技术认识论,technology epistemology
1)technology epistemology技术认识论
1.So the core of philosophy is technology epistemology and reasoning and logic of technology.技术哲学的研究对象应是自然技术, 技术的核心问题是技术发明, 技术哲学的核心问题应该是技术认识论和技术推理逻辑问题。
2.The research on philosophy of technology natually leads to the research on Technology Epistemology.技术认识论研究是技术哲学历史发展的必然诉求。

1.The Epistemological and Methodological Comparison of Science and Technology in Contemporary Times;科学与技术认识论、方法论的当代比较
2.Information Technology and Cognition Mode--On the Epistemology Informationalism in the Cognitive Science信息技术与认识方式——兼论认知科学中的认识论信息主义
3.Comment on Conceptualization of Double Certificated Teachers in Higher Vocational Education;试论对高等职业技术教育“双师”的认识
4.Cognition for the "Three Stake's" Formwork--the basic structure on the oretic system of science and technology (TSST)科学技术理论体系基本结构——“三桩柱”框架的认识
5.Some Cognition on the Theory of Science & Technology and Productive Forces;关于科学技术与生产力关系理论的几点认识
6.Review Development Forward of Epistemology from Research of Nanometer Science and Technology;从纳米科学技术研究看认识论纵深发展
7.From cognition to alteration of gene--gene targeting's scientific significance and revelation of methodology从认识基因到改造基因——论“基因靶向技术”的科学意义和方法论启示
8.Media Technology in Educational Technology--The New Cognition of Educational Technology;教育技术中的媒体技术——对教育技术的再认识
9.Rerealization of Technology,Technical Talents and Technical Education;对技术、技术型人才和技术教育的再认识(二)
10.Cognition of stakeholders property rights on technology innovation--the viewpoint of subjectivity property rights theory;技术创新利益相关者的产权认识——主体性产权理论的视角
11.Understanding & Thinking on Technological Innovation of Technological Enterprise;对科技型企业技术创新的认识与思考
12.On the Scientific Knowledge,the Technical Knowledge and the Engineering Knowledge;试论科学知识、技术知识与工程知识
13.Epistemological Significance and Artistic Value of Tianwang;论《天望》的认识论意义和艺术价值
14.Perceptions and Opinions of International Educational Technologists Related to Educational Technology;国际教育技术学专家对教育技术的认识与看法
15.So we must recognize the full importance of science and technology.对科学技术的重要性要充分认识。
16.We reacquainted ourselves with this technique.我们用这种技术来重新认识自己。
17.An Acquaintance with Higher Vocational Education从事高等职业技术教育的认识和体会
18.New Understanding on the Mechanism of Post Grout Injection for Bored Piles钻孔灌注桩后压浆技术机理的新认识

technological epistemology and methodology技术认识论与方法论
3)theory and technology of authentication认证理论和技术
1.Based on this, introduces theory and technology of authentication, applying it into information hiding system model, implementing an IH system based on this model.在此基础上 ,详细介绍了认证理论和技术 ,并把认证理论用于信息隐藏系统 ,提出了加入认证理论的信息隐藏系统模型 ,并实现了一个基于该模型的信息隐藏系统。
4)technical theoretical knowledge技术理论知识
1.The integration between technical theoretical knowledge and technical practical knowledge is the keystone and difficulty in the theory and practice of curriculum of vocational education.整合技术理论知识与技术实践知识是职业教育课程理论与实践的重点和难点。
5)awareness of science and technology科技认识
1.A leap of epistemology sustainable development on natural resources and environment;关于自然资源与环境可持续发展的认识论飞跃
2.On distance education and lifelong learning in the information age from the aspect of epistemology;从认识论角度看信息时代的远程教育与终生学习
3.Archrtecture"Epistemology"and Architectural Design"Methodology"of Keeping Pace with the Times;与时俱进的建筑“认识论”和建筑设计“方法论”

辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism  blanZhengweiwOZ卜U丫1 rens卜jlUn辩证唯物主义认识论(t heory ofkn。wle此eofd坛lectical mater认价皿)见认识论。