of tampering;证据明显的篡改行为;
6.It was Park who dabbled with the text是帕克篡改了原文。
7.Juggle figures in a ledger.篡改分类账上的数字
8.The police is accused of tampering with the evidence.警察被指控篡改证词。
9."Forged wills shall be void. Where a will has been tampered with, the affected parts of it shall be void."伪造的遗嘱无效。遗嘱被篡改的,篡改的内容无效。
10.An improved tamper detection algorithm Based on DWT;一种改进的DWT域图像篡改检测算法
11.Signed publishing license certificate chain has been tampered with.已签署发布许可证证书链已被篡改
12.The signed publishing license certificate chain has been tampered with.已签署的发布许可证证书链已被篡改
13.Disreputable accountants who were paid to cook the firm's books.因篡改公司的帐册而声名狼藉会计师
14.manipulate figures在数字上做手脚~accounts篡改帐目
15.Facts cannot be altered; lies must be exposed.事实不容篡改, 谎言必须戳穿。
16.(4) a serious act of forging, tampering with or destroying the will.(四)伪造、篡改或者销毁遗嘱,情节严重的。
17.In his article he made bold with the facts.他在文章中任意篡改事实。
18.China has been criticising Japan for rewriting history in textbooks.中国一直批评日本的教科书篡改历史。

1.A new watermarking method based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is proposed in which can resist the attack of image juggle efficiently.提出了一种基于小波变换,能有效抵抗图像篡改攻击的数字水印嵌入算法。
1.After the image is tampered,in order to eliminate the visual edge distortion caused by splicing during the process of forgery,some post-processing operations are usually utilized to eliminate the tampering traces.图像遭受篡改操作后,为了消除图像伪造在拼接边缘产生畸变,伪造者通常会采用后处理消除伪造痕迹,其中,模糊操作是最常用的手法之一。
4)tamper location篡改定位
5)Image Forgery篡改图像
6)Detect Forgery检测篡改
