外史论,theory of external history
1)theory of external history外史论
1.The theory of external history is an important precondition for S & TS,and the argument that the society, culture, politics and economy had all played historically important roles in the development of science and technology needs further careful exploration today.承认社会、文化、政治、经济等科学的外部环境对科学发展具有影响的外史论思想原则是科学技术学(S&TS)所遵循的理论前提之一,在走向科学技术学的今天对科技史学史中的外史论思想以及在此基础上进行的科技史研究加以研究与借鉴,理应成为这一学科的题中之义。

1.A Perspective of Sciences History by Y.Mikami──Forerunner of External History Theory: Viewing Science from Cultural History;外史论先驱者三上义夫的科学史观:文化史视野下的科学
2.A Unity of External Comments and Internal History --On the literary history and Carving of the Literary D ragon;论外史内 史论合一—《文心雕龙》与文学史刍论
3.On the Grand Scribe s "Writing Technique"--A Case Study of Waiqi Empresses and Their Clans in Records of the Grand Scribe;简论太史公“笔法”——以《史记·外戚世家》为例
4.Adhere to the Common Heart,Also the Unofficial History and also History:on the Unofficial History of the Scholars circle;秉持公心,亦“稗”亦史:论《儒林外史》
5.General History and Special History;一般的历史与特殊的历史──—论侯外庐《中国古代社会史论》的历史地位
6.On the Translation of Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions in the Scholars;论《儒林外史》中文化负载词的翻译
7.By "the Scholars" with the Confucianism Buddhism Taoism Thought Spirit;论《儒林外史》与儒释道思想的精神联结
8.The Impacts of the Invasion by Foreign Ethnic Group on Russian History in the Early Days;略论外族入侵对俄国早期历史的影响
9.The Unanticipated Consequences of Social Action:A Brief Theoretical History;社会行动的意外后果:一个理论简史
10.A Brief Discussion on the Role That the History Education Plays in the Foreign Chinese;论历史教育在对外汉语教学中的作用
11.Reflection of Relevance Theory in The Scholars Translated by Yang Xianyi;关联理论在杨译《儒林外史》中的显映
12.A Summary of the Review of Shakespeare s Historical Plays in 20th Century;20世纪国外莎士比亚历史剧评论综述
13.On the Establishment of Xixia and Its Position in the History in and out of China;论西夏立国及其在中外历史上的地位
14.Historical Evolution of Chinese Diplomatic Strategies during Period of Cold War;论冷战时期我国对外战略的历史演变
15.A Fresh Look at the Historical Causesof the One-side Diplomatic Policy;再论“一边倒”外交政策的历史成因
16.The Satiric Art Theory in the Wu s Criticism and Tian s Criticism of "The Informal History of Intellectuals;《儒林外史》卧评和天评中的讽刺艺术论
17.On the Gist of Self-Examination as Reflected in the Narrative Framework of the Classic The Scholars;论《儒林外史》结构框架的文化反思精神
18.An Analysis on the Cultural Connotation of the Aged about The Scholars论《儒林外史》中老年人形象的文化内蕴

theories of foreign hisoriography外国史学理论
3)On the Spring Clear Private Records《春明外史》简论
4)external history外史
1.About that problem,many Chinese scholars pay more attention to "internal history",and,even some scholars who focus the "external history" would insist the integration of "internal history" and "external history".自20世纪30年代以来,西方科学史在研究方法和解释框架上经历的一些变化和争论,大多涉及对“内史论”与“外史论”的界定、区分和评价。
2.This paper holds that the study of science history needs not only to shift the internal history to the external history or the synthetic history, but also to shift to the outside of history.提出了一些加强科学史研究应用与实践的设想,并认为:科学史研究不仅需要从“内史”走向“外史”、“综合史”,也极有必要走向“史外”。
3.This paper endeavors to grasp the new trend of the international study on the history of science at the turn of the century, through a review of the internal history, external history, anachron.通过对内史、外史、移时史、历时史以及科学史学研究进程的考察,以把握世纪之交国际科学史研究的新动向。
5)outside of history史外
1.This paper holds that the study of science history needs not only to shift the internal history to the external history or the synthetic history, but also to shift to the outside of history.提出了一些加强科学史研究应用与实践的设想,并认为:科学史研究不仅需要从“内史”走向“外史”、“综合史”,也极有必要走向“史外”。
6)comments on history史论
1.Chinese historical books are numerous, so are the comments on history.我国史籍之富,举世莫京,而史论之丰亦然,且皆散见各书,不便初学。
