惯性定律,law of inertia
1)law of inertia惯性定律
1.There is no argue in a cycle in the law of inertia——Talking from Einstein s discussion of law of inertia and inertial frames;惯性定律不存在循环论证问题——从爱因斯坦对惯性定律和惯性系的分析谈起
2.An explanation for the law of inertia from the perspective of falsificationism从否证论看惯性定律的科学解释力
3.It is discussed about that the law of inertia would be relative truth,we knew that it has truth,rational and universal character,but it also has mistake,subjective,unilateral character.牛顿力学的惯性定律一定是相对真理,有其合理性,真理性,普遍性的一面。

1.This paper clarifies the real situation of the birth of the law of inertia,thebasis of mechanics which initiated the modern experimental science.本文澄清了惯性定律的诞生真相。 惯性定律是力学基础,而近代实验科学则是发轫于力学的。
2.Are these trends not comparable with Newton's law of inertia?这些趋势难道和牛顿的惯性定律不是很相仿吗?
3.We start with Newton's Second Law, at first referring our problem to an inertial frame.我们从牛顿第二定律出发,并且先只涉及惯性系。
4.Application of the Conservation Law of Mechanical Energy in some Non-Reference System of Inertia;在某些非惯性参照系中“机械能守恒定律”的运用
5.The laws of mechanics are the same in all inertial frames of reference. This is called Galilean relativity.在所有的惯性参照系中,力学定律都是一样的,这叫做伽利略相对性。
6.The artiocle shows us work-energy principle and law of mechanical energy conservation in the system of motion and inertia.本文给出了动惯性系中的功能原理及机械能守恒定律。
7.Newton's laws, concepts of momentum, energy, angular momentum, rigid body motion, and non-inertial systems.牛顿定律,动量的概念,能量,角动量,刚体运动,以及非惯性系。
8.The Contradiction Between Unwritten Law and Positive Law--The Re-construction of the System of China s Law Autonomy;习惯法与制定法的悖论——兼议中国法律自治的制度性重构
9.On the Generation SYstem and Consolidated Description of Newton s Laws of Motion,Inertical Force and Attraction;论牛顿运动定律及惯性力与引力的产生机制及统一描述
10.Application of the Principle of Conversion Between Work and Potential Energy and the Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy in the Frame of Non-initial Reference;功能原理和机械能守恒定律在非惯性参照系中的应用
11.Inertia scalars are defined in terms of quantities called inertia vectors.我们将用惯性矢量来定义惯性标量。
12.Institutions of government are established by law or precedent.行政制度是依据法律兴惯例制定的。
13.The assertion that the forms of the laws of physics are the same in all inertial systems is known as the principle of relativity.在一切惯性系中物理定律的形式都一样,这样的结论称为相对性原理。
14.a lack of conformity with law or custom or practice etc..与法律或传统或习惯等一致性的缺乏。
15.Design of Robust Guidance Law for SINS/GPS Guided Bomb惯性/卫星制导炸弹鲁棒制导律设计
16."In this way we have learned all that we know of the laws of astronomy, or of the habits of the social insects, let us say. "通过这样做,可以说我们已取得了有关天文学定律或是群居性昆虫习惯等的所有知识。
17.Regulations are also made on the functions and legal status of contract in the Chinese law according to the international practice.中国的法律也遵照国际惯例,对合同的作用和法律地位做了规定。
18.The regularity of a habit is generally in proportion to its absurdity.习惯的规律性通常与其荒谬的程度成正比。

inertia law惯性定律
1.The foundamental reason of inertia law of effect of key journals is the so-called “key effect”.核心期刊影响的惯性定律系指 ,期刊被确定为“核心”后 ,尽管“核心”是前一个时段期刊质量的评估结果 ,但这个结果所产生的影响仍然会在后一个时段内表现出来。
2.This paper introduces the cognition of the people on the inertia law before Descartes, and expounds the contributions of Descartes and his cotemporaneous persons to the inertia law and the solution made by Newton on this problem.介绍了笛卡儿以前人们对惯性定律的认识,阐述了笛卡儿及其同时代人对惯性定律的贡献以及牛顿对这一问题的总结。
3)Law of information inertia信息惯性定律
4)inertial law criterion惯性定律判据
5)galileo law of inertia伽利略惯性定律
6)newton law of inertia牛顿惯性定律
