统一性思想,the unity of thinking
1)the unity of thinking统一性思想
1.The history of the development in science, the unity of thinking is inspired numerous scientists to conduct an in-depth study of topics important beliefs.20世纪伟大的科学家阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦在他一生的科学理论中蕴含着丰富的统一性思想,统一性思想是他科学研究的重要源泉和核心指导思想。
2)unification thought统一思想
1.Today, reviewing his Taiwan consciousness and the unification thought, has certain inspiration for us to solve the Taiwan problem.今天,重温丘逢甲的台湾情结与统一思想,对于我们解决台湾问题很有启发作用。

1.On the Philosophical Analysis of the Emancipation andIntegration of Minds;关于解放思想和统一思想的哲学探析
2.On the Dialectic Relation Between Ideological Liberation and Ideological Unity;正确认识解放思想与统一思想的辩证统一关系
3.On the Process and Importance of the Three Movements of Ideological Liberation and Unification for the New Era .;论新时期三次解放思想统一思想的过程和意义
4.Unifying Ideology in Breaking Ideological Constraints and Realizing Frog-Leap Development in Working in Real Earnest在解放思想中统一思想 在真抓实干中跨越发展
5.We should be good at seeking unity in thinking through the emancipation of our minds and guiding our new practice with the developing Marxism.善于在解放思想中统一思想,用发展着的马克思主义指导新的实践。
6.They are achieving unity in thinking, improving conduct, strengthening discipline and purifying the Party organization.统一思想,整顿作风,加强纪律,纯洁组织,
7.On the National Unity Thought of the Chinese Communist Party in 1945;1945年中国共产党国家统一思想论析
8.The most important aspect of centralization and unification is unifying our thinking.而集中统一,最重要的是思想的统一。
9.This is essential if we are to have unity in our actions.有了思想的统一,才有行动的统一。
10.At present, we need to reach a common understanding.现在我们需要把思想认识统一一下。
11.If we reach a consensus, we can make concerted efforts.思想认识统一了,大家就一致行动。
12.The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class.任何一个时代的统治思想始终都不过是统治阶级的思想。
13.So long as the people of the whole country achieve unity of thinking, inflation will not be difficult to overcome.只要全国人民思想统一,治理也不难。
14.a person who has conservative ideas or opinions.一个具有传统思想和观念的人。
15.someone who tries to destroy traditional ideas or institutions.一个努力打破传统思想和制度的人。
16.I can't reconcile those two ideas.我不能使这两种思想统一起来。
17.(informal) a formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views.(非正式)一类外表守旧且思想传统的人。
18.Confucius Patriotism Ideology and the Unity of Our Motherland孔子的爱国主义思想与祖国统一大业

unification thought统一思想
1.Today, reviewing his Taiwan consciousness and the unification thought, has certain inspiration for us to solve the Taiwan problem.今天,重温丘逢甲的台湾情结与统一思想,对于我们解决台湾问题很有启发作用。
3)unity of thought思想一统
4)unified thoughts一统思想
5)the thought is unified思想统一
6)idea of identity同一性思想
1.On idea of identity in Locke s philosophy;论洛克哲学中的同一性思想
