高情感,high emotion
1)high emotion高情感
1.Meanwhile facing the puzzling and challenging from the post modernism and developing the high technology,human beings must have the high emotion.同时,面对后现代主义的困惑与挑战,人类在发展高科技的同时,还要具备高情感
2)sensible high-tech情感高技
3)Advanced Emotion高级情感
1.Melting the Feeling of the poem at All Times and in Ail Lands to Cast the Noble Personality -On the Advanced Emotion Trainning in Poem;融古今中外诗情,铸高尚人格操守——诗歌教学中的高级情感培养刍议

1.Melting the Feeling of the poem at All Times and in Ail Lands to Cast the Noble Personality -On the Advanced Emotion Trainning in Poem;融古今中外诗情,铸高尚人格操守——诗歌教学中的高级情感培养刍议
2.Study on the Group Training on the Development of Higher Affections of Violent Juvenile Criminals;暴力攻击型未成年犯高级情感培养的团体训练研究
3.The Loss and Recall of Affect--The Affective Teaching in Grading Class of College English under the Expansion of the University Enrollment;情感缺失与召回——高校扩招下大学英语分级教学课堂上的情感教学
4.High-quality perfume and Lily scarf, with tender feelings, let the men of insight fall in love with them at first sight.高级香水,“丽丽”丝巾,柔柔感觉,有识之士,一见钟情。
5.Hepatitis B Virus Infection Status of Grade 2008 Freshmen of Hunan University of Technology某高校2008级新生乙肝病毒感染情况分析
6.The young official added a genuine note of emotion amid the pompous funeral orations.这位年轻的高级官员,在冗长的葬礼演讲中加了一段充满感情的话。
7.advanced microwave moisture sensor高级微波水汽遥感器
8.Petty-bourgeois sentiments should be done away with.要抛弃小资产阶级的感伤情调。
9.The story has aroused our class feelings.故事唤起了我们的阶级感情。
10.Petty-bourgeois sentiment should be done away with.要抛弃小资产阶级的伤感情调。
11.Affect in Primary School TEFL: Group Dynamics as Catalyst;班级活力:小学英语情感教学的催化剂
12.Efforts Should be Made to Do Weil in Class Directors Work Through Diligence and Emotion;以“勤”、“情”感人 抓好班级工作
13.I really appreciate you help.非常感谢你的帮助.[感谢的高级表达法!
14.She says she began to feel "socially awkward" during A-levels and that this became worse at university.在准备高级考试期间,她回忆说她感到了“社交障碍”,后来到了大学情况更加恶化。
15."The extensive outer layer of gray matter of the cerebral hemispheres, largely responsible for higher brain functions, including sensation, voluntary muscle movement, thought, reasoning, and memory."脑半球灰质的大面积外层,主要负责大脑高级功能,包括情感、自发肌肉运动、思想、推理和记忆。
16.Perceived Supervisory Support and Job Involvement: The Mediation Effect of Supervisory Affective Commitment;上级支持感和员工工作卷入:上级情感承诺的中介作用
17.The Investigation and Analysis of Higher Vocational College Students' Emotions高职院校学生情绪情感问题调查研究
18.Don't let your emotions go into overdrive.不要让你的感情进入高速转动。(过于用感情。

sensible high-tech情感高技
3)Advanced Emotion高级情感
1.Melting the Feeling of the poem at All Times and in Ail Lands to Cast the Noble Personality -On the Advanced Emotion Trainning in Poem;融古今中外诗情,铸高尚人格操守——诗歌教学中的高级情感培养刍议
5)High sentimental design高感情设计
6)High Emotion Characteristic高情感特性

高情1.高隐超然物外之情。 2.高尚的情怀;高雅的情致。 3.敬词。深厚的情意。