陆启铿,Lu Qikeng
1)Lu Qikeng陆启铿
1.The work of Lu Qikeng is the earliest one.20世纪末期,先后有四位学者论述了规范场与纤维丛的关系:数学物理学家陆启铿的研究最早发表,它表明抽象数学世界的纤维丛在物理世界获得了规范场这一对应物,纤维丛的客观实在性得到了体现;物理学家吴大峻与杨振宁的研究影响深远,它体现了纤维丛为规范场提供了基础性支持这一思想;数学家陈省身给出了一个本质性的总结:一维纤维的几何表示就是麦克斯韦方程(电磁场),它向二维推广就是杨-米尔斯方程(规范场)。
2)Lu Qi-Keng domain陆启铿域
1.We deal with the Lu Qi-Keng conjecture on a class of Reinhardt domain,and know it is Lu Qi-Keng domain.由陆启铿猜想在一类Reinhardt域上的解决,得到了一类Reinhardt陆启铿域,同时又给出了此域是非齐性域,从而得到一类非齐性的陆启铿域。
3)Lu Qikeng conjecture陆启铿猜想
1.The zeroes of Bergman kernel functions on bounded domains in Cn can be expressed by the Lu Qikeng conjecture mostly.多复变数空间Cn中有界域的Bergman核函数的零点问题集中表现为陆启铿猜想。
4)Lu Qi-Keng's problem陆启铿问题
1.HeXun and YinKeng were two outstanding poets in the South Dynasty, and they two were famous with their exellent poetry, named "Yin&He" in the history of Chinese classic literature.何逊和阴铿是南朝梁、陈诗坛两位优秀的诗人,二人以诗歌齐名,号“阴何”。
2.YinKeng,who went everywhere after Hou-Jing Riot,focused on describing of rivers carefully,opening up writing of beam powder poet space on certain degree.侯景乱后四处流离的阴铿善于写江湖景色,描摹景物独具匠心,一定程度上开拓了梁末诗人的写作空间。

1.On Yin Jian’s Verse Creation from the Image of "Water"缘水求诗——从水之意象论阴铿的诗歌创作
2.A clang or repeated clanging.铿锵声铿锵声或持续的铿锵声
3.To make or cause to make a clang.发出产生铿锵声或导致产生铿锵声
4.Tractors clattered along the road.拖拉机走在路上铿铿地响。
5.This poem reads sonorous.这首诗读起来音调铿锵。
6.She clashed two pans together to wake us up.她铿铿锵锵作响地敲著两个平底锅叫我们起床。
7.The clanking tractor went along, shooting smoke out of its belly.拖拉机铿铿地开了过去,从车肚里喷出烟来。
8.To cause to clang, as by striking.(如通过打击)使发出铿锵声
9.A loud, resonant, metallic sound.铿锵声大而洪亮的金属般的声音
10.The girls of the Chinese football team are worthy of the name "clangorous rose".中国女足的姑娘们真不愧为“铿锵玫瑰”!
11."With each rustle of her lotus garments, her jade pendants tinkle.""荷衣欲动兮,听环佩之铿锵"
12.The metal tool clanged when it hit the wall.这金属工具击墙时发出铿锵声。
13.Their swords clashed together.他们的剑互击而发铿锵之声。
14.The whole world is amazed at the advancing strides of the Oriental Dragon.全世界惊闻巨龙的铿锵步伐。
15.said the major, half aloud.少校说,这几个字说得铿锵有劲。
16.TK: An articulate voice from any quarter should be welcomed.来自任何角落的铿锵声音都该受欢迎。
17.While Miss Martha was reaching for them there was a great tooting and clanging, and a fire engine came lumbering past.正当玛莎小姐拿面包时,门外突然响起警笛,一阵铿铿作响,随后一辆消防车轰隆轰隆地开过。
18.that clanged on the garbage-pail cover shields举着用垃圾桶盖做的盾, 在上面发出铿锵的声音,

Lu Qi-Keng domain陆启铿域
1.We deal with the Lu Qi-Keng conjecture on a class of Reinhardt domain,and know it is Lu Qi-Keng domain.由陆启铿猜想在一类Reinhardt域上的解决,得到了一类Reinhardt陆启铿域,同时又给出了此域是非齐性域,从而得到一类非齐性的陆启铿域。
3)Lu Qikeng conjecture陆启铿猜想
1.The zeroes of Bergman kernel functions on bounded domains in Cn can be expressed by the Lu Qikeng conjecture mostly.多复变数空间Cn中有界域的Bergman核函数的零点问题集中表现为陆启铿猜想。
4)Lu Qi-Keng's problem陆启铿问题
1.HeXun and YinKeng were two outstanding poets in the South Dynasty, and they two were famous with their exellent poetry, named "Yin&He" in the history of Chinese classic literature.何逊和阴铿是南朝梁、陈诗坛两位优秀的诗人,二人以诗歌齐名,号“阴何”。
2.YinKeng,who went everywhere after Hou-Jing Riot,focused on describing of rivers carefully,opening up writing of beam powder poet space on certain degree.侯景乱后四处流离的阴铿善于写江湖景色,描摹景物独具匠心,一定程度上开拓了梁末诗人的写作空间。
6)Yin Keng阴铿
1.Yin Keng wasn t of noble origin, but his poetry was the best of his age.阴铿不是贵族出身,但其诗歌却是当时之冠。
