具体思维,concrete thinking
1)concrete thinking具体思维

1.On Concrete Thinking--Series Ⅲ of the Research on the Natural Language Basic Thinking Method;论具体思维——自然语言基本思维方式系列研究之三
2.The idiosyncratic thought includes the formatting thought, the transpositional thought, the macroscopical thought and the particular innovative thought.这种思维方式主要有格式化思维、位式思维、体性思维以及具有自身鲜明特点的创新性思维。
3.Talking About the Concretive Expressive form to the Constructive Mathematical Thinking Way;建构性数学思维方式的具体表现形式
4.A Research of Interactive Thoughts Embodied by Chinese Traditional Toys;中国传统玩具所体现的互动性思维研究
5.The Thinking Mode of "Presentation-Abstraction-Concrete" is a Kind of Mode of Scientific Theoretical Thinking;“表象——抽象——具体”的方法是科学的理论思维方法
6.Practical significance of thinking concreteness;浅谈在思维运动中实现抽象向具体的转化
7.Thinking Calus of the Bound of a Disjunctive Limb and its Specific Requirements;关于选言肢穷尽的思维价值和具体要求
8.Concrete Concept as the Basic Form of Dialectical Thinking;论具体概念何以是辩证思维的基本形式
9.Dialectical thinking applied in managing of equipment of vertical shaft辨证思维在竖炉设备管理中的具体运用
10.The Current Consciousness about The Practical Thinking Mode实践思维方式具体运思表现的解析——兼证马克思主义哲学的生命力
11.The thinking in image throughout in the dominant position, the thinking in logic is subject to the thinking in image, and help it to figure specific and real images.形象思维始终占据着主导地位,逻辑思维从属于形象思维,帮助它塑造出具体真实的形象。
12.As for some concrete cllaracteristic of some object of thought, exaggerative thought is the vertical and imaginary form of thought, which excels the fact.夸张思维是就某种思想对象的某种具体特征进行超越客观事实的纵向想像的思维形式。
13.Words are your tools of thought.词汇是思维的工具。
14.Creative Thinking Tool Kit创造性思维实用工具箱
15.What is more, the traditional monism mode of thinking contributes to the emergence of cultural radicalism.维新派的文化激进主义思想具体表征在激烈地批判传统;
16.If we exaggerate the absoluteness one-sidedly,ignore the concreteness and relativeity,polarization thinking is formed.如果片面夸大绝对性,无视真理的具体性、相对性,则形成极性思维。
17.I expatiate on this definition from object, structure and substance of critical thinking.本文从批判性思维的对象、结构和实质三方面对此定义作具体分析。
18.while as a format of thoughts, it is the abstract generalization of human brain to kinds of concrete use values.作为思维形式 ,它是人脑对各种具体使用价值的抽象概括。

thinking concreteness思维具体
1.This paper deals with the three stages of humans recognition of the world: perceptual concreteness,thinking abstraction and thinking concreteness.人类认识世界进程的三个阶段即“感性具体—思维抽象—思维具体”。
3)instrument of thought思维工具
1.They mainly discuss two questions:(1)which is the first come into being, language or thought?(2)language and the instrument of thought.从 1979年到 1983年这五年内主要围绕着“语言和思维孰先孰后”和“语言与思维工具”等问题进行了激烈的争论。
4)Objective Thinking具象思维
1.Objective Thinking Formation,Development and Research具象思维的形成、发展和研究
5)concrete thoughts具体思路
1.Meanwhile, it probes into the concrete thoughts on the industrial reorganization of coal enterprises.本文在阐述了煤炭企业重组的重要性和紧迫性、分析了当前煤炭企业产业重组的有利条件的基础上,提出实施产业重组是解决这一矛盾的必由之路;并在提出煤炭产业重组的原则和目标的同时,探讨了煤炭企业产业重组的具体思路。
6)concrete operational thought具体运思

具体思维  见思维。