建设性反身,constructive reflexivity
1)constructive reflexivity建设性反身
1.Strengthen the Self-construction of Democratic Parties to Fully Display the Role of Supervision of Democratic Parties;加强民主党派自身建设 充分发挥民主党派监督作用
2.To strength self-construction of democratic parties and improve their abilities of participating in government and political affairs;加强民主党派自身建设 提高参政能力
3.On the Democratic Parties Self-construction of the Transitional Period;试论过渡时期民主党派的自身建设

1.On the Relationship between the Construction of the Democratic Parties and the Construction of the Governing Party;论加强民主党派自身建设与执政党建设的关系
2.8.Earnestly improve the government itself(八)切实加强政府自身建设
3.It will be an arduous task for the government to rectify itself and fight corruption.政府自身建设和反腐败工作十分艰巨。
4.Some Important Problems About The Self Construction Reform Of CPC.论党的自身建设改革的几个重要问题
5.To strength self-construction of democratic parties and improve their abilities of participating in government and political affairs;加强民主党派自身建设 提高参政能力
6.Strengthening Self-construction and Establishing New Image of University Association for Science and Technology (UAST);加强自身建设 树立高校科协新形象
7.Youthful Cadres should Emphasize Self-construction from Six Aspects;年轻干部要从六个方面加强自身建设
8.Self-strengthening the Leading Group of the Geological Prospecting Unit;加强地勘单位领导班子自身建设初探
9.Strengthening Self-Building and Driving Higher Vocational Education Development;加强自身建设 推动高职教育发展
10.To Strengthen the Party Building Based on the "Three Represents;以“三个代表”为指南 加强党的自身建设
11.Facing up to the Challenges of Globalization with by Improving the Party s Construction;迎接全球化的挑战,改善党的自身建设
12.The Subjective Position of Party Member:A Brand-new Ideology of Self-construction of the Party党员主体地位:党的自身建设的新理念
13.Carry Forward the Tradition of Self-education and Strengthen Self-construction of College Democratic Parties;发扬自我教育传统 加强高校民主党派自身建设
14.At the same time, from the perspective of building their own enterprises make policy recommendations.同时,从企业自身建设的角度提出政策建议。
15.The Comparative Study on the Party Development of Chinese Democratic Parties and That of Chinese Communist Party;我国民主党派自身建设与共产党党建比较研究
16.The probe and the practice in the self-improvement of the Porty in fifty years;建国50年来党的自身建设的探索与实践
17.New Action of Strengthen Construction Chinese Communist Party under New Circumstances;论新形势下加强中国共产党自身建设的新举措
18.Enhancing Our Party Oneself Development Hard and Increasing the Ruling Ability of Our Party Continuously;努力加强自身建设,不断提高党的执政能力

1.Strengthen the Self-construction of Democratic Parties to Fully Display the Role of Supervision of Democratic Parties;加强民主党派自身建设 充分发挥民主党派监督作用
2.To strength self-construction of democratic parties and improve their abilities of participating in government and political affairs;加强民主党派自身建设 提高参政能力
3.On the Democratic Parties Self-construction of the Transitional Period;试论过渡时期民主党派的自身建设
1.This paper expounds the necessity of strengthening the self-improvement of democratic parties and the important role played by democratic parties in their democratic supervision in the cause of CPC and con-struction of socialis笔者论述了加强民主党派自身建设的必要性以及民主党派的民主监督对我们党的事业及社会主义建设所起到的重要作用。
2.Hence,it’s an effective way to self-improvement for assistant to build a strong mental code.辅导员队伍建设一方面是外在制度建设,另一方面则是内在自身建设。
3.Therefore, while strengthening the governing capability, the CPC must make an effort on the establishment and implementation of modern governing concept, the innovation of governing method and the strengthened self-improvement o.因此,中国共产党在加强执政能力建设的进程中,必须以树立和落实现代执政理念、创新执政方式和加强党的自身建设为着力点,对党的执政资源进行有效整合,保证党在新世纪、新阶段更好地抓住执政兴国这个第一要务,更加娴熟地勃发市场经济体制这个执政兴国的第一动力,更加有效地搞好建设政治文明这个执政兴国的第一要义。
4)self construction自身建设
1.The leaders group of local party committee and government should strengthen self construction according to the demand of scientific development view.地方党政领导班子按照科学发展观要求加强自身建设,首先,要加强学习,进行理论武装,提高贯彻落实科学发展观的自觉性和坚定性;其次,要建立健全科学的政绩考评和用人机制,引导广大领导干部进一步践行正确的政绩观;再次,要全面落实惠民政策,突出解决民生问题,进一步发扬密切联系群众、求真务实的优良作风。
2.Our Party, facing new tasks and requirements in the new historical phase, must conduct a thorough research on the laws of governing and constantly enhance self construction to consolidate its ruling position.在新的历史发展阶段 ,面对新的任务和新的要求我们党要不断巩固自己的执政地位 ,就必须深化对执政规律的研究 ,不断加强党的自身建设 ,保持党的先进性是核心 ,坚持执政为民是根本原则 ,加强党的制度建设是保障 ,抓好党风建设是关键。
3.We must strengthen self construction of the Communist Youth League , and bring forth a new face to the work of the Communist Youth League by taking the thought of "Three Represents" as a guide line.必须以“三个代表”思想为指导 ,加强团的自身建设 ,全面创新团的工
1.Young university cadres should strengthen self-building with a view to the theory of “the Three Representations”;高校中青年干部要站在“三个代表”的高度加强自身建设
2.This paper has emphatically stated the unremitting exploration and great successes scored of the self-building of the Ruling Party made by 3 generations of leading group of the Party since the foundation of New China.新中国成立以来,党的三代领导集体对执政党的自身建设进行了不懈的探索,取得了丰硕成果。
6)human self-construction人自身建设
1.Therefore, human self-construction is the core of cultural construction.从本质上讲,文化是人们在社会历史发展过程中形成的稳定的生存方式,文化离不开人的创造,文化人格最能体现文化的本质内涵,因此人自身建设是文化建设的核心。

建设创立新事业;增加新设施:经济~ㄧ组织~ㄧ~家园ㄧ~现代化强国 ◇思想~。