解题模型,Models of Solving Problems
1)Models of Solving Problems解题模型
2)teaching model of problem-solving问题解决型教学模式
1.This paper starts to analyze the reality of the modern distance learning and advices to set up a teaching model of problem-solving.本文试图从分析当前远程开放教育中学科教学的现状入手,主张构建问题解决型教学模式,并提出了在构建问题解决型教学模式过程中需要明确认知的几个问题。
3)problem-solution discourse pattern问题-解决型语篇模式
4)the model of solving problems解题模式

1.On teaching model of mathematic problems solving and cultivation of mathematic ability;数学解题模式教学与数学能力的培养
2.This paper opened out the relations between teaching model of mathematic problem solving and cultivation of mathematic ability by means of discussion about theoretical value of model of mathematics problem solving.通过对数学解题模式理论价值的探讨,揭示了数学解题模式教学与数学能力培养的关系.
3.creative problem solving models创造性问题解决模式
4.The "two German states formula" cannot be applied to the settlement of the Taiwan issue.“两德模式”不能用于解决台湾问题。
5.The Research of Approaches to Solving There-dimension Container Packing Problem of Web Mode;WEB模式下三维装箱问题求解方法研究
6.Harmonious Society Model and the Solution Approach of Peasant Worker Problem;和谐社会模式与农民工问题解决途径
7.Using Guarded Suspension Pattern of Java to Solve the Dining Problem of the Philosophers;用Java的Guarded Suspension模式解决哲学家进餐问题
8.On“problem solving”and innovation of mathematics teaching model;论“问题解决”与数学教学模式创新
9.Study of problem solving learning model in the educational technology;教育技术中的问题解决模式学习初探
10.A preliminary discussion on the classroom teaching model of “problem solving of the student-centered”;“主体性问题解决”课堂教学模式初探
11.Detecting the Consciousness of Pattern Recognition in Mathematical Solving Problems数学解题中“模式识别”意识的检测
12.A Study of Maths CAI Learning Models Based on Solutions to Questions;基于问题解决式的数学CAI学习模式研究
13.Upon Correlations between Problem Solving Patterns and Field-Dependent Cognition问题解决模式与场依存性认知方式的相关研究
14.This paper explains the action of education of pattern of mathematics on solving problem and understanding concept.从解题和理解概念方面解说了数学的模式性教育的作用。
15.Practical Example of the Normal Form of the Relational Schema;关系模式规范化实战——一个关系模式规范化例题析解
16.The world's problems cannot all be solved in the same way.世界上的问题不可能都用一个模式解决。
17.A Study about Cognitive Model and Instructional Theory on Mathematical Problem Solving;数学问题解决认知模式及教学理论研究
18.The Study about Construction of Teaching-Objective-Division-Mode in Middle School Geography;中学地理目标分解教学模式构建问题研究

teaching model of problem-solving问题解决型教学模式
1.This paper starts to analyze the reality of the modern distance learning and advices to set up a teaching model of problem-solving.本文试图从分析当前远程开放教育中学科教学的现状入手,主张构建问题解决型教学模式,并提出了在构建问题解决型教学模式过程中需要明确认知的几个问题。
3)problem-solution discourse pattern问题-解决型语篇模式
4)the model of solving problems解题模式
5)model problems模型问题
6)topic model主题模型
1.The Study of Module Network and Community Mining Based on Topic Model;基于主题模型的模块化网络和社区挖掘研究
2.Based on the analysis of the principle and method of two outstanding language models in recent years, that are latent semantic analysis and topic model, the prospects of the two models on topic identification and text mining was presented.在对潜在语义分析和主题模型2种语言模型的基本原理和方法分析的基础上,给出了其在主题内容识别及文本数据挖掘方面的应用前景。

AutoCad 教你绘制三爪卡盘模型,借用四视图来建模型小弟写教程纯粹表达的是建模思路,供初学者参考.任何物体的建摸都需要思路,只有思路多,模型也就水到渠成.ok废话就不说了.建议使用1024X768分辨率 开始先看下最终效果第一步,如图所示将窗口分为四个视图第二步,依次选择每个窗口,在分别输入各自己的视图第三步,建立ucs重新建立世界坐标体系,捕捉三点来确定各自的ucs如图第四步,初步大致建立基本模型.可以在主视图建立两个不同的圆,在用ext拉升,在用差集运算.如图:第五步:关键一步,在此的我思路是.先画出卡爪的基本投影,在把他进行面域,在进行拉升高度分别是10,20,30曾t形状.如图:第六步:画出螺栓的初步形状.如图第七步:利用ext拉升圆,在拉升内六边形.注意拉升六边行时方向与拉升圆的方向是相反的.之后在利用差集运算第八步:将所得内螺栓模型分别复制到卡爪上,在利用三个视图调到与卡爪的中心对称.效果如图红色的是螺栓,最后是差集第九步:阵列第10步.模型就完成了来一张利用矢量处理的图片