工具实在论,instrumental realism
1)instrumental realism工具实在论

1.Theoretical Connotion of Ihde's Instrumental Realism and Its Paradox伊德工具实在论理论内涵及悖论分析
2.Struggle between realism and instrumentalism in modern western philosophy of science;现代西方科学哲学实在论与工具论的斗争
3.Consensus-building in Policy Argumentation:Practical Logic and Methodological Tools;政策论证中的共识构建:实践逻辑与方法论工具
4.Application of AutoCAD s Solid Tools to Drawing the Furniture Layout;AutoCAD的实体工具在绘制家具设计图中的应用
5.Conclusion Mental nursing can decrease the rate of induced abortion syndrome.结论:心理护理能够减少人工流产综合征的发生,在人工流产手术中具有实用价值。
6.There are still shortcomings in the theoretical tools.在理论工具上还是有不足之处。
7.On Choosing Choose Locating Criterion in Machine Tool and Clamping Apparatus;论工件在机床夹具中定位基准的选择
8.On Identification of " Robbery in Public Transportation Vehicles;论“在公共交通工具上抢劫”的认定
9.Financial Policies Setting Tools That Have Great Impetus on Independent Innovation:Theoretical and Empirical Study;推动自主创新的财政政策工具理论及实证研究
10.Study on the Theory and Practice of China s Window Guidance-one of the Monetary Policy Instruments;我国窗口指导货币政策工具的理论与实践
11.The Policy Tool of New Public Management: A Research on Theory and Practice of PPP Model;新公共管理的政策工具:PPP的理论与实践分析
12.Position and practice:on Bourdieu s main conception tools(Ⅱ);场域与实践:略论布迪厄的主要概念工具(下)
13.Theoretical Basis and Empirical Tests of the Rational Analysis of Policy Instruments Selection政策工具选择理性分析的理论基础与实证检验
14.Truth with Humanity;具有人性的真理观——普特南内在实在论真理观
15.Application of Skopos Theory in Translation of Financial Derivatives;翻译目的论在金融衍生工具翻译总的应用
16.On Practical Application of MAO Ze-dong s Philosophical Thought in Archive Management;论毛泽东哲学思想在档案工作中的具体运用
17.Natural Axiology:from Tool Value to Intrinsic Value从“工具价值”到“内在价值”:自然价值论进展
18.A Discuss on Yu Weichao s Archaeological Theory and Practice;思想是考古学的工具——论俞伟超的考古学理论与实践

instrumental realism school工具实在论学派
1.According to instrumental realism school,a scientific technological embodiment is a means of scientific discovery and knowledge production,and instrument is a manner of scientific and technological embodiment.工具实在论学派认为,科学的技术体现是科学发现和知识产生的手段,仪器是科学技术体现的方式。
3)external realism外在实在论
4)internal realism内在实在论
1.The extremity and outlet of the internal realism;内在实在论的困境及出路
2.from scientific realism to internal realism, and then from internal realism to natural realism.普特南在追求这一目标的过程中 ,经历了两次重大的思想转变 ,即由科学实在论向内在实在论转变 ,再由内在实在论向自然实在论转变。
3.Putnam, as a scientific realist, he advanced his own viewpoint of truth above internal realism.作为科学实在论者的普特南在深入考虑传统的真理符合论、实用主义真理观和其他理论的基础上,提出了其“内在实在论”真理观。
1.Struggle between realism and instrumentalism in modern western philosophy of science;现代西方科学哲学实在论与工具论的斗争
2.On Truth in the Field of Vision between Scientific Realism and Anti-realism;科学实在论和反实在论视野中的真理
1.20 Century Anti-realism "Syntactic Turn"and Its Essential Feature;20世纪反实在论"语形学的转向"及其本质特征
2.Analysis shows that the explanation of the success of theories provided by anti-realism and non-realism is a kind of tautology,or will inevitably slide into the explanation of realism.分析表明,反实在论和非实在论对理论成功提供的说明要么是同义反复,要么就是不可避免地滑向实在论的说明,因此真理或近似为真成了理论成功惟一可以称得上自然的终极说明。
