《崇祯历书》,Chongzhen Lishu
1)Chongzhen Lishu《崇祯历书》
1.Keplerian Physical Astronomy in the Chongzhen Lishu;《崇祯历书》中的开普勒物理天文学思想
2.The Corrections for Atmospheric Refraction in Chongzhen Lishu and Lixiang Kaocheng Houbian;《崇祯历书》和《历象考成后编》中所述的蒙气差修正问题

1.The Problem Research about Xu Guangqi s Compiling and Translation of "ChongZhen calendar"and Its Real Effect;徐光启对《崇祯历书》的编译与其实际成效的问题研究
2.Bits of Reflections After Reading the Cherished Auspicious Edition of Jin Ping Mei Carefully Preserved in Shanghai Library;上海图书馆藏崇祯本《金瓶梅》观后琐记
3.Achievements and Historical Status of the Book on Farming by Wang Zhen;王祯《农书》的图学成就及其历史地位
4.During the reigns of Emperors Longqing, Wanli and Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty (1567-1644), the Wu Painting School flourished.明代隆庆、万历及崇祯(1567-1644)时期,是吴门画派最盛的时期。
5.The trying with the partition of property and succeeding step by step--the study on the way of succeeding with the pawn capital which could be found in "the Xiuning Cheng xu-yu’s matter about the partition in Chongzhen emperor two year";尝试性分业与阶段性继业——《崇祯二年休宁程虚宇立分书》所见典当资本继承方式研究
6.Comparison Study between Cihua Version and Chongzhen Version of Jinpingmei;《金瓶梅》词话本与崇祯本比较研究
7.The Disaster and the Society to Help Oneself in the Zhejiang Area Chongzhen Years in the Ming Dynasty;明崇祯年间浙江地区灾荒与社会自救
8.Study on TANG Xian-zu as the Reviewer and Reviser of Jin Ping Mei of Chongzhen Version崇祯本《金瓶梅》的评改者为汤显祖考论
9.On the Characteristics of Criticizing and Assessing JinpingmeiPrinted in Chongzhen Era (1628-1644)and its influences;略论崇祯本《金瓶梅》的评点特色及其影响
10.Revisiting the Relationship Between Various Congzhen Versions of Jinpingmei;再论《金瓶梅》崇祯本系统各本之间的关系
11.The Religious Phenomenon's Narrative Function of the First Chapter in the Chong Zhen "Jin Ping Mei"论崇祯本《金瓶梅》第一回宗教现象的叙事功能
12.In 1642 (15th year of the reign of Ming Emperor Chongzhen) the Dutch evicted the Spaniards and took over north Taiwan.1642年(明崇祯十五年),荷兰又取代西班牙占领台湾北部。
13.The Qing dynasty had been willing to negotiating with the Ming dynasty originally, but Emperor Chongzhen missed this chance.清军原先是愿意和明朝议和的,但崇祯却错失了这个机会。
14.Catholicism and Late Ming Society:Some Issues Relating to Nicolas Longobardo’s Missionary Activities in Shandong during the Chongzhen Reign in the Ming Dynasty天主教与明末社会:崇祯朝龙华民山东传教的几个问题
15.Weijing and Chongshi,Two Academies of Classical Learning and Their Historical Effect on the Dissemination of Western Science and Technology;味经、崇实书院及其在传播西方科技中的历史作用
16.The Analysis of Typical Image of Overthrown Monarch in Later Feudal Society--On the Feature of Emperor Cong Zhen in Historical Novel Li Zi Cheng;封建末世亡国之君的典型艺术形象——谈《李自成》对崇祯皇帝的人物塑造
17.WANG Nian-sun was collated in Du Shu Za Zhi always come in for scholars was canonized, but his fractional of conclusions are disputting.王念孙《读书杂志》对于古籍的校勘,历来受到学者们的推崇,但一些具体结论也多有争议。
18.Her books have a cult following.她的书有些人很崇拜。

Chongzhen Lishu崇祯历书
1.The Transmission and Influence of Ptolemy s Almagest Towards the End of the Ming Dynasty in China——A Case Study of Chongzhen Lishu;明代末期《至大论》在中国的流传和影响——以《崇祯历书》为例
1.Being Eager to Strive for Governance,Perished in Speed——Emperor Chongzhen;急于求治,速于亡国的崇祯皇帝
2.Studies Summary on Chongzhen in the Recent 20 years;近20年来崇祯研究综述
3.Brief Analysis of Natural Disastersin Zhejiang Province During Chongzhen 13 and 14 Years of Ming Dynasty;明崇祯十三、十四年浙江灾荒浅析
4)the end of Chongzhen's reign崇祯末年
5)Emperor Cong Zhen崇祯皇帝
1.The Analysis of Typical Image of Overthrown Monarch in Later Feudal Society——On the Feature of Emperor Cong Zhen in Historical Novel Li Zi Cheng;封建末世亡国之君的典型艺术形象——谈《李自成》对崇祯皇帝的人物塑造
6)Chongzhen Dynasty崇祯朝

《崇祯历书》  中国明代崇祯年间为改革历法而编的一部丛书。它从多方面引进了欧洲的古典天文学知识。全书共46种、137 卷(内有星图一折和恒星屏障一架)。编撰工作由专设的历局负责。全书主编是徐光启(徐光启死后由李天经主持)。崇祯二年(公元1629年)九月成立历局,开始编撰。到崇祯七年十一月全书完成。参加翻译欧洲天文学知识的有耶稣会士汤若望(日耳曼人)、罗雅谷(葡萄牙人)。在他们之前还有邓玉函(瑞士人)、龙华民(意大利人)等参加过短期工作。    《崇祯历书》包括天文学基本理论、天文表、必需的数学知识(主要是平面及球面三角学和几何学)、天文仪器以及传统方法与西法的度量单位换算表五类。由于主编徐光启强调把历法计算建立在了解天文现象原理的基础上,因此,理论部分共占全书三分之一篇幅。《崇祯历书》采用第谷创立的天体系统和几何学的计算方法。其优点是:引入了清晰的地球概念和地理经纬度概念,以及球面天文学、视差、大气折射等重要天文概念和有关的改正计算方法。它还采用了一些西方通行的度量单位:一周天分为360°;一昼夜分为96刻24小时;度、时以下采用60进位制等。    明未政治腐败,《崇祯历书》编成后并未用来编历。入清后,汤若望将《崇祯历书》删改为103卷,连同所编的新历本一起进呈清政府,得到颁行。新历定名为《时宪历》。删改的《崇祯历书》改称为《西洋新法历书》。《崇祯历书》在崇祯年间曾经刊刻,但未完成。入清后曾多次挖板或重刻,加上汤若望的删改,因此版次较乱,卷数不一。收入《四库全书》的 100卷本《西洋新法历书》,因避乾隆讳改称《西洋新法算书》。