科学大战,Science Wars
1)Science Wars科学大战
1.Mess Media and Social Events Generation:the Compassion between Two Cultures and Science Wars;大众媒体与社会事件生成——两种文化与科学大战的比较视角
2."The Science Wars" occurring at the end of the 20th century have profound significance and influence on reconstructing relationship between the two cultures.科学文化与人文文化的关系问题一直是科学研究领域的重要话题,50年来,两种文化的论战主题和主体不断发生变化,尤其是20世纪末发生的"科学大战",对重构两种文化关系有着深远的意义与影响。

1.Science War" and an Ongoing Argument;“科学大战”与正在进行的一场争论
2.Humanities and Social Science Development Strategy in Universities of Science and Technology;理工科大学人文社会科学发展战略探讨
3.The Study on Scientific Development Conception and “Six-interaction” Strategy;科学发展观与“六大联动”战略研究
4.On the strategies of Arts striding development in HUST;华中科技大学文科跨越式发展的战略思考
5.Facing the 21st century--Inquiring into Scientific and Research Development Strategy of Dalian University面向21世纪——大连大学科研发展战略初探
6.The Strategy of Grand Cultural Development & Prosperity and University Journal of Social Science;文化大发展大繁荣战略与高校社科学报
7.Applying Scientific and Developing Outlook to Planning on Directions of Values of University Development Strategies;运用科学发展观统筹大学发展战略的价值向度
9.Organizational Transformation: A Strategic Choice to Disciplines in Post-Mature Period组织蜕变:大学学科后成熟期的战略选择
10.The Second World War underlined the importance of science and technology.第二次世界大战突出了科学和技术的重要性。
11.Scientific Development Outlook Is an Important Strategy Adapted to the Development of the Era科学发展观:适应时代发展要求的重大战略思想
12.The Research on the Federal Research Support for University in U.S.A after World War Ⅱ;二战后美国联邦政府对大学科研资助研究
13.Impelling the Development of "The Challenging-Cup Competition" in the Universities and Improving the Creative Character and Ability of University Students in Science and Technology;推动“挑战杯”的发展 促进大学生科技素质的提高
14.On Deng Xiaoping s Theory of Rejuvenating China through Science and Education Strategy--Interpretation of Report of the Seventeenth National Congress of Chinese Communist Party;论邓小平科教兴国战略思想——学习十七大报告
15.Using the Chance of "Cup of Challenge" to Develop the College Students Amateurish Academic Activity;以“挑战杯”为契机 深化大学生课外科技活动
16.The Challenge and Countermeasures to the Moral Education of Business College Students in the New Situation;新形势对商科大学生道德教育的挑战与对策
17.Ascertain of Science-Technology Ethic Faced Challenge and Countermeasure of New Century Student;大学生科技伦理道德面临的挑战及对策探析
18.College Students Activities of the “Cup of Challenge” Centering on Scientific Research:Problems and Solutions;大学生“挑战杯”科研活动中存在的问题及对策

science war科学大战
1.Then the author also analyses the repercussion of the war in our country, and points out that there have been arguments between those who advocate scientism and those who practice humanities in our country in recent years which are similar to the science war in the West.文章分析了 2 0世纪末在西方世界爆发的科学与人文之间的“科学大战”的过程 ,双方的主要论点 ,以及大战在我国引起的反响和争论。
3)science debate科学大论战
1.After Sokals hoax, a vehement "science debate" broke out in the global academic community between postmodernists and science warriors.“索卡尔事件”后,在全球学术界掀起了一场激烈的后现代思想家与科学卫士之间的“科学大论战”。
4)strategy of big science大科学战略
5)key scientific challenges科学挑战
6)science in wartime战时科学

国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)advanced technology development of national defense science and technology  guomng kexue listiu Xlanqi lishu切ifa国防科学技术元期仪不井汉哗u-vanced teehnology develoPment ofnationalde-fense seienee and teehnology)见国防科学技术预先研究。