科学文本,scientific text
1)scientific text科学文本
1.The myth analysis mode of scientific texts and its change科学文本研究的神话范式及其转变
2.The research on scientific text is both meaningful and feasible.科学文本的研究既是有意义的也是可能的。
2)text science文本科学
3)dissertations of university students本科学位论文
1.Enhance the quality of dissertations of university students, perfect the education system of information cultivation in higher institutions;文章在分析高校本科学位论文质量下滑原因的基础上,论述学位论文质量与信息素养教育的关系,以及大学信息素养教育的重要性,探讨了我国高校信息素养教育的有效途径。

1.On Improvement of the Quality of Undergraduates'Dissertations提高农业院校本科学位论文质量的途径
2.Analysis on Causes Influencing Quality of Undergraduate Dissertation and Countermeasures影响本科学位论文质量的原因分析及对策
3.On the Ontology of Translation Literature in the Construction of Translation Studies;论翻译文学在翻译学学科建设中的本体论地位
4.On the Bachelor's Degree Thesis Writing From the Visual Angle of Undergraduate Teaching Assessment从本科教学评估的视角论学士学位论文的写作
5.Law Science Thesis’ Role in Undergraduate Education论法学学位论文在法学本科教育中的作用
6.In this thesis, a scientific orientated method was used for distinguishing the theoretical foundation of the administrative law science.本文试图通过一个科学定位方法来界定行政法学理论基础。
7.On the trinity of natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities and its co-ordinated development;论自然科学、社会科学、人文科学的三位一体关系
8.Reconstructing Science Textbooks Discourse of Nature of Science;论理科教科书科学本质文本话语的重建
9.Cultural Options for Universities and Their Types of Functions--Functional Position of Newly-established Local Universities;大学的文化选择与功能类型——兼论地方新建本科院校的功能定位
10.The Exploration on Regularity of Citation in Doctoral Thesis;我校理科博士学位论文引文规律初探
11.Primary Cognition of E-Government Science:Basic Theme and Subject Orientation初识电子政务学:基本论题和学科定位
12.The role of guide-book to the classics in the teaching of the humanities in universities;经典文本导读在大学人文学科教学中的地位
14.Discussion on management of graduation thesis(graduation project);论大学本科毕业论文(设计)的管理
15.The New Definition of Comparative Literature as Ontological-Hybrid Comparative Literature;比较文学的学科定位及元—泛比较文学论
16.Put Essence aside--A Reflection on the Literary Theory study;“本质的悬置”:文学理论学科性之反思
17.Rethinking of Comparative Literature as a Discipline;关于比较文学学科基本理论的再思考
18.On the School Locates of Regional University Subordinates in Key City;论中心城市地方本科高校的办学定位

text science文本科学
3)dissertations of university students本科学位论文
1.Enhance the quality of dissertations of university students, perfect the education system of information cultivation in higher institutions;文章在分析高校本科学位论文质量下滑原因的基础上,论述学位论文质量与信息素养教育的关系,以及大学信息素养教育的重要性,探讨了我国高校信息素养教育的有效途径。
4)undergraduate astronomical education天文学本科教育
1.The differences in undergraduate astronomical education home and abroad are compared.通过中美大学天文学本科教育的横向比较及国内大学天文学本科教育的纵向比较,从天文学教育的培养目标、课程设置、教学机构3个方面,阐述了当前国内天文学本科教育的现状,拓宽了天文学本科教育改革的思路。
5)scientific text study科学文本研究
1.This paper will clarify the differences between the approaches and orient the scientific rhetoric analysis in the whole scientific text study.近些年来的科学文本研究根据各自的理论前提和研究方法,已经形成了不同的研究进路。
6)graduate's dissertation本科学生毕业论文

国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)advanced technology development of national defense science and technology  guomng kexue listiu Xlanqi lishu切ifa国防科学技术元期仪不井汉哗u-vanced teehnology develoPment ofnationalde-fense seienee and teehnology)见国防科学技术预先研究。