人性原罪,sin of human nature
1)sin of human nature人性原罪
1.The sin consciousness in western religions has some cultural rationalities of sin of human nature,and has some learning values to overcome the various crises which the modern sci-tech civilization faces.由于西方宗教的原罪意识具有人性原罪的文化合理性,对于我们克服现代科技文明所面临的诸种危机具有一定的借鉴价值,因此本文从人性原罪角度反思当代科技文明的价值取向。

1.Sin of Human Nature and Value Trend of Reconstruction of Contemporary Sci-Tech Civilization人性原罪与当代科技文明重建的价值取向
2.The Formation of Sin Prototype in CAO Yu s Dramas;罪恶与人性:曹禺戏剧的“原罪”原型构成
3.Man s evil nature,original sin and degeneration;性恶·原罪·堕落——《蝇王》对于人性的探讨
4.Research on Deep Reasons of Corruption Crime;腐败犯罪原因探微——以制度与人性为进路
5.Causes of Crime, Reforming Characters and Countermeasures of Female Murderers;女性杀人犯的犯罪原因改造特点及对策
6.Reflections on Causes of Crimes:Crimes Stem from Behaviors;犯罪原因存在于犯罪人的行为之中——关于犯罪原因的思考
7.Features and Causes of Juvenile Sexual Crimes--A Case Study of a Certain Juvenile Prison in Hefei;未成年人性犯罪特征及其原因——以合肥市某未管所为个案
8.the Calvinist doctrine that everyone is born in a state of corruption as a result of original sin.加尔文主义教条认为由于原罪人一出生就有罪。
9.Rationality of the Hybrid Criminal Definition under Doctrine of A Legally Prescribed Punishment for A Special Crime;罪刑法定原则下混合犯罪概念的正当性探析
10.Augustine s Theory of Original Sin and Xunzi s Theory of Evil Human Nature;奥古斯丁原罪论与荀子性恶论的犯罪之维
11.Why this has happened is anyone's guess.[3]人人都在猜测犯罪率下降的原因。
12.Transhuman,Sin and Theoretical Dilemma of Posthumanism;超人、原罪与后人类主义的理论困境
13.Abstract An important reason, which causes criminal offence, is a crime motive of the crime native.引起犯罪行为的一个重要原因是犯罪人的犯罪动机。
14.Human nature revolts from such a crime.人性厌恶这样的罪行。
15.the unconfessed cannot be forgiven.没有认罪忏悔的人不能得到原谅。
16.He be pleasant than original sin .他要比原罪更令人愉快一些。
17.He was pleasanter than original sin.你要比原罪更令人愉快一些。
18.He pulled out an apple to remind me of the original sin.他拿出一个苹果,提醒我人类有原罪。

original sin of women女性原罪
3)Sexual misconduct性罪错人群
1.Analysis of Inflnential Factor on Syphilis of 5696 Sexual misconduct in Shenzhen;目的:了解深圳市性罪错人群一般情况对梅毒感染的影响,为预防和控制梅毒的流行提供依据。
4)Rational Criminals理性犯罪人
5)Sexual delinquency性罪错人员
1.Conclusion:Sexual delinquency people are major contagiums.目的:了解海口市性罪错人员的社会、心理和行为及性病危险因素。
6)Male sex-related crim inals男性性罪错人群
