身体图式,body schema
1)body schema身体图式

1.Body Image and Body Schema: A Study of Embodied Cognition身体意象与身体图式——具身认知研究
2.Attentional Bias to Body-related Information in Persons with Weight-related Negative Physical Self Schema: An ERP Study;胖负面身体自我图式女性对身体信息注意偏向的ERP研究
3.A Brief Study on the Intent of Metamorphosis Mode in Literature Tradition to Transcend the Physical Death;略论中西方文学里变形模式“超越身体死亡”的意图
4.The Tragedy of Human Body--Interpreting the Picture of Human Body in Goethe s Faust;肉身的悲剧——解读歌德《浮士德》的身体图景
5.fully transistorized electrocardiograph全晶体管式心电图机
6.She is now at Lu-shan sanatorium and endeavouring to pull round.她目前在庐山休养所,力图把身体养好。
7.serving an aesthetic purpose in beautifying the body.满足美化身体的某种审美意图。
8.The Ecological Significance of Body in Daoism Viewed from Picture of Inner Scripture从《内经图》看道教身体观的生态意义
9.Kitsch and Loss of Body:On China-style Body Culture Evolution;身体的媚俗与迷失——中国式身体文化演变探析
10.In translating activities lingual, contextual, stylistic and cultural schemata should be transferred successfully.在图式翻译过程中要重点进行语言图式、语境图式、文体图式和文化图式的成功传译。
11.Construction and practice of the teaching pattern of physical training education;身体锻炼体育教学模式的构建与实践
12.Change the Gymnastic Life Style,Promoting People s Health;转变体育生活方式 促进身体健康
13.On Reform of P. E. Teaching Model and Cultivation of Lifelong P.E. Awareness;改进体育教学模式,培养终身体育意识
14.Schema Theory & Schema Instantiation in EFL Reading;图式理论及英语阅读教学中的图式具体化应用
15.The growth charts of height,weight and body mass index for skeletal age in adolescent青少年骨龄标准身高、体重和体重指数生长图表
16.Construction on Physical Exercise Teaching Model of Physical Education and Health;身体锻炼式体育与健康教学模式的构建
17.Jogging is the Optimal Sports for University Students to Improve the Health健身跑是大学生强身健体的最佳运动方式
18.On Plato s Educational Mode of the Integration of “Body, Beauty, and Wisdom”;论柏拉图“体、美、智”一体化的教育模式

Schemata for body-safety身体安全图式
3)disorder of body schema身体图式障碍
4)negative physical self schema theory负面身体自我图式理论
5)body posture身体姿式
6)Detachable automobile body分体式车身
