智慧设计论,Intelligent Design
1)Intelligent Design智慧设计论
1.May Intelligent Design Replace Evolution?智慧设计论能成为进化论的替代理论吗

1.May Intelligent Design Replace Evolution?智慧设计论能成为进化论的替代理论吗
2.Moreover, it does not make one intelligent-design theory more reasonable than another.何况智慧设计论也不会因此变得更合理。
3.Complexity of a different kind-“ specified complexity”- is the cornerstone of the intelligent-design arguments of William A.还有一种复杂性,叫作「制复杂」美国贝勒大学的丹司基用它作为智慧设计论证的基石。
4.Wisdom of Design--Outline of Ancient Chinese Design Thought History;设计的智慧——中国古代设计思想史论纲
5.General Strategies on the Design of Intellectual CAI Courseware;关于智慧技能CAI课件设计的一般策略
6.Probe into the Design and Made of the Low-cost and High-lintelligent Experiments in Physics Teaching低成本、高智慧物理实验的设计与制作
7.[[General Intelligent Design]] states that every natural process is intelligently designed.]认为认为所有的自然过程都是智慧设计的。
8.Study and Design on Intelligent Retrieval System within Education Resource Website;智慧型教育资源网站内检索系统的研究与设计
9.The Functions of Visual Communication in Harmonious Society--The Wisdom of Artistic Design;视觉传达在和谐社会中的作用——艺术设计的智慧
10."Knowledge and Wisdom" Expounded in Kutadgu Bilig;《福乐智慧》中关于“知识、智慧”论述的归纳与辨析
11.Wisdom of Life and Thought -- Comparison between SU Qing and ZHANG Ai ling;生活的智慧与思想的智慧——苏青、张爱玲比较论
12.Human intelligence designed and fabricated from wickiup to hut then to high-rise.人的智慧,一步一步设计制造出窝棚、草屋,直至高楼大厦。
13.Confidence in Action,Wisdom in Inaction--Exploratory Teaching of Exhibition Design AsAn Elective Specialty Course有为的自信,无为的智慧——《展示设计》专业选修课教学探索
14.Discussion on Vertical-shaped Shopping Center Taking the MegaBox Mall,Hong Kong as an Example大块头有大智慧——由香港MegaBox看垂直型购物中心建筑设计
15.Remarks on the Similarities between "Happiness and Wisdom" and "The Analects";试论《福乐智慧》与《论语》的共性
16.Design is a creative process with no "right"answers, drawing from the chemical engineer's experience and the wisdom of others.设计是一个创造过程,没有"正确"的答案,而是出自于化学工程师的经验和设计者的智慧。
17.KEY WORDS: DNA, intelligent system, universal intelligence, intelligent gene( IG), theory of independent intelligent gene, philosophy, cognitive science.关键词:DNA,智力系统,万有智力,智因,智因自主设计论,哲学,认知科学。
18.On Origin and Development of Individual Intelligence--The Establishment of Individual Intelligence Model Based on Baldwin s Intelligence Views;论个体智慧的起源与发展——从鲍德温的智慧观看个体智慧机制模型的建立

Theory of Intelligent Design智慧设计理论
3)Wisdom of Design设计的智慧
4)wisdom theory智慧论
5)New Democratic Theory理论智慧
6)Intelligent Design智能设计论
1.New Natural Theology:The Origin of Intelligent Design and Its Challenges to Scientific Theory新自然神学:智能设计论的兴起及其对科学理论的挑战
2.The controversy over Intelligent Design has been in progress since its naissance.智能设计论自其诞生以来一直颇受争议。

智慧水【智慧水】 (譬喻)智慧能洗烦恼之垢,故譬以水也。文殊师利问经曰:“心性本净,诸过为垢。以智慧水,洗除心垢。”