哲学渊源,philosophy origin
1)philosophy origin哲学渊源
1.Combined with the researching background of construction and place spirit,it researches constructing phenomenology and philosophy origin,elaborates the concept of place and place spirit,discusses the practical meaning of constructing phenomenology and place spirit.结合建筑学及场所精神的研究背景,对建筑现象学及场所精神的哲学渊源进行了研究,详细地阐述了场所及场所精神的概念,探讨了建筑现象学及场所精神的现实意义。

1.The Linguistic Turn in Philosophy and the Philosophical Origin of Pragmatics;哲学的语言转向和语用学的哲学渊源
2.On the Philosophical Origin of the Emergence of Aesthetic Thinking to "Zhonghe"论“中和”美学思想产生的哲学渊源
3.On the Meaning-based Philosophical Origin of the Interlinkage between Translation and Dictionary“翻译”与“词典”链接的意义哲学渊源
4.George Eliot's "Sympathy" and Its Philosophical Origin乔治·爱略特的“同情”观及其哲学渊源
5.On the Scientific Pholosophy Origins of the Western Main Psychology Schools;谈西方心理学主要流派的科学哲学渊源
6.The Philosophical Origin of and Viewpoint on Language of Universal Grammar " for Transformational Generative Linguistics;转换生成语言学“普遍语法”的哲学渊源和语言观
7.The Philosophic Origin and Esthetic Value of the Blankness on Chinese Painting空白致美——中国画空白的哲学渊源及审美价值
8.A Brief Comment On Philosophical Origins of Linguistic Structure and Mode of Thinking and Translation Strategy;浅议语言结构、思维模式的哲学渊源及翻译
9.Study on Li Zhi s Philosophy Theory;从“良知”到“真”——李贽哲学思想的心学渊源
10.On the Origin of Young Mao Zedong's Philosophical Thought in Huxiang School青年毛泽东哲学思想的湖湘学派渊源
11.Tracing the European Modernistic Movies to the Origin of Their Modernistic Philosophy-Theology欧洲现代派电影之现代哲学—神学渊源
12.The Analysis of Carl R·Rogers Humanism Philosophy and Its Origin;卡尔·罗杰斯人本哲学思想及渊源探析
13.From Philosophy to Art--The Origin and Development of Esthetic “Xiang”;从哲学到艺术——审美之“象”的渊源与流变
15.Continuation and Rupture: the Source of Bourdieu s Thoght;继承与断裂:布迪厄的哲学思想渊源
16.Dominant Theoretical Resources and Origins of Gorz's Early Philosophy高兹早期哲学思想的显性理论支源和思想渊源
17.His philosophy of science more or less directly originates form critical school of thought.他的科学哲学或多或少直接渊源于批判学派。
18.On the Theoretical Origin of the Scientific Development View and Philosophy Basis;试论科学发展观的理论渊源和哲学依据

philosophical origin哲学渊源
1.The present study first gives a survey of its development and major achievement, and concerns its philosophical origin in semiotics, which has to some degree caused the cognitive turn in pragmatic study.本文首先概述了认知语用学研究的基本状况 ;接着讨论了它的哲学渊源以及语用学研究中的认知转向 ;还讨论了语用学与认知语言学、心理语言学、认知心理学之间的主要联系 ;最后探讨了信息处理中的语用推理等问
3)philosophy and culture哲学与文化渊源
4)academic origin学术渊源
1.ZHANG Ci-gong used Radix Aconite extensively in the clinical practice, which was related to his academic origin.章次公先生临床广泛应用附子 ,这与他的学术渊源有关。
2.In this paper, we made a study in the arising-cause, the academic origin and the connotation characteristic of the theory of governance, in order to provide a theory to help the realization of the goal of the Chinese government public administration.治理理论兴起有着广泛的社会原因,治理理论有着深刻的学术渊源和理论背景,治理理论主要有五种内涵。
3."The research of academic origin and academic thoughts of Zhao Bingnan TCM dermatology" is responsible by WenBing department of clinical research foundation of Beijing university of Chinese medicine.深入进行赵炳南中医皮肤科学术渊源、学术思想和经验特色的研究,对中医皮肤科的可持续发展具有重要意义。
5)confucianism origin儒学渊源
6)Aesthetic origin美学渊源
1.The author takes poetized fiction for example to explore the relation between the poetizing of fiction and Chinese tradition of culture and art from the two aspects of philosophy and aesthetics, and reveals the former s philosophic foundation and aesthetic origin.本文以诗化小说为例,从哲学意识、美学观念两个方面探讨小说的诗化与中国文化艺术传统之间的关系,以揭示小说诗化的哲学基础和美学渊源。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀