新文体形式,New Literary Forms
1)New Literary Forms新文体形式
1.And at the same time,Mulkay reflexively applies his conclusion,that the discourse of the scientists is variable,to his own analysis,and realizes his anti-realism ambition by developing a "New Literary Forms".同时,马尔凯将其关于科学话语性质的结论——科学话语是易变的——反身性地运用到对自身(社会学家的话语)的说明之中,通过发展“新文体形式”来实现自己的反实在论抱负。
1.Contemporary vanguard fiction makes an exploration and experiment in style and shows a tendency of nonfiction.当代先锋小说在文体形式方面进行了大胆的探索与实验,离传统的小说样式愈来愈远,表现出一种"非小说化"倾向,这主要体现在以下三个方面:在语言方面,当代先锋小说表现出非叙述、非描写的特征,语言由工具变成了本体;在文体方面,先锋小说打破了与诗歌、散文、戏剧等文体之间的明显界限,将不同的文体整合为一个有机的整体,呈现出一种复合文体的趋向;在结构方面,先锋小说采用混合视角进行叙述,打破了传统小说的线性时间结构而趋向三维空间结构。
2.This paper aims to analyze the contemporary significance of The recorde r player, The front of the temple gate and another two narrative poems from the structu re of narration, style and meditation on life.本文旨在通过对《吹箫人的故事》《帷幔》《蚕马》《寺门之前》等叙事诗在叙事结构、文体形式、诗歌中的精神特质等方面的研究 ,探析其早期叙事诗的现代意义。

1.Application of Folk Style Performance in Opening Ceremony of Large-Scale Sports Games;民间文体形式在大型运动会开幕式表演中的运用——以广东省民间文体形式为例
2.Distinctive Imagery Plentiful Connotation --On Imagery of Water in Chinese Clessic Ci-Poems;论诗词中“水”的意象兼及文体形式对内容的制约
3.From Leishi to Lei: the Formation of the Type of Ancient Lei;从谥诔到诔文:论古代诔文体式的形成
4.On the Characteristics and Evolution of the Title of an Essay;试论文章标题的文体特征与嬗变形式
5.The genre of literature comprising such works.模仿体裁包括此类作品的文学形式
6.Language is a carrier and manifestation of national culture.语言是民族文化的载体和表现形式。
7.Formal Ontology: the Value Orientation of Literature and Art in the New Era形式本体论:新时期文艺的价值取向
8.The Formal System of Essayist Writings for Imperial Examinations in the Tang Dynasty:Taking Political Essays for Example;唐代试策的形式体制——以制举策文为例
9.A Brief Analysis fo Li terary Form Ontology of the New Critics;简论新批评派的“文学形式本体论”
10.Correspondence Pattern of Morphlogy and Connotation --Analyzation of prose style from Taoran;形态与意蕴的对应图式——陶然散文文体实验浅析
11.Form and cultural context on the shift in the style of modern fiction;现代小说文体变迁的形式及其文化语境
12.The Compatibility of Formal and Functional Stylistic Models in Interpretation of Poetry;诗歌解读中形式与功能文体学模式的相容性
13.Stylistic Significance in Han Da Fu System Formation;散文化的语言形式与体物的文学审美观——汉大赋体制形成过程中的文体意义
14.A Teaching Mode of the Thesis on Graduates of Universities at theDepartment of Chinese Language and literature Suited for the NewSituation-Mode in the "Three-in-One";适应新形势的高校中文本科生毕业论文指导模式——三位一体模式
15.The incompleteness, uncertainty and fragment of literary images' perceptive form are varied forms which from the embodiment of constructional" blankness" in literary images.文学形象感性形态的不完整、确定与支离破碎是构造性“空白”在文学形象中所体现的不同形式。
16.Documentation may be in any form or medium suitable for the needs of the organization.文件可以采取适合组织需求的任何形式或媒体。
17.and has the rich and great cultural content of the East in the form of a seal.以印章的形式体现出丰富的东方文化的内涵。
18.Application of folk art in health education民间文艺形式作为健康教育载体的实践与探讨

1.Contemporary vanguard fiction makes an exploration and experiment in style and shows a tendency of nonfiction.当代先锋小说在文体形式方面进行了大胆的探索与实验,离传统的小说样式愈来愈远,表现出一种"非小说化"倾向,这主要体现在以下三个方面:在语言方面,当代先锋小说表现出非叙述、非描写的特征,语言由工具变成了本体;在文体方面,先锋小说打破了与诗歌、散文、戏剧等文体之间的明显界限,将不同的文体整合为一个有机的整体,呈现出一种复合文体的趋向;在结构方面,先锋小说采用混合视角进行叙述,打破了传统小说的线性时间结构而趋向三维空间结构。
2.This paper aims to analyze the contemporary significance of The recorde r player, The front of the temple gate and another two narrative poems from the structu re of narration, style and meditation on life.本文旨在通过对《吹箫人的故事》《帷幔》《蚕马》《寺门之前》等叙事诗在叙事结构、文体形式、诗歌中的精神特质等方面的研究 ,探析其早期叙事诗的现代意义。
3)literary form文体形式
1.In addition,its literary form in modern poetics is very unique.重新梳理抗战诗歌朗诵运动史料,阐释有关"朗诵诗"论争中的各种观点,可以观照朱自清"新诗中的新诗"论断的依据及其诗学价值,并明确"朗诵诗"文体形式"诗的语言"建行所体现的诗学本质。
4)New text forms新文本形式
5)Literary forw outology文学形式本体论
6)folk recreational and sports activities民间文体形式
