有线电报,wire telegraph
1)wire telegraph有线电报
1.The process of establishment and development of wire telegraph system is studied and it is believed that its comparatively sluggish growth even though,its establishment has initiated a new epoch and laid the foundation for Chinese communication industry,and played an important role in military,economy,education,given impetus to the social development of late Qing Dynasty as well.晚清有线电报事业是在抵抗西方列强的窥视和侵略中,为满足军事、经济等方面的迫切需求而创建并发展起来的。

1.wired telegraph-type fire alarm box有线电报式火灾报警箱
2.filter ,carrier-current, for line telegraphic or telephonic systems载波滤波器,有线电报或电话系统用
3.Cellular telephone subscribers,Cable TV subscribers,Daily newspaper circulation手机用户,有线电视用户,日报发行量
4.wired together to an alarm system.有电线连接在一起的警报系统。
5.coach, railway, equipped with radio or telegraph apparatus ,not self-propelled非自动推进铁道车辆,装有无线电或电报装置
6.radio typewriter无线电电传打字电报机
7.The dispatching of a signal,message,or other form of intelligence by wire, radio,telegraphy,telephony,facsimile,or other means.用有线、无线电、电报、电话、传真或其它方法发送信号、报文或其它形式的消息。
8.long-range telephone and telegraph radio communications远程无线电话电报通讯
9.syntonic wireless telegraphy共振无线电报 (电讯)
10.An urgent message was radioed to us this morning.今天早上有条紧急消息以无线电报发给我们。
11.UN in Action/CNN World Report联合国在行动中/有线电视新闻网世界报道
12.Jack covered the Gulf War for CNN then.杰克当时替美国有线新闻电视网报导海湾战争。
13.He covered the Gulf War for CNN then.他当时替美国有线新闻电视网报导海湾战争。
14.A wire or system of wires connecting telephone or telegraph systems.电话线连接电话或电报系统的电线或电线系统
15.coil, loading, for insertion in telephone or telegraph line circuits加感线圈,插入电话或电报外线电路的
16.Interference from one telegraph circuit to another telegraph circuit or into telephone circuits.一条电报线路或电话线路对另一条电报线路或电话线路的干扰。
17.Van Duuren radiotelegraph system范杜伦无线电报系统
18.radio auto-alarm system无线电自动报警系统

wired telegraph system有线电报系统
3)facsimile apparatus line telegraphic有线电报传真机
4)wired telegraph-type fire alarm box有线电报式火灾报警箱
5)wired alarming有线报警
6)telegraph wire电报线
