默顿学派,Merton school
1)Merton school默顿学派
1.This paper analyses Merton school ,scientific knowledge sociology (SSK),and the viewpoint of scientific authority under its viewpoint of scientific knowledge.本文在分析作为默顿学派和科学知识社会学(Sociology of ScientificKnowledge,以下简记作SSK)科学权威观基础的科学知识观的前提下,对二者的科学权威观进行了较为详细的比较分析。

1.The Comparative Study on the Viewpoints of Scientific Authority between Merton School and SSK;默顿学派与SSK的科学权威观比较研究
2.Merton School of Thought and Edinburgh School of Thought Basic Philosophy Difference and Fusion;默顿学派与爱丁堡学派基本思想的差异与融合
3.On the Independence of Science--to Probe the Thought of Scientific Independence of Merton School;尊重科学的自主性——默顿学派的科学自主性思想刍论
4.The Theory of the Accumulation of Advantage:Studies by Mertonian School科学中的积累优势理论——默顿及其学派的探究
5.the Warden of Merton College, Oxford牛津大学默顿学院院长.
6.Stick to Merton and Surpass Him--Bernard Barber's Sociology of Science Theory守护默顿与超越默顿——伯纳德·巴伯的科学社会学理论评析
7.On the Stage and Features of the Development of Merton s Sociology of Science;默顿科学社会学思想发展的阶段特征
8.Emerson College, Boston College, and Boston University, all in the metropolitan area.艾默生学院、波士顿学院和波士顿大学,这些全都在都会区内。
9.Merton versus Polanyi: comparison between their research programs of the sociology of sciences;默顿与波拉尼:科学社会学的研究纲领比较
10.Research On the Scientific Reward System in the Era of Post-Academic Science--Overstep the Mertonian School's Research论后学院时代的科学奖励系统——超越默顿范式
11.Merton s Supposition:Religious Ethics and Scientific Development;宗教伦理与科学发展——对“默顿命题”的思考
12.Reconsidering the Normative Structure of Science:A Thinking on the Questioning of Merton s Norms;论科学规范结构的重构——对默顿规范质疑的思考
13.The Values and Norms in Merton s Theory of the Norms of Science;默顿科学规范论的价值要素与行为规范
14.Is Religion The Natural Enemy of Science? --The theoretical significance of Merton s thesis;宗教是科学的天敌吗?——兼论默顿命题的理论意义
15.Th theoretical significance of Merton s propositions --Also Discuss the unity of Science and Religion;默顿命题的理论贡献——兼论科学与宗教的统一性
16.Black humor黑色幽默(60年代美国新兴的一个文学流派)
17.My high school consisted of5 towns: Paxton( Wachusett), Rutland, Holden, Sterling and Princeton.我的高中学校招收包括5个城市的学生,它们是派克斯顿、特兰,好德顿,斯特林和普林斯顿。
18.Fight subjectivism in order to rectify the style of study, fight sectarianism in order to rectify the style in Party relations, and fight Party stereotypes in order to rectify the style of writing -- such is the task before us.反对主观主义以整顿学风,反对宗派主义以整顿党风,反对党八股以整顿文风,这就是我们的任务。

Leiden tradition莱顿学派
3)Merton's sociology of science默顿科学社会学
4)Merton's norms默顿科学规范
1.However,along with the natural progress of science;the rise of the thought of the relativism of science and philosophy;and the deepening of the consideration of the content of scientific knowledge,Merton′s norms received criticism and challenges.20世纪40年代初默顿科学规范提出以后,曾被广泛接受,成为当时社会组织科学活动的理论依据。
1.Review of assembling and transformation of the job interest to Merton;默顿职业兴趣的汇聚与转移理论述评
2.The Limit of Merton s Research on Reward of Science;默顿科学奖励制度研究的局限
3.The Values and Norms in Merton s Theory of the Norms of Science;默顿科学规范论的价值要素与行为规范
6)Unscrambling Merton s Norms解读默顿科学规范
