技术人工物,Technical artifacts
1)Technical artifacts技术人工物
1.The Relation between Structure and Function of Technical Artifacts技术人工物的结构与功能之间的关系

1.The Relation between Structure and Function of Technical Artifacts技术人工物的结构与功能之间的关系
2.Artificial Cultivation of Tibetan Medicine Plant in Plateau Area藏药植物在高原地带的人工栽培技术
3.Adapt the Reformation and Development of Universities and Enforce the Education of Technology and Material Personnel s Quality;适应技术物资工作机构改革 加强技术物资人员素质培养
4.Reconstruction of Bladder Tissue with Biological Substitutes Using Tissue-engineering Technique;采用组织工程技术建造生物性人工膀胱组织
5.Theory of Covert Site in the Course of Artificiality Creation人工物技术创造过程中的隐蔽场所理论
6.A Study on the Biological Characters of Lactarius Hatsutake Tanaka and Its Semi-artificial Cultivation;红汁乳菇生物学特性与半人工栽培技术研究
7.Bioremediation of Organic Matter Accumulation in Artificial Soil Rapid Infiltration Bed;生物修复技术在人工土快滤处理中应用的研究
8.Studies on Biology and Artifical Propagation of Ophiocephalus Argus in Poyang Lake;鄱阳湖乌鳢生物学及其人工繁殖技术的研究
9.The Research of Propagation Biology and Artificial Culture Technology on Sebastes Schlegeli Hilgendorf;许氏平(鲉)繁殖生物学及人工养殖技术的研究
10.Studies Related to the Artificial Breeding and Embryo Biotechnology of Chinese Tree Shrew;树鼩人工繁育及其相关胚胎生物技术的研究
11.Studies on Bionomics and Artificial Feedstuff of Sweet Potato Sphinges, Herse Convolvuli;甘薯天蛾若干生物学特性及人工饲养技术研究
12.Studies on Biological Characteristics and Manual Cultivation Technology of Shiraia Bambusicola;竹黄菌(Shiraia bambusicola)生物学性状及其人工培养技术研究
13.Development of New Pattern of Bioengineering Talents Training;构建生物工程特色的酿酒技术人才培养新模式
14.Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Logistics Demand Forecastanufact;人工神经网络技术在物流需求量预测中的应用
15.A view of cultural patterns of technological development from the perspective of artifacts evolution;从人工物的进化过程看技术发展的文化模式
16.Study of Rapid Propagation of Several Aquatic Plants几种水生植物人工培养快繁技术的研究
17.Pollution-free Cultural Practices for Multi-purpose Plant Costus speciosus多功能植物闭鞘姜无公害人工栽培技术研究
18.Working Group on Biotechnology Safety生物技术安全工作组

skilled workers技术工人
1.Practice and discussion of growth of the coal-skilled workers煤矿技术工人成长的实践和探讨
2.The shortage of skilled workers has already affected the development of some enterprises in China and the morbidity of the value-cultivation-mechanism of skilled workers is one of the key reasons.技术工人的短缺已经影响到我国很多企业的健康发展,通过研究发现目前技术工人价值培养机制的不健全是造成该问题的一个重要原因。
3)skilled worker技术工人
1.On how to improve the training of oilfield skilled worker;改进油田技术工人培训的几点设想
2.The growing story of the skilled workers proved that their growth is influenced by both the vocational high school and the factory.从现有的一些技术工人的成长经历来看,他们的成长受职业学校和工厂的双重影响。
3.It is of great importance to integrate the skilled worker resources for capital construction.整合技术工人资源对当今推动首都建设具有重大意义,一是能扎扎实实地为首都技术创新工程服务,二是能及时有力地为首都经济持续发展服务,三是能快速准确地为首都各种抢险救灾服务,四是能积极有效地为首都国防科技动员服务。
4)technical worker技术工人
1.Short of technical workers is one of the reasons which affect our country s economy develop by a higher speed.技术工人的短缺是影响中国经济以更快速度发展的障碍之一。
2.The incisive contradictory between supply and demand of the technical workers becomes the important barrier which our country economy continues to grow.技术工人供求矛盾尖锐成为中国经济持续增长的重要障碍。
3.However, presently, our labour market is severely deficient in senior technical workers.李斌立足本职岗位,不断学习和运用最新数控加工和编程技术,从一名普通工人成长为技术专家,是新时期我国技术工人的楷模。
5)technical workers技术工人
1.In the cultivation of technical workers,schools must attach importance on practice learning and teaching,exert the function of apprenticeship,innovate fictitious reality environment and develop fictitious teaching resources by modern multi-media simulation technology.在技术工人的培养过程中,必须重视实践性学习和教学,发挥学徒制应有的作用,并利用现代多媒体仿真技术创造虚拟现实环境、开发虚拟教学资源,而教师在教学中也要注意将其隐性的教学经验显性化,引导学生将显性知识内化到活动中去。
2.chapter 1 IntroductionThis chapter offers a general look into some existing problems of technical workers in Chinaand defines technical worker.首先,从宏观角度提出了我国技术工人存在的问题;并界定技术工人的内涵;其次,提出了本文研究目的和意义,并介绍了本文研究的主要内容和创新点。
6)skilled laBor技术工人
1.However, skilled labor seems ignored.人力资本是企业核心能力的载体 ,这一趋势已不容争辩 ,而技术工人似乎受到了冷落。

人工受精与人工授精人工受精与人工授精artificial fertilization and artificial insemination 我国学者把“人工受精”与“人工授精”两名词区别开来:前者指人工体外受精而言,后者指把精液注入到妇女的阴道或宫颈管、宫腔内,使精、卵在体内相遇。人卵体外受精与胚胎移植后出生的婴儿俗称试管婴儿。