熊猫审判,the panda trail
1)the panda trail熊猫审判
1.In the panda trail,United States federal court ruled that Intelligent Design was not a scientific theory,nor can replace evolution.但是在"熊猫审判"一案中,美国联邦法庭裁决,智慧设计论不是科学,因而不可能成为进化论的替代理论。
1.By a contrastive analysis of Chinese xiongmaoand English panda,this paper aims at studying the limit to metaphor translation from the cognitive perspective.本研究以英汉语中"熊猫"隐喻作为个案,从认知角度解释隐喻翻译的局限。
2.The famous artist Bandi Zhao and his work of art which consist of a serial of elements about panda.先锋艺术家赵半狄与他的一系列以熊猫为主要元素的艺术作品,关注当下社会现象和新兴阶层,刻画表现了最新的事物。

1.Red pandas are a distant relative of the giant panda,小熊猫是大熊猫的远亲,
2.raccoons; coatis; cacomistles; kinkajous; and sometimes pandas.浣熊;长鼻浣熊;环尾猫熊;蜜熊;某些领域包括熊猫
3.Little panda, black and white,小熊猫,黑白相间,
4.The little panda is not like the giant panda at all.小熊猫跟大熊猫长得一点都不像。
5.Panda cubs play at the China Wolong Giant Panda Research Center in Sichuan province.四川卧龙大熊猫研究中心的熊猫宝宝。
6.Its more plentiful cousin, the lesser panda, is also referred to as the cat bear or bear cat;比它数量多的表亲体型较小的小熊猫,有人称之为猫熊或熊猫
7.A giant panda gave birth to a panda cub in China's Wolong Giant Panda Protection and Research Center.在中国卧龙大熊猫保护与研究中心,一只大熊猫产下一只熊猫幼仔。
8.three pandas and two elephants.三只熊猫和两头大象。
9.The panda is now a rare animal.熊猫现在是稀有动物.
10.two zebras and two red pandas.两匹斑马和两只小熊猫
11.Panda Superior Low Suds Detergent熊猫高级无泡洗衣粉
12.The animal is the giant panda,这种动物就是大熊猫
13.I like the big panda.我喜欢这只大熊猫
14.take some photos of pandas给大熊猫拍了一些照片
15.6. Sarah has a little panda.沙拉有一只小熊猫
16.Pandas bed down in the dense forest.熊猫在密林中做窝。
17.So they became fewer and fewer.因此熊猫越来越稀少。
18.The giant panda is well named.大熊猫的命名蛮贴切的。

1.By a contrastive analysis of Chinese xiongmaoand English panda,this paper aims at studying the limit to metaphor translation from the cognitive perspective.本研究以英汉语中"熊猫"隐喻作为个案,从认知角度解释隐喻翻译的局限。
2.The famous artist Bandi Zhao and his work of art which consist of a serial of elements about panda.先锋艺术家赵半狄与他的一系列以熊猫为主要元素的艺术作品,关注当下社会现象和新兴阶层,刻画表现了最新的事物。
3)Big panda, big panda.大熊猫,大熊猫。
4)giant panda大熊猫
1.Discussion on the Value of World Heritage for Jiajin Mountains Giant Panda Habitat of Sichuan;论夹金山脉大熊猫栖息地的世界自然遗产价值
2.Cloning and sequence analysis of IL-4 gene in giant panda;大熊猫IL-4基因的克隆与序列分析
3.Monitoring research of population and distribution of giant panda in Changqing nature reserve;长青保护区大熊猫种群数量与分布监测研究
1.The cause of disturbance and countermeasures of protection of Panda and its habitat in Taibai Mountain Nature Reserve;太白山自然保护区大熊猫及其栖息地的干扰因素及保护对策
2.Determination of the Tannin in Bamboo and its Effect on the Panda;竹子中单宁含量的测定及其对大熊猫采食量的影响
3.A Study of the Panda Population and Conservation Strategies in Xiaoxiangling Mountains;小相岭大熊猫种群生态学和保护策略研究
1.A brief introduction of PANDAS,a novel tic entity of Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections was also made about its diagnosis and treatment.本文简介该综合征的临床表现、诊断及治疗,并简介新发现的链球菌感染后的自身免疫疾病抽动症熊猫症的诊断和治疗。
