科学自由,science freedom
1)science freedom科学自由
1.Since anti-science trials on scientists (such as Galileo Galilei) occurred, science freedom has been considered as an inherent right of scientists.自伽利略受审等科学悲剧发生以后,科学自由就一直被视为科学家们的天赋权利,可是,社会发展的现实却告诉我们,科学自由不能够是无边界的、绝对的,而应该是有边界的、相对的。
2)scientific view on freedom科学自由观
3)the freedom of scientific research科学研究自由
1.This determines that the basic value-orientation of science and technology legal system is to guarantee the freedom of scientific research.科学研究自由具有双重性 :作为思想自由 ,它是一项消极的权利 ;作为行为自由与社会文化权利 ,它是一项积极权利。

1.Legal Appreciation of the Freedom of Scientific Research Activities;科学研究自由的法律评价──兼议“法律应否对科学研究设置禁区?”
2.However, there is no such thing as Forschungprivileg. The freedom of scientific research should be in compliance with constitutionality.在我国,并不存在研究特权,科学研究自由权也受到了一定的限制。
3.Contradiction between the Efficiency and the Freedom of Scientific Research in Scientific Research Project System and Its Rationalization;课题制中效率与科学研究自由的矛盾及其合理化
4.One should permit a scientist a lot of latitude in his research.对于科学家应该准许很大的研究自由。
5.The arts and scientific research shall be free of constraint. Academic freedom shall be respected.艺术与科学研究不应受限制。学术自由应被尊重。
6.One should permit [give, allow] a scientist a lot of latitude in his research.对于科学家应该准许 [给予,容许] 很大的研究自由。
7.The Chinese citizens enjoy freedom of scientific research and literary and artistic creation.中国公民有进行科学研究、文化艺术创作的自由。
8.Academic Free Discussion is a prerequisite for the Development of Science --Comment on the Book RECENT ADVANCES IN FASTER THAN LIGHT RESEARCH;学术自由讨论是科学发展的前提——评黄志洵新著《超光速研究新进展》
9.Those branches of knowledge, such as philosophy, literature, and art, that are concerned with human thought and culture;the liberal arts.人文科学研究人类思想和文明的学科,如哲学、文学、艺术;自由主义艺术
10.It provided all nations freedom of scientific inquiry but obligated them to share the results.它让一切国家自由地进行科学探索,但也规定各国共享研究的成果。
11.Research on Scientific Computing Free Software Scilab and Blind Signal Separation Problems;科学计算自由软件Scilab与盲信号分离若干问题研究
12.The Study of Athlete Selection Method in Chinese Aerials of Freestyle Skiing;我国自由式滑雪空中技巧运动员科学选材方法的研究
13.Can Human Brain Solve the Secreat of Human Brain--Comment on Mordern Study of Neuroscience;人脑的奥秘能否由人脑自身揭示——浅谈神经科学现代研究方法
14.Freedom and its norms--On the establishment of ethic and legal norms in the researches of life science;自由及其规范——生命科学研究中的伦理、法律规范的建构
15.Scientists investigate natural phenomena.科学家研究自然现象。
16.-- from Lucky Accidents in Science——译自《科学研究的幸遇》
17.The Scientific and Technical Rationality and Freedom--on Hayek s Analytical Way;科技理性与自由——哈耶克分析进路研究
18.Value of Big Science and the Choice for the Scientific Research System;自由而负责任的科学——大科学的价值和当代中国科研体制的选择

scientific view on freedom科学自由观
3)the freedom of scientific research科学研究自由
1.This determines that the basic value-orientation of science and technology legal system is to guarantee the freedom of scientific research.科学研究自由具有双重性 :作为思想自由 ,它是一项消极的权利 ;作为行为自由与社会文化权利 ,它是一项积极权利。
4)intersubject free learning科际自由学习
1.Japanese education pays close attention to students’ character edvelopment from the point of intersubject,and summarizes an operational educational mode-intersubject free learning.日本教育从跨学科的视野关注学生的个性发展,总结出了具有可操作性的个性化教育范式——科际自由学习。
5)Science:Criticism and Liberty科学、批判与自由
6)freedom of scientific research科研自由
1.When researchers pursuing the progress of science and technology,seeking for the freedom of scientific research and realization self-value,they should be accepting their o.北京奥运面临着基因兴奋剂的巨大挑战,除了在法律法规方面加以限制和改进检测技术外,也应从基因兴奋剂开发者的角度思考科研人员在追求科技进步、科研自由,实现自我价值的同时也应该接受自身道德的约束。
