科学中性,neutrality of science
1)neutrality of science科学中性
1.This paper clarifies the implications in valueneutrality of science,and points out that science is neutral inside and outside.同时归纳出科学中性概念的诸多特点:历史性、与境性、相对性、集成性、两面性。
2)scientific character of TCM中医科学性
3)homogeneity in science科学中的同构性
4)Debating about TCM Scientific Quality中医科学性论析
5)The Research of the Scientificity of Chinese Medicine中医科学性研究
6)science in middle school中学科学

1.On Raising Students Scientific Quality in Science Teaching at Middle School;中学科学教学中学生科学素养的培养
2.The Theory of Scientific Quality and Scientific Education Reform in Secondary Schools;“科学素养说”和中学科学教育改革
3.On the Application of Psychological Education to the Science Teaching in Secondary School;教育心理学在中学科学教学中的应用
4.The Cultivation about Students Questions Awareness during Scientific Teaching in the Middle School;中学科学教学中学生“问题意识”的培养
5.Scientific Revolution and Scientific Communication in Scientific Community科学革命与科学共同体中的科学传播
6.On Features in Middle School Chemistry Teachers Scientific Quality and Teaching;中学化学教师的科学素养与化学教学的科学性
7.Construction of China s Discipline of Public Administration:Scientification and Sinolization;中国行政学学科建设:科学化和中国化
8.The Exploration of the Scientism Education in Junior Middle School "Science" Teaching;初中科学教学中科学方法教育的探索
9.Science Press科学出版社(中国)
10.history of Chinese education(science)中国教育史(学科)
11.A Research on Discipline Culture in the Process of Discipline Construction in College;大学学科建设进程中的学科文化研究
12.Research on Construction of Geosciences Discipline Based on the Perspective of Disciplinarity;学科规训视野中的地学学科建设研究
13.The Function of Philosophy of Science in Counter Attack the Receding of Anti-Science;科学哲学在与反科学的论战中的作用
14.Cultivation of Scientific Spirit in the Teaching of Physics;试论物理学科教学中科学精神的培养
15.The Perspective of Science Education in the Field of Vision of Sociology of Scientific Knowledgehina;2Q;科学知识社会学视野中的科学教育观
16.Science and Religion ──The Proper Theme in Philosophy of Science;科学与宗教──科学哲学题中应有之义
17.The Research on the Teaching of Science Curriculum in Primary and Secondary Schools Upon the Perspective of the Philosophy of Science科学哲学视域下的中小学科学课程教学研究
18.The Research on Educating Scientific Literacy of the Middle School Students in Chemistry;中学化学中学生科学素质培养的研究

scientific character of TCM中医科学性
3)homogeneity in science科学中的同构性
4)Debating about TCM Scientific Quality中医科学性论析
5)The Research of the Scientificity of Chinese Medicine中医科学性研究
6)science in middle school中学科学

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