tacit的翻译,translation of tacit
1)translation of tacittacit的翻译
2)translation purpose翻译目的
1.The paper reveals that the primary standard of judging whether the method is selected properly is to see whether the translation purpose can be achieved by the translated version.运用翻译目的论和其他相关理论,并结合译例分析与讨论了经贸外宣资料术语的英译方法。
2.By comparing three English versions of The Analects of Confucius by Jacob,Willey and Pound,this paper discusses the in- fluence of translator s status,translation purpose and comprehension of the original language on versions."的翻译,探讨译者身份、翻译目的和译者对原文的理解对译文的影响,在此基础上对三种译文进行比较。

1.Skopostheory and preparation for interpreting;从翻译目的论谈译员译前的准备工作
2.Nigel Wiseman s Translation Theory and Technique in Translating Chinese Medicine into English;从翻译目的论看Nigel Wiseman的中医英译翻译思想
3.Yan Fu s Translation Purposes and His "Unorthodox Translation" Strategy;严复的翻译目的与其“非正法”的翻译策略
4.Domestication and Foreignization in the Course of Translation Under the Direction of Skopstheorie;翻译目的论指导下的翻译过程中的“归化”与“异化”
5.Application of Skopos Theory in Translation of Financial Derivatives;翻译目的论在金融衍生工具翻译总的应用
6.On the compilation of translation textbooks in China from the perspective of skopos theory;翻译目的论观照下的英汉汉英翻译教材建设
7.An Analysis of C-E Translation of Public Signs from the Perspective of Skopostheory从翻译目的论角度析公示语的汉英翻译
8.Exploring principles of translating economic literature of enterprises from Chinese to English based on Skopostheory;从翻译目的论看企业外宣资料汉英翻译原则
9.On the Translator's subjectivity in the Perspective of Literary Translation Dimension从文学翻译目的层次性谈译者主体性
10.Translator s Subjectivity in Translation Variation: From the Perspective of Skopostheorie;从翻译目的论视角看变译中的译者主体性
11.The Purpose of Translation and The Choice of Translation Strategies--The Comparison of The Two Versions of Hong Lou Meng;翻译目的与翻译策略的选择——《红楼梦》两个英译本的对比分析
12.Discussions of the Subordinate Criterion of Translation Evaluation with Reference of Two Versions of Three Kingdoms;从《三国演义》的不同英译本来看翻译目的对翻译质量的影响
13.On the Influence of Translation Purpose on Translation Strategy--Taking two translated versions of Hong Lou Meng as an example;翻译目的对翻译策略的影响——以《红楼梦》的两个译本为例
14.Techniques of Translation--On the Translation Concerned Cultural Factors in Kong Yiji;译者的用心——从翻译目的论看《孔乙己》中文化因素的翻译
15.Limitation of Deviation in Translation Based on the Translation as Purposeful Activity翻译的偏离限度——以“翻译目的论”为理据的海事文献变译研究
16.The Purposiveness of Selections in Translation--A case study on Hu Shi's translational activity论翻译选择的目的性——胡适翻译研究
17.On Translating a Special Group of Legal Terms;法律翻译中的“条”、“款”、“项”、 “目”
18.Study on Translator s Subjectivity in C-E Translation of Publicity Materials from the Perspective of Skopostheorie;从“目的论”谈外宣翻译中的译者主体性

translation purpose翻译目的
1.The paper reveals that the primary standard of judging whether the method is selected properly is to see whether the translation purpose can be achieved by the translated version.运用翻译目的论和其他相关理论,并结合译例分析与讨论了经贸外宣资料术语的英译方法。
2.By comparing three English versions of The Analects of Confucius by Jacob,Willey and Pound,this paper discusses the in- fluence of translator s status,translation purpose and comprehension of the original language on versions."的翻译,探讨译者身份、翻译目的和译者对原文的理解对译文的影响,在此基础上对三种译文进行比较。
3)translation skopos翻译目的
1.Although there are different initiators,the two versions of Hongloumeng,one is translated by Yang and another by Hawks,achieve their own translation skopos because of their proper translation strategies.杨宪益、戴乃迭翻译的《红楼梦》和霍克斯、闵福德翻译的《红楼梦》,虽然翻译活动的策动者不相同,但由于译者采取了不同的翻译策略,最终达到了各自的翻译目的,取得了理想的翻译效果。
2.Skopostheorie, which breaks with the equivalence-based translation theory and regards translation skopos as the most important factor determining the translational action, provides a new perspective for solving the dilemma of drama translation.目的论突破了对等翻译理论的束缚,认为翻译目的是决定翻译行为的首要因素,为解决戏剧翻译困境提供了崭新的视角。
1.This thesis analyzes the influence of translation purpose(skopos)upon the two translators in their respective translation processes.文章从翻译目的论的角度分析了翻译目的对《红楼梦》译者的翻译过程所产生的影响。
2.It is found by comparing with two Chinese versions of Lolita that the two translators do not translate completely according to skopos theory,and the theory can not instruct how to evaluate the versions either.比较《洛丽塔》的两个译本后发现,译者并未前后一致地按照翻译目的进行翻译,目的论也无法为译文质量提供评价依据。
5)purpose of translation翻译目的
1.Take for examples the two different versions of A Dream of Red Mansion,and we can find that translators subjectivity is undoubtedly manifested in the whole process of translation,and is determined by translators purpose of translation and culture orientation.为此,以杨译及霍译《红楼梦》中诗词翻译作为研究对象,从译者主体意识发挥的主客观方面表现出发,可看出译者的主体性必然地体现和贯穿于翻译过程中,而译者的翻译目的、文化取向则影响和决定了译者的主体性。
2.This paper,focusing on translating Chinese research paper abstracts in humanities and social sciences into English,attempts to set up the framework of analyzing the factors influencing the choice of translation strategy from four aspects,namely,purpose of translation,reader of translated text,function and type of text,and publisher.以人文社会科学论文摘要的英译为研究对象,从翻译目的、译文读者对象、文本功能及类型和出版者因素四个方面可以建构出分析影响译者翻译策略选择的基本框架,得出译者应该采取归化为主、异化为辅的摘要翻译策略。
3.Purpose of translation,theory of equivalence and approach domesticationhave the same aim-serving for readers in the target language.本文阐述了翻译目的 ,等效理论与归化策略的统一性 ,即都以译入语读者为归宿 ,得出的结论是 :归化往往是英语习语翻译的最佳策略。

Ta钽的元素符号原子序数: 73相对原子质量:(12c = 12.0000)发现人:1802年由ag ekeberg (瑞典,乌普萨拉)发现。来源:主要存在于钽铁矿中,同铌共生。用途:用于金属合金。五氧化钽用于电容器。钽也用于切削工具,真空灯丝,照相机镜头。钽的质地十分坚硬,硬度可以达到6-6.5。它的熔点高达2996℃ ,仅次于钨和铼,位居第三。钽富有延展性,可以拉成细丝式制薄箔。其热膨胀系数很小,每升高一摄氏度只膨胀百分之六点六。除此之外,它的韧性很强,比铜还要优异。钽还有非常出色的化学性质,具有极高的搞腐蚀性。无论是在冷和热的条件下,对盐酸、浓硝酸及“王水”都反应。将钽放入200℃的硫酸中浸泡一年,表层仅损伤0.006毫米。实验证明,钽在常温下,对碱溶液、氯气、溴水、稀硫酸以及其他许多药剂均不起作用,仅在氢氟和热浓硫酸作用下有所反应。这样的情况在金属在是比较罕见的。元素符号: ta 英文名: tantalum 中文名: 钽相对原子质量: 180.947 常见化合价: +3,+5 电负性: 1.5外围电子排布: 5d3 6s2 核外电子排布: 2,8,18,32,11,2同位素及放射线: ta-179[1.8y] ta-180[1.2e15y] *ta-181 ta-182[114.43d]电子亲合和能: 14 kj·mol-1第一电离能: 761 kj·mol-1 第二电离能: 1560 kj·mol-1 第三电离能: 0 kj·mol-1单质密度: 16.654 g/cm3 单质熔点: 2996.0 ℃ 单质沸点: 5425.0 ℃原子半径: 2.09 埃 离子半径: 0.64(+5) 埃 共价半径: 1.34 埃常见化合物: tac tan发现人: 爱克柏格 时间: 1802 地点: 瑞典名称由来:得名于希腊神话中niobe的父亲坦塔罗斯国王的名字“tantalus”。元素描述:沉重、坚硬却富有延展性的高熔点灰色金属,十分罕见。元素来源:总是与铌共生于钽铁矿中。元素用途:常常用作铂的廉价替代品。五氧化二钽用于制造电容器,也用于制造照相机镜头以增大其折射率。钽及钽合金防锈耐磨,因此用于制造外科和牙科手术器械。2、指网球王子中手冢tezuka和迹部aotbe。也快成为官配了吧~