亚里士多德与墨子,Aristotle and Mo Tzu
1)Aristotle and Mo Tzu亚里士多德与墨子

1.A Comparative Research in the Political Philosophy Between Aristotles and Moze;亚里士多德与墨子政治哲学比较研究
2.Analysis of the Differences of Natural View between "Aristotle and Mo Tzu"浅析“亚里士多德与墨子”自然观的差异性
3.Comparative Studies on the Mohist and Aristotelean Logic墨家逻辑与亚里士多德逻辑的比较研究
4.Comparative Research on Mohist and Aristotelian Referential Theory of Meaning墨家与亚里士多德指称论思想的比较研究
5.Comparative Research on Mohist Doctrine of "Tui Lei" and Aristotle s Theory of Syllogism;墨家推类学说与亚里士多德三段论的比较研究
6.Both Aristotle and Lao Zi are also the well-known thinkers.老子与亚里士多德均为著名的思想家。
7.A Comparison between the Political Thoughts of Lao Zi and Aristotle老子与亚里士多德的政治思想之比较
8.Note on Mencius and Aristotle s theory about humanity;孟子与亚里士多德人性论路径的阐释
9.A Comparative Examination of Xunzi and Aristotle’s Concept of Courage;荀子与亚里士多德“勇敢”观之比较
10.On the Formalization and Non-formalization of Mohist Logic and Aristotlian Logic;墨家逻辑与亚里士多德逻辑的形式化和非形式化问题
11.Reason and emotion: Different orientations of ethics of Aristotle and Mencius;理性与情感:亚里士多德与孟子伦理思想的差异
12.A Compare Study on Confucius and Aristoteles'Theory of Ideal Personality孔子与亚里士多德的理想人格学说比较
13.Comparative Study of Governing Principles of Aristotle and Confucius亚里士多德与孔子的治国主张比较研究
14.Confucius and Aristotle s Golden Mean Comparative Study;孔子的中庸与亚里士多德的中道比较研究
15.Comparative Study of the Theories on System Golden Mean Thought of Confucius and Aristotle孔子与亚里士多德的中庸思想比较研究
16.The Function of "Zheng","Xing" in Cultivating Virtue: Comparisons between Confusion and Aristotle;“政”、“刑”在德性养成中的作用——孔子与亚里士多德德性养成论之比较
17.Looking: The Introjection with Respect to the Field of Thinking between Heidegger and Aristotle;“看”:海德格尔与亚里士多德的思域融合
18.A follower of the philosophy of Aristotle;an Aristotelian.亚里士多德信徒,逍遥派弟子亚里士多德的拥护者或其哲学的信徒

Confucius and Aristotle孔子与亚里士多德
1.Ancient Virtues and Ethics and the Properties of the Early Ethics of Confucianism --the differences between Confucius and Aristotle in Ethics;古代德行伦理与早期儒家伦理学的特点——兼论孔子与亚里士多德伦理学的异同
1.Essence Reality of Journalism and Aristotle s Argument about Reality;“新闻本质真实”论与亚里士多德的“真实观”
2.Aristotle s Viewpoint on Technology and the Resolving of Two Paradoxes in the Ethical Study Concerned Technology;亚里士多德技术观与两种技术伦理悖论的解析
3.Aristotle s Twice Origins in Western History of Science;探析亚里士多德在西方科学史上的影响
4)Plato and Aristotle柏拉图与亚里士多德
5)Aristotle philosophy亚里士多德哲学
1.Confucianism is Chinese cultural thinking mode while Aristotle philosophy is the thinking mode of English countries.儒家思想反映了中国文化的思维模式 ,而亚里士多德哲学反映了英语国家的思维模式。
6)Aristotelian Logic亚里士多德逻辑
