宗教原罪,religious sin
1)religious sin宗教原罪
2)original religion原始宗教
1.The ancient Shu people had original religions with different features in each period,so as their calendars.不同时期的蜀地有不同的原始宗教反映,而历法应该与之有着必然联系。
2.The Dai people believe in both original religion and Hinayana Buddhism,which engender important and all-round influence to the culture of the Dai nationality.傣族人民既信仰原始宗教,也信仰小乘佛教,在宗教信仰上形成了傣族信仰二元化的特点。
3.Most of the ancient culture in Guangdong was from Central Plains,and so was the original religion.广东地方特色文化是中国文化的重要组成部分,广东古代文化的大部分内容都来源于中原地区,古代原始宗教也是如此。

1.The Dais in Dehong believe in Buddhism and primitive religion.德宏傣族宗教包括佛教和原始宗教
2.primitive and archaic religion in China中国原始宗教和古代宗教
3.Cultural Choice of the Historical Evolution of the Primitive Religion--Taking the Primitive Religion Culture of Minorities in Xiangxi as an Example原始宗教历史演变的文化选择——以湘西少数民族原始宗教文化为例
4.Hence the study of primitive culture is intimately bound up with that of primitive religion.因此,原始文化研究与原始宗教研究紧密相关。
5.Significance of Ecological Protection of Yi nationality Original Religion试论彝族原始宗教对生态保护的意义
6.Yi Nationality Habitat Construction under the Influence of primitive Religion of Yi;彝族原始宗教影响下的传统彝居建筑
7.Primordial Religious Imago in "The Legend of Oghuzkhan";谈《乌古斯可汗传说》的原始宗教意象
8.Cultural Motif of Primitive Religion in Magical Realism;论魔幻现实主义的原始宗教文化主题
9.On the Legality Management of the Primitive Religion of the Ethnic Minorities in China;论我国少数民族原始宗教的法制管理
10.The Book of Songs and the Transmutation of the Primitive Religious Cultrue in the Zhou Dynasty;《诗经》与周代原始宗教文化的演化
11.Primitive Religion - Conceptual Platform in the Book of Songs;原始宗教——诗经兴象建构的观念平台
12.They do not believe in Hinayana but in the primitive religion.该族群不信仰小乘佛教 ,而笃信传统的原始宗教
13.Study on the Transition from Primitive Religions to Christianity in Minority Nationalities of Yunnan Province;论云南少数民族原始宗教向基督教的转变
14.On the Transition of Pre-historic Primitive Religion Based on Archaeology Material;从考古资料看中国史前原始宗教向阶级宗教的转变
15.The Cultural Connation of Soul, Ghost and Deity in Hani Nationality's Ancient Religious Concept哈尼族原始宗教观念中的魂、鬼、神文化内涵
16.A Trial Analysis of Interaction Between the Lahu Nationality's Primitive Religion and the Habitual Laws试析拉祜族的原始宗教与习惯法的互动
17.Women Worship in the Primitive Religion and Myth of Yi Nationality;彝族原始宗教与神话中的女性崇拜研究
18.The Folk Sports Culture of Libo s Shui People in Primitive Religion;原始宗教下荔波水族民俗体育文化探析

original religion原始宗教
1.The ancient Shu people had original religions with different features in each period,so as their calendars.不同时期的蜀地有不同的原始宗教反映,而历法应该与之有着必然联系。
2.The Dai people believe in both original religion and Hinayana Buddhism,which engender important and all-round influence to the culture of the Dai nationality.傣族人民既信仰原始宗教,也信仰小乘佛教,在宗教信仰上形成了傣族信仰二元化的特点。
3.Most of the ancient culture in Guangdong was from Central Plains,and so was the original religion.广东地方特色文化是中国文化的重要组成部分,广东古代文化的大部分内容都来源于中原地区,古代原始宗教也是如此。
3)primitive religions原始宗教
1.The word primitive of the term primitive religions was challenged by some theories and practice for the past few years.近些年来,由于受到各种理论和实践的挑战,"原始宗教"术语中的"原始"问题遭到质疑。
4)Primitive religion原始宗教
1.On the relationship of primitive religion and moral ethics of the Wa people;佤族原始宗教与伦理道德的关系
2.The Wa nationality’s primitive religion and their ethnic culture heritage;佤族的原始宗教与民族文化传承
3.Cultural Value of Primitive Religion in the Development of Early Human Civiliztion;论原始宗教在早期文明发展中的文化价值
5)ancient religion原始宗教
1.Also,the author insists the ancient religion of Bunun people be tightly combined with their ordinary lives and they have a tendency to sacred life.文章探讨了布农族的原始宗教文化,分析了其原始信仰、岁时祭仪、生命礼俗、占卜、巫术和禁忌等宗教要素的特征,同时指出布农族原始宗教与社会生活的紧密结合使他们的生活具有神圣化的倾向。
6)primordial religion原始宗教
1.This article analyses the attribute and particularity of the age-old Bonism of Tibetan regions mostly,take for in history, when Bon became an apellation of religion,it has come into being some institutional religion,so we can not rank it to primordial religion.文章主要对藏区古老的苯教的宗教属性和特征进行分析,认为在历史上,苯教作为一种宗教的名称出现时,其已经形成系统性的宗教体系,所以我们不能将之列为原始宗教。
2.Based on theories of multi-disciplines such as historiographies of nationality and sports,adopted the methods of filed work and comparative analysis, this study conducted a systematic study on the relationship between nationality traditional sports and primordial religion of minorities in the Dam Regions.通过民族史学、体育理论、体育史学等多种学科原理,结合实地调研、比较分析,对三峡库区民族祭祀体育产生的社会条件以及原始宗教对该地区民族体育的利与弊作简要分析。
