政治张力,political tension
1)political tension政治张力
1.But with the development of technology,it shows a great political tension.技术与政治统一于人类社会的实践过程,然而技术的飞速发展使得其自身表现出巨大的政治张力
2)political opinion政治主张
1.The political opinion of each school of the dissident movement of the Soviet Union had lots of both similarities and differences.苏联持不同政见者运动各个派别的政治主张既有相似之处,亦有许多不同之处。

1.Has some strange political ideas.有一些怪异的政治主张
2.Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism.保守的保守主义政治主张的或与保守主义政治主张有关的
3.He was engaged in politics for many years and had very strong political opinions.他从政多年,有很强的政治主张
4.Political Opinion and Realistic Enlightenment of Wait to Visit and Record Bright and Safely;《明夷待访录》的政治主张与现实启示
5.On Shen Junru's Constitutional and Political Thinking during the Period of the Anti-Japanese War论抗战时期沈钧儒的宪政思想与政治主张
6.The Analysis and Discussion of the Political Opinion of the Main Schools of the Dissident Movement in the Soviet Union;苏联持不同政见者主要派别政治主张异同点论析
7.standed for Technocracy, opposed politics of army man and spoil;主张“专家政治”,反对“武人政治”、“分赃政治”;
8.a political theory favoring the abolition of governments.主张废除政府的政治理论。
9.A group of breakaway political reformers.一群主张分裂的政治改革家
10.He is a strong advocate of reforms on the political system.他竭力主张改革政治体制。
11.China proposes a political settlement of the Iraq issue.我们主张政治解决伊拉克问题。
12.a political theory favoring unlimited authority by a single individual.主张个人集权的政治理论。
13.a political theory advocating state ownership of industry.主张企业国有化的政治理论。
14.Its also proposes an important strategic idea, i.《司马法》主张施政“以仁为本,以义治之”。
15.The Analysis on Political Thought and Ideas of Chen Qixiu in 1917-1927陈启修的政治思想与主张论析(1917-1927)
16.The Research on "Revised Democratic Politics" of Zhang Junmai张君劢“修正的民主政治”思想研究
17.of or relating to or supporting or characteristic of an oligarchy.属于、关于寡头政治, 主张寡头政治,或具有寡头政治特征。
18.a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism).主张独裁分层政府(与民主主义和自由主义敌对)的政治理论。

political opinion政治主张
1.The political opinion of each school of the dissident movement of the Soviet Union had lots of both similarities and differences.苏联持不同政见者运动各个派别的政治主张既有相似之处,亦有许多不同之处。
3)political stand政治主张
1.On Su Shi s political stand and the reasons for its formation;试论苏轼的政治主张及其形成原因
4)political expansion政治扩张
5)political views政治主张
1.There are some distinct differences between the political views and aims of the Hui people s revolt in Gansu province and that of DU Wen - xiu Revolt in Yunnan province.甘肃回民起义和杜文秀起义在政治主张和追求的目标上有着十分明显的差异。
2.Meanwhile,it put forward a series of political views,which played a great role in advocating the civil rights,revealing KMT\'s dictatorship,waking up the intellectuals\' consciousness.1932年成立的中国民权保障同盟存在的时间不长,但是对中国革命作出了独特的历史贡献:在白色恐怖下,开展了以反对蒋介石独裁统治为目标的民权保障运动,提出了一系列政治主张,在伸张民权,揭露国民党独裁统治,唤醒知识分子觉悟等方面起了巨大的作用。
6)political power政治权力
1.On the construction of capability of governance from the legitimacy of the political power;从政治权力的合法性看执政能力建设
2.Analysis of influence of political power on journalism and communication;政治权力对新闻传播事业的影响
3.Constructing modern theory of political power ——Elucidating the public power;构建政治权力的现代语境——公共权力的理论分析

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。