探石钟山,exploring Shizhongshan
1)exploring Shizhongshan探石钟山
2)Exploring of Shi Zhong Mountain石钟山记
1.An Analysis of Scientific Method in Exploring of Shi Zhong Mountain;《石钟山记》中的科学方法探微

1.The Relationship Between Travel Notes to Shizhong Mount and the Poem Case in Wutai;试论《石钟山记》与“乌台诗案”的联系
2.Stones from other Hills may Serve to Polish the Jade of This One--A study on Lu You s Collection;他山之石 可以攻玉——《陆游集》学习札记
3.There are many caves in the hills here in which are found a glorious array of fantastic stalagmites and stalactites and other interesting rock formations such as huge stone pillars and flowers.山中多岩洞,洞内石柱、石笋、石钟乳,石花等组成各种景物,光怪陆离,琳琅满目。
4."Ease Theory" and Motif of the 100-Chapter A Journey to the West:A Discussion with Mr.Shi Zhongyang;也说“求放心”说与百回本《西游记》大旨——兼与石钟扬先生商榷
5.The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of“Hero”--Also on Contemporary Military Writer Shi Zhongshan s“Pateral Series Novels”;“英雄”的解构与重构——兼论当代军旅作家石钟山的“父亲系列小说”
6.On the aspect of forms, there are stalagmite, stalactite, lime-flower, stone-bar, stone-bed etc.论形态,石钟乳、石笋、石花、石芝、石柱、石床……众体皆备。
7.Regular laptop users know our portable computers can go from toasty to unbearably hot in a matter of minutes.一般笔记本用户都知道我们的本本用了几分钟后就变成“烫手的山芋”了。
8.The Research on Literature Education of the Commentary of Exercise Writing of Shuyuan in the Qing Dynasty,and Taking Zhongshan Shuyuan and Jinggujingshe Commentary as an Example;课艺评点:清代书院文学教育侧记——以钟山书院、经古精舍的课艺评点为例
9.Up and down the hills are lines of simple, white stones marking the graves where the soldiers are buried.起伏的山麓上林立着一排排简单的白石头,它们是军人坟墓的标记。
10.Exploring on the Art of Conception of Wang Anshi s Baochan Mountain Travel Note;忘形而得神 神明而章成——王安石《游褒禅山记》构思艺术探讨
11.ISSR-PCR Molecular Identification of Three Species of Medicinal Dendrobium and It's Heterosis Species from Huoshan霍山产3种药用石斛及其杂交优势种的ISSR-PCR分子标记鉴别
12.Calcium carbonate in the form of stalactites or stalagmites.钟乳石形成乳石或石笋的碳酸钙
13.Descending into the cave, however, you can see signs that the lower parts of many stalactites have been damaged.不过,沿著狭窄的山洞缓步前行,却也看见许多钟乳石柱的下端全被折毁。
14.In the morning, we will pass the Rocky Mountain to arrive at Carlsbad Cavern.早晨乘车横跨落基山脉,到达被称为世界最大、深之一的加士柏大钟乳石洞。
15.100words per minute shorthand 40 words per minute typing.速记每分钟100字打字每分钟40字
16.clock-driven chart由时钟带动的记录卡片
17.engineer's bell机舱车钟指令记录簿
18.used to record the hours that people work.记录人们工作时间的钟。

Exploring of Shi Zhong Mountain石钟山记
1.An Analysis of Scientific Method in Exploring of Shi Zhong Mountain;《石钟山记》中的科学方法探微
3)The Stone Bell Hills at Hukou County湖口石钟山
4)Jianchuan Shizhongshan Shiku剑川石钟山石窟
5)Jishishan Exploration积石山探险
1.An Investigation on Situations for Culture of Science in the 1940s China from "Jishishan Exploration"从“积石山探险事件”看20世纪40年代中国科学文化的状况
6)Zhong Shan《钟山》
1.From Neorealism to New State Literature: on Zhong Shan s Literature Operations;从“新写实”到“新状态”——《钟山》杂志的文学运作谈
2.Zhong Shan and the Spread of Literature in the New Era;不薄名人爱新人——《钟山》与新时期文学的传播
