科学旨趣,interest of science
1)interest of science科学旨趣
2)academic purport学术旨趣
1.His literary attainment should be owed more to his academic ambition of "analyzing the traditional culure for China s modernizaton" and his academic purport of "extremely wise and the Golden Mean" than his intellectual family and early childhood edu.这种文学素养来自他的文学家传和幼年教育,更来自他那"阐旧邦以辅新命"的学术志向和"极高明而道中庸"的学术旨趣。

1.Academic Interest and Groups of China s Communication Studies;中国传播学研究学术旨趣与学术群——兼论中国传播学研究30年
2.Therefore it has the academic value to clarify Jameson's postmodern theory.廓清詹明信的后现代理论的旨趣,具有重要的学术意义。
3.Seeking the Main Body Character --the principal goal in philosophy teaching;追寻主体性——哲学教学的根本旨趣
4.On the Purport of Montesquieu's Eco-Politics Doctrine孟德斯鸠政治学说的生态政治旨趣
5.Pedagogy Knowledge Research:Formation,Character & Goal;教育学知识探析:形成、品性与旨趣
6.Social Concern and Interest in Historical Research:The Educational Practice of Chen Yuan;社会关怀与史学旨趣:陈垣的教育实践
7.A Turning Point of Modern Academic Studies: from National Learning to Oriental Studies--An Analysis of Fu Sinian s “Purpose of the Work of the Research Institute of History and Linguistics”;近代学术转承:从国学到东方学——傅斯年《历史语言研究所工作之旨趣》解析
8.Social Technology: Ontological Implication of "Two Practices" by Kant and Marx;社会技术:康德和马克思“两种实践”的本体论旨趣
9.Exploring "Annotation Objective" of ZHU Xi ’s Four Books’ Learning:To Seek original meanings,explain original ideas,and criticize study fraud求本义、发原意、砭学弊——朱子四书学诠释旨趣探幽
11.Different Purports in Current Poetics of Culture and The Western New Historicism;谈当前“文化诗学”与西方新历史主义的不同旨趣
12.Mean·Harmony·Symmetry--Aesthetic Purport of Chinese Ancient Architectural Design;中庸 和谐 对称——中国古代建筑设计的美学旨趣
13.Analysis of the Contemporary Purport and the Humanity Background of the Life Philosophy;生活哲学的当代旨趣及其人文背景透析
14.On the Psychoanalytical Novels by Shi Zhecun--On His Literary Motif Preference as well;论施蛰存的心理分析小说——兼论施蛰存文学旨趣
15.The Essential Thoughts of "Consensus" Historiography: Taking Richard Hofstadter as an Example;“和谐论”史学之旨趣——以理查德·霍夫施塔特为例
16.Reform of Physical Experimental Teaching Through College Entrance Examination Paper;从高考试题旨趣看物理实验教学的改革
17.Turn Persuing Efficiency into Bucking for Development ──Concerning the Core Objective in School Administration;变“追求效率”为“谋求发展”——谈学校管理的核心旨趣
18.On writing objective and philosophical system of Confucianism and Taoism in Tai Xuan《太玄》的撰著旨趣及儒道兼赅的哲学思想

academic purport学术旨趣
1.His literary attainment should be owed more to his academic ambition of "analyzing the traditional culure for China s modernizaton" and his academic purport of "extremely wise and the Golden Mean" than his intellectual family and early childhood edu.这种文学素养来自他的文学家传和幼年教育,更来自他那"阐旧邦以辅新命"的学术志向和"极高明而道中庸"的学术旨趣。
3)literature purport文学旨趣
1.Just as"a poem portrays a painting and a painting expresses a poem",Ancient musical instrument of seven strings music exhibits itself with a strong literature purport in organizing,titling,theme,music image and aesthetic point of view.诚如"诗中有画、画中有诗"一样,古琴音乐作为传统文化的显学在制作、标题、题材、音乐形象、审美旨归等方面皆显现出浓郁的文学旨趣。
4)interest in historical research史学旨趣
1.Tracing Chen Yuan s first thirty years of educational experience from 1898 when he started teaching at a private elementary school to 1929 when he took the presidency of the Fu Jen Catholic University,two threads are found to have run through his career: one is his social concern and responsibility and the other is his interest in historical research.追溯陈垣自1898年教蒙学至1929年开始担任辅仁大学校长这30年间各种教育实践之历程,发现至少有两条线索贯穿其中,一是他的社会关怀和责任感,一是他的史学旨趣。
5)purport of Neo-Confucianism理学旨趣
6)appreciation of chinese classical literature文学审美趣旨
