浮士德精神,Faustian Spirit
1)Faustian Spirit浮士德精神
1.Faustian Spirit and Esthetic Modernity——ZONG Bai-hua s Study on Apocalypse of Goethe s Life;浮士德精神与审美现代性——试论宗白华对歌德之人生启示的研究
2.Faustian Spirit and Aesthetic Modernity——On Zong Baihua s Research on Goethe s Life Revelation;浮士德精神与审美现代性问题——试论宗白华对歌德之人生启示的研究

1.Fausts Spirit:Reinterpretation and Reflections;何只“自强不息”!——“浮士德精神”的反思
2.Faustian Spirit and Esthetic Modernity--ZONG Bai-hua s Study on Apocalypse of Goethe s Life;浮士德精神与审美现代性——试论宗白华对歌德之人生启示的研究
3.Suddenly a Faustian spirit of discontent and universal reform descends on you.突然间,你成了浮士德精神的化身,对现实不满,要实行世界性的改革。
4.Faustian Spirit and Aesthetic Modernity--On Zong Baihua s Research on Goethe s Life Revelation;浮士德精神与审美现代性问题——试论宗白华对歌德之人生启示的研究
5.The Spirit of Faust and the Western Culture of Science and Technology浮士德精神与西方科技文化——纪念爱好科学的杰出诗人和思想家歌德诞辰260周年
6.The Dispute on the Spirit between Tragedy and Comedy in Goethe s Faustus;歌德《浮士德》的悲、喜剧精神之辨
7.The singer who searches for the spiritual homestead--A groping for The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus;寻找精神家园的“歌手”——《浮士德》探幽
8.On the Reflection of Spirit of the Time by Faust by the Different World Outlook between Fayst and Fretxgeb;从浮士德与格蕾欣不同的世界观看浮士德体现的时代精神
9.Faust:A Tragedy of Reason理性悲剧《浮士德》:人类灵魂与时代精神的发展史
10.Relation and Variation of Humane Spirit in Faust and The Book of Job , Bible;《浮士德》与《圣经·约伯记》中人文精神的联系和变异
11.On the Similar Spirit of the Writers from Different Places-A Spiritual Dialogue between Red Chamber Dream and Faust;异域文豪的心灵之约——《红楼梦》与《浮士德》的精神对话
12.The Height and Limitation of the Enlightenment Spirit--On the Inspiration of Faust as the Tragedy of Reason;启蒙精神的高度与限度——试论理性悲剧《浮士德》的启示意义
13.On the pantheistical thought of capitalized I included in Faust and Goddess试论《浮士德》与《女神》中泛神论“大我”思想
14.Myth Tradition in Western Literature and The Tragical History of Dr Faustus;西方文学中的神话传统与《浮士德博士的悲剧》
15.The Faust of Contemporary Society--The Rootage and Incentive of Anxiety in Intellectuals of Bellow's Novels当代世界中的浮士德——论贝娄笔下知识分子的精神焦虑及其激励作用
16.Faust Who Shatters Traditional Bondages 棗Scrutinizing "Faust;冲出传统牢笼的浮士德——细读《浮士德》
17.On the literati and officialdom s carrying forward the spirit of moral reason in the Song Dynasty;论宋代士大夫对道德理性精神的弘扬
18.Although the idealistic and chivalric Don Quixote is thought to be mad,堂吉诃德富有理想主义精神和骑士精神,却被认为是疯狂的,

1.On Carnivalesque Feature of the Faust s Plot Structure;论《浮士德》情节结构的狂欢化特色
2.New Research of Faust——Christian interpretation of the masterpiece;《浮士德》新探——基督教圣经视野下的文本解读
1.The singer who searches for the spiritual homestead——A groping for The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus;寻找精神家园的“歌手”——《浮士德》探幽
2.The Dispute on the Spirit between Tragedy and Comedy in Goethe s Faustus;歌德《浮士德》的悲、喜剧精神之辨
3.Myth Tradition in Western Literature and The Tragical History of Dr Faustus;西方文学中的神话传统与《浮士德博士的悲剧》
1.The Prototype of the "Blind" Complex in Goethe s Doctor Faust;歌德《浮士德》“瞎眼”情结原型解读
2.A Comparison between Lisao and Faust——the humanistic perspectives of Chinese and Western intellectuals;《离骚》与《浮士德》对读说要——中西知识分子的人学视野
5)Goethe's Faust歌德《浮士德》
1.Analysis on the Chivalry from Song of Roland;从《罗兰之歌》看骑士精神
2.They both hoped to realise their own dreams under the guidance of chivalry,disregard of the change of age and circumstance,so they were also doomed to fail.他们全然不顾时代的变迁、环境的变化,以骑士精神为准则,坚定地追寻自己心中的梦想,都以失败而告终;尽管他们在追求路上所体现的精神境界不可同日而语,但他们在黑暗时代里对于理想自我本体的执著追求,共同彰显了人类的生存价值。
3.This paper studies Quentin Compson’s Quixotic chivalry and his chivalric actions in William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury.研究福克纳《喧哗与骚动》中昆丁·康普生的堂吉诃德式的骑士精神及荣誉、理想、慷慨、爱情等表现形式,认为在美国南方种植园经济向商业经济转型时期,昆丁一直都以自己独特的方式顽强地抗争着,但他的结局却只能是失败,他自己也只能是一个令人敬佩的堂吉诃德式的英雄。
