科学乌托邦主义,scientific utopianism
1)scientific utopianism科学乌托邦主义
1.Having developed fast since the modern times,scientific utopianism in 20th century,encountered suspect and criticism from different perspectives,such as suspects within utopian horizon,criticism on technological society and reflection on technological civilization.从近代开始孕育的科学乌托邦主义思潮在几个世纪里蓬勃发展,但在20世纪遭遇到了乌托邦视域当中浪漫主义、科学敌托邦、反科学乌托邦和其他乌托邦的质疑,卢德主义和新卢德主义、法兰克福学派、现象学和存在主义等展开的科技社会批判,从精神分析学和文化心理学、科技理性与科技文化等角度展开的科技文明反思。
2.Since modern times,the ideal design of human future has been closely connected with science and thus formed the scientific utopianism with far-reaching significance.自近代以来,对人类未来的理想设计就与科学紧密联系在一起,形成了影响深远的科学乌托邦主义社会思潮。

1.Multi-dimensional Destruction of Scientific Utopianism and its Revelations;科学乌托邦主义的多维解构及其启示
2.Background and Connotation of Scientific Utopianism;科学乌托邦主义的问题提出和概念内涵
3.MVRDV-A Modern Utopianism TeamMVRDV——现代的乌托邦主义者
4.Utopia,Anti-utopia,Dystopia and Science Fcition乌托邦、反乌托邦、恶托邦及科幻小说
5.Marcuse’s Socialism: From Science to Utopia --On Marcuse’s Theory of Socialism;马尔库塞的社会主义:从科学走向乌托邦——评马尔库塞的社会主义理论
6.Utopianism in Toni Morrison s Beloved;托妮.莫里森《宠儿》中的乌托邦主义
7.From Utopia to Scientific Practice: The Logic Role of Harmony Theory in the History of Marxism从乌托邦到科学实践——和谐社会理论在马克思主义发展史上的逻辑地位
8.A human trait is the possession of idealistic Utopian spirit.理想主义乌托邦精神是人的特质之一。
9.Modernity·Utopia·the Developing Course of China s Socialism;现代性·乌托邦·中国社会主义发展历程
10.The Revival of the Spirit of Utopia:The Western Marxists’ New Reflections on Utopia乌托邦精神的复兴——西方马克思主义对乌托邦的新反思
11.the dim utopian future; utopian idealists; recognized the utopian nature of his hopes.令人怀疑的乌托邦未来;乌托邦的理想主义者;认识到他希望的乌托邦本质。
12.The Root of Utopian Holism--The Theoretical Difference between Plato and Popper s Political philosophies;乌托邦的整体主义根源——兼论柏拉图和波普政治哲学的理论差异
13.Ecologic Dialectics & Liberated Utopian;生态辩证法与解放的乌托邦——评本·阿格尔的生态学马克思主义理论
14.The Boundary and Significance of the Moral Utopia in Socialist Modernization道德乌托邦在社会主义现代化中的边界和意义
15.a pseudomystical utopia on the Wellsian plan基于威尔斯式构想的拟神秘主义乌托邦
16.Modernity,Utopia,the History and Reality of Socialism in China;现代性、乌托邦与中国社会主义的历史和现实
17.A Critique of Ernst Bloch’s "Marxist" Utopia;批判恩斯特·布洛赫的“马克思主义”乌托邦
18.Cultural "Utopia"--Post-Marxist Cultural Construction of Jameson;文化的“乌托邦”——詹姆逊后马克思主义文化建构

1.This thesis is devoted to the study of utopianism in Toni Morrison s Beloved.莫里森《宠儿》中的乌托邦主义进行了研究,认为在小说人物争取和谐的生存环境,追求完整自我的行为过程中体现了乌托邦的精神;主人公经验的普遍化推进了世界的大同,也是乌托邦主义的体现。
3)Feminist utopia女性主义乌托邦
1.This paper argues that a vision of a new social structure based on cooperation and harmony with the natural world is a disguising feature of American feminist utopian novels.美国女性主义乌托邦文学家的作品既饱含历史理性,又表现出人文关怀和生态关怀。
2.While traditional feminist utopian fiction presents a vision of an ideal society,feminist dystopian fiction depicts a nightmarish future world and warns people to reexamine themselves.女性主义乌托邦小说代表了每个时代女性最深切的愿望,表达了对既定两性秩序的批判和否定,对理想两性关系模式的肯定和追求。
3.How to establish the ideal two-sex-relationship is the major concern of the feminist utopias.如何建立理想的两性关系,重塑女性形象和价值,是女性主义乌托邦小说的核心话题。
1.The formerly Utopianist is pioneer of Marxism,but Utopianist is short of middle stage,loses contact with reality and is not know how to live.从前的乌托邦主义者是马克思主义的先行者,但是乌托邦主义者缺乏中间阶段,脱离现实,不善生活。
5)utopia realism乌托邦现实主义
6)Liberal Utopia自由主义乌托邦
