新文本形式,New text forms
1)New text forms新文本形式
2)text form文本形式
1.The principles of self-cultivation in the Analects:reflection through a text form;《论语》中的修养之道——从文本形式进入的思考
2.Contemporary renowned critic WANG Bin-bin is often engaged in criticism by the sociological method, displaying three main characteristics: The Confucianist spirit of enter the world and the overwhelming healthy tendency; Sticking to the moral and humanism and criticizing the reality ; The good scientific and literary text form.当代著名批评家王彬彬往往以社会学批评方法从事批评实践活动,表现出三方面主要特色:儒家的入世精神和浩然正气;对道德与人文精神的坚持和对现实的批判;学理性和文学性俱佳的文本形式。
3.This paper discusses, through Paul Claudel s search of harmony on text form, some visual forms in writing and typography of some French poems.从法国诗人克洛岱尔对文本形式和谐的追求探讨了部分法文诗歌中在书写和排版上表现出来的视觉形式,分析其符号学象征功能以及东方文化的影响,也指出它们在诗歌价值上的局限。

1.Paste the text of the original document in quoted form以引用文本形式粘贴原始文档的文本
2.is the criteria in the form of a number, expression, or text that defines which cells will be added为数字、表达式或文本形式的判定条件
3.The Literary Color is to Decorate the Language--A research on text classifying in Wenxin Diaolong;“文采所以饰言”——谈《文心雕龙》关于文本形式的分层
4.Converts a time in the form of text to a serial number.\0将文本形式的时间转换为序列数。\0
5.Returns the number that represents the time represented by a text string (Time_text)将文本形式表示的时间转换成序列数
6.Try to Discuss the Plural Text Form of " If on a Winter s Night a Traveler";试论《寒冬夜行人》多元混杂的文本形式
7.Sort numbers and numbers stored as text separately分别将数字和以文本形式存储的数字排序
8.text written in the style of printed matter.以印刷品形式所写的文本。
9.the form in which a text (especially a printed book) is published.文本(尤其是印刷的书)出版的形式。
10.It's the original intention to show new knowledge in a new form.用新形式表现新知识就是本文的初衷。
11.linguistics defined as the analysis of formal structures in a text or discourse.分析文本或论述的形式结构的语言学。
12.Formal Ontology: the Value Orientation of Literature and Art in the New Era形式本体论:新时期文艺的价值取向
13.Rhetorical Function of Onomatopoeia;英语拟声辞格的形式及文本修辞功能
15.A Brief Analysis fo Li terary Form Ontology of the New Critics;简论新批评派的“文学形式本体论”
16.Essence of Arts: Ideological or Formal?;文艺本质:是意识形态的还是意识形式的?
17.The Application of Formal Concept Analysis and Ontology in Text Mining;形式概念分析和本体在文本挖掘中的应用
18.electronic text that is stored as strings of characters and that can be displayed in a variety of formats.以字符串的形式存储并能以多种形式展示的电子文本。

text form文本形式
1.The principles of self-cultivation in the Analects:reflection through a text form;《论语》中的修养之道——从文本形式进入的思考
2.Contemporary renowned critic WANG Bin-bin is often engaged in criticism by the sociological method, displaying three main characteristics: The Confucianist spirit of enter the world and the overwhelming healthy tendency; Sticking to the moral and humanism and criticizing the reality ; The good scientific and literary text form.当代著名批评家王彬彬往往以社会学批评方法从事批评实践活动,表现出三方面主要特色:儒家的入世精神和浩然正气;对道德与人文精神的坚持和对现实的批判;学理性和文学性俱佳的文本形式。
3.This paper discusses, through Paul Claudel s search of harmony on text form, some visual forms in writing and typography of some French poems.从法国诗人克洛岱尔对文本形式和谐的追求探讨了部分法文诗歌中在书写和排版上表现出来的视觉形式,分析其符号学象征功能以及东方文化的影响,也指出它们在诗歌价值上的局限。
3)New Literary Forms新文体形式
1.And at the same time,Mulkay reflexively applies his conclusion,that the discourse of the scientists is variable,to his own analysis,and realizes his anti-realism ambition by developing a "New Literary Forms".同时,马尔凯将其关于科学话语性质的结论——科学话语是易变的——反身性地运用到对自身(社会学家的话语)的说明之中,通过发展“新文体形式”来实现自己的反实在论抱负。
4)text surface feature文本形式特征
1.The sentences weights are analyzed using text surface features, such as words.其基本思路是 :采用向量空间模型对篇章结构进行自动分析 ,建立基于语义相似度的段落关系图 ,获取段落的重要度信息 ,并使用标题或聚类的方法划分意义段 ;根据词的频度 ,句子位置、提示语等文本形式特征计算句子的权值 ,分别从各意义段中选取高权值的句子作为文摘句 ;对文摘句进行句法和语义分析 ,消除冗余 ,解决指代词悬挂、文摘不连贯等问题 ,最终组成一篇简洁、通顺、可读性好的文
5)the local text form乡土文本形式
6)text organization文本组织形式
1.Well-structured Chinese materials were used to explore the effects o f text organization and structure level on searching performances for Chinese in formation.以文本组织形式为自变量,以材料的结构化水平为控制变量,以搜索时间和迷路指数为因变量。

新文1.新近撰写的文章。 2.体式新颖别致的文章。 3.指诡异而趋时的文体﹑文风。 4.新花样。 5.犹新闻。