徐州煤炭,coal in Xuzhou
1)coal in Xuzhou徐州煤炭
1.Though he was an officialdom in feudal China,he made much contribution to understanding and utilizing Nature,for example,discovering and exploiting coal in Xuzhou,recognizing geomorphic features of Lushan,night exploring the mystery of bell sounds spreaded from Shizhongshan(a mountain consisted of a group of bell-like karst caves),reasonable utilizing water resources and so on.如发现开发徐州煤炭,对庐山地貌特征的认识,夜探石钟山钟声之谜和合理利用水利资源等。
2)Xuzhou Coal Mine徐州煤矿

1.Family Generation Inheritance of Xuzhou Coal Mines in Late Qing Dynasty晚清徐州煤矿的“家族代际传承”初探
2.The Information Design of Coal Mine Harnessing and Planning Inpei Country of XuZhou;徐州沛县煤矿地质环境治理规划信息系统设计
3.Analysis on the Synthetical Utilization of Coal Mining Subsidence Land in Xuzhou Mining Area;徐州矿区采煤塌陷地综合利用途径分析
4.Study on Ecological Landscape Restoration in Mining Areas Based on RS and GIS: A Case of Xuzhou Northern Coal Mining Area基于RS、GIS的矿区生态景观修复研究——以徐州市城北煤矿区为例
5.Study on Experiment of Concentrating for Blended Ore in Xuzhou Iron Mine Group Company Limited徐州铁矿集团镇北铁矿混合矿石选矿试验研究
6.Study on protection and remediation of mine environment in Xuzhou徐州市矿山环境保护与治理工程研究
7.Financial Turmoil in 1883 and Plight of Xuzhou Li Guo Coalmine1883年金融风潮与徐州利国矿困境
8.Difficulties and Analysis of Fire Extinguishing and Prevention Technology in Xuzhou Mining Group Co.徐州矿务集团防灭火技术浅析及难点
9.The Investigation and Renewal Research for the Worker Villages in Xuzhou's Mining Areas徐州矿区工人村现状调研及改造研究
10.Analysis and Prevention and Cure of Admission and Diversion of Water in Bei Xulou Coal Mine;北徐楼煤矿陷落柱充水、导水性分析及防治
11.The Analysis about Characteristics of Xujiazhuang Limestone Water in Bucun Coalmine and Corresponding Prevention and Control Measures埠村煤矿徐灰水特征及其防治措施分析
13.Isolation and GC/MS analysis of a high-temperature coal tar collected from Xuzhou Coking Plant,Saint-Gobain Pipelines(Xuzhou) Co.,Ltd.徐州圣戈班高温煤焦油的分离和GC/MS分析
14.Preparation of 4A zeolite molecular sieve from Xuzhou coal-measure kaolin徐州地区煤系高岭土合成4A沸石分子筛
15.Analysis and Strategy on the First Nurse Registration of Xuzhou Coal Mine Bureau徐州矿务局护士首次注册情况分析与对策
16.In Situ Stress Measurement and Distribution in Xuzhou Deep Mining Area;徐州矿区深部地应力测量及分布规律研究
17.Analysis on the Approaches of Cleaning Production in Developing Circular Economy of Xuzhou Mining Area;徐州矿区发展循环经济的清洁生产途径分析
18.Analysis and Study on Living Change of Land-lost Peasants in Mining Area in the East of Xuzhou City;徐州东部矿区失地农民生活水平变动分析

Xuzhou Coal Mine徐州煤矿
3)Xuzhou Li Guo coalmine徐州利国煤矿
1.Its impact on Xuzhou Li Guo coalmine is the very epitome of such influences.1883年的金融风潮是中国近代史上影响重大的事件,它对中国经济产生了广泛的影响,它对刚刚诞生的徐州利国煤矿的冲击正是这种影响的缩影。
4)Guizhou coal enterprise贵州煤炭企业
1.Currently,Guizhou coal enterprises are faced with a precious development opportunity.贵州煤炭企业当前面临着难得的发展机遇。
5)Guizhou coal industry贵州煤炭行业
1.Study on Environmental Control in the Cites with Natural Resources——Taking Xuzhou City as an Example;资源型城市环境调控研究——以徐州市为例
2.Correlation between Magnetic Susceptibility and Pb,Cu and Zn Concentrations in Xuzhou Urban Roadside Topsoil;徐州城市路边表层土壤Pb,Cu和Zn污染的磁化率表征
3.Study on the Enviroment Quality Evaluation of Surface Water in Xuzhou Area Based on the Universal Index;基于普适指数的徐州市区地表水环境质量评价

查庄煤矿  查庄煤矿位于被誉为“肥桃之乡“的山东省肥城市石横镇境内,东依泰山,西临黄河,东北靠灵岩寺,西南濒东平湖。泰(安)平(阴)一级公路、泰湖铁路贯穿井田东西,交通运输条件十分便利。该矿是肥城矿业集团有限责任公司最大的矿井,全国高档普采和质量标准化的发源地,是肥城矿业集团公司产量最高的矿井。1968年正式投产,年设计生产能力150万吨,块煤5万吨。煤炭生产以用户需求为导向,可根据用户需求生产各类适宜的品种。主导煤种肥煤、气肥煤,具有中硫、中灰、高挥发份、高发热量的特点,是优质的动力用煤、炼焦配煤和锅炉用煤。建有设计生产能力2万吨的洗涤机厂和装机规模分别为1.2万KW、2×2.4兆瓦的矸石热电厂。可承办火车、汽车运输业务,装车系统方便快捷,日装车能力10000吨以上,电子轨道衡、电子地重衡计量,计量结果准确可靠。煤质化验数据,精确可信。交款、开票、提货一条龙办理,价格合理,手续简便。矿内停车、餐饮、住宿条件便利,服务优质。先后荣获“特级质量标准化矿井”、“现代化矿井”、“煤炭工业二级企业”、“省级文明单位”等荣誉称号。查庄煤矿以深化改革、开拓进取、诚实守信、服务用户为经营方针,以用户满意为己任,奉行用户就是上帝之宗旨,乘改革开放、市场经济的春风,扬帆远航。