安德鲁.皮克林,Andrew Pickering
1)Andrew Pickering安德鲁.皮克林
2)Andrew Green安德鲁·格林
3)Ludd Franklin theory鲁德-弗兰克林说
4)Andrew Jackson安德鲁·杰克逊
1.federal government, under the administration of Andrew Jackson, promulgated the Indian Removal Act in 1830 in hopes of annexing the land of the Five Civilized Tribes in the Southeast America by trading for the lands west of Mississippi.虽然迁移印第安人的政策自美国建国开始就在开国元勋的头脑中酝酿,但是最后将其付诸实施、把印第安人迁移合法化的人却是安德鲁·杰克逊——这位因印第安政策在美国历史上备受争议的总统。

1.Of or relating to Andrew Jackson, his concepts of popular government, or his presidency.杰克逊的安德鲁·杰克逊的、其政府政策的或其执政期的,与其有关的
2.of or pertaining to Andrew Jackson or his presidency or his concepts of popular democracy.属于或关于安德鲁·杰克逊、其执政期、或其受欢迎的民主主义观点的。
3.Lincoln's wife, Mary, reportedly heard the ghost of Andrew Jackson, Walters said.沃尔特说,林肯的妻子玛丽曾经说过她听到过安德鲁·杰克逊的鬼发出来的声音。
4.Andrew Jackson also had a pipe, made from a corncob.安德鲁?杰克逊也有一个用玉米棒子芯制成的烟斗。
5.As John Adams embodied the old style, Andrew Jackson embodied the new&b{Richard Hofstadter)正象约翰 阿达姆斯体现了旧风格,安德鲁 杰克逊体现了新风格(理查德 霍夫施塔特)
6.Andrew Jackson was known by the sobriquet ""Old Hickory.""安德鲁·杰克生以其绰号“老山胡桃”而知名。
7.Mr. Richard kept a record of Jackson's performance.里查德先生录下了杰克逊的演出,
8.Sit down, Mrs. Jackson.请坐,杰克逊太太。
9.Thank you, Mr. Jackson.谢谢,杰克逊先生。
10.Robinson Edward G.爱德华·G·鲁滨逊
11.There was about Jephson a hard, integrated earnestness which soon convinced Clyde.杰甫逊的坚决与认真立刻使克莱德心悦诚服。
12.Jephson fixed Clyde with his encouraging and sustaining blue eyes.杰甫逊用含有鼓励,支持的蓝眼睛盯住克莱德。
13.I'll swap my Michael Jackson tape for your Bruce Springsteen album.我想用迈克尔·杰克逊的录音带交换你的布鲁斯·斯普林斯廷唱片集.
14.And, withal, a wider publicity was given to thought - provoking ideas(Holbrook Jackson)而且,广泛的公开性又给予了启发人思考的观念(霍尔布鲁克 杰克逊)
15.I'll swap (you) my Michael Jackson tape for your Bruce Springsteen album.我想用迈克尔.杰克逊的录音带交换你的布鲁斯.斯普林斯廷唱片集.
16.Bruce and Jackson escaped from the peril in a whole skin.普鲁斯和杰克森平安地脱离危险。
17.Among the giants were Jay Gould, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford.这些人中有杰伊-古尔德、J-P-摩根、安德鲁。卡内基、约翰-D-洛克菲勒和亨利-福特等。
18.Now, Jack Anderson from the Genius International Co. Ltd.现在,金牛斯国际有限公司的杰克?安得逊来到了

Andrew Green安德鲁·格林
3)Ludd Franklin theory鲁德-弗兰克林说
4)Andrew Jackson安德鲁·杰克逊
1.federal government, under the administration of Andrew Jackson, promulgated the Indian Removal Act in 1830 in hopes of annexing the land of the Five Civilized Tribes in the Southeast America by trading for the lands west of Mississippi.虽然迁移印第安人的政策自美国建国开始就在开国元勋的头脑中酝酿,但是最后将其付诸实施、把印第安人迁移合法化的人却是安德鲁·杰克逊——这位因印第安政策在美国历史上备受争议的总统。
1.Inspiration of library Management from Drucker s Thoughts;德鲁克的思想对图书馆管理的启示
2.Drucker s Theory of Social Responsibilities to Organizations;德鲁克论组织的社会责任
3.On the Theoretical Origin of Drucker s Management By Objectives;论德鲁克目标管理的理论渊源
6)Brooklyn district布鲁克林

皮克林,W.  英国出版商和书商。青年时,认真研究早期印本。1821年,在奇西克出版公司密切合作下,首次在图书装订上采用布料替代皮革作图书封面,出版了世界上第1本布料封面图书。19世纪40年代,他采用卡斯隆字体印刷出版的古典著作十分精美。此外,还印制牛津版古典著作、钻石体古典著作、 阿尔丁版诗集、 沃尔顿版著作。他印制的图书商标,是沿用意大利早期印刷商A.马努蒂乌斯使用过的海豚与铁锚的图案。