语境论的世界观,a contextualistic worldview
1)a contextualistic worldview语境论的世界观
2)the theorized weltanschauung理论化的世界观
1.It points out that the theorized weltanschauung and the realisti.理论化的世界观与人的现实的世界观是不同的。
3)the worldview of evolutionism进化论的世界观
4)pluralism of linguistic world outlook语言世界观多元论

1.The Pluralism of Linguistic World Outlook:The 8th Paper on Linguistic Embodiment Based on Embodied Philosophy and CL;语言世界观多元论——八论语言的体验观
2.A Discussion on the Effect of Contradiction between Language and the Objective World on the Language Expression;试论语言与客观世界的矛盾对语言表达的影响
3.On Variation of the World Languages and Cultures in Globalization;全球化背景下的世界语言文化多元发展趋势
4.There are over 2,000 languages spoken throughout the world.全世界有2000多种语言。
5.How many languages are there in the world?世界上有多少种语言呢?
6.Languages, Life and Worlds--the Language in the Perspective of Marxist Philosophy of Living;语言、生活与世界——生活哲学的语言观
7.Deity--A Language Constructed World--with comments on the non-instrumentalism of language神:语言构筑的世界——再论语言非工具论
8.The language world vision(LWV) is the sum of naive concepts held by a certain speech community towards the outside world.语言世界图景是某一语言社团对外部世界朴素的观念认识的总和。
9.Semantic Field Viewed from the World Pictures in Chinese and Russian;从俄汉语言的世界图景看语义场理论
10.Carnival World View, Genres, Chronotop and Language;狂欢化世界观、体裁、时空体和语言
11.On Terministic Screen in Kenneth Burke's View of Language论肯尼斯·伯克语言观中的术语视界
12.On Language World Vision as Object of Linguistic Research;论语言世界图景作为语言学的研究对象
13.Do you know how many languages there are in the world?你知道世界上有多少种语言吗?
14.The weltanschauung of polycentric and holistic is axes of thought way in the Pre-Qin;多元整体世界观——先秦思想形式的轴心
15.On the Language of Can Xue s short stories;病入膏肓世界的梦呓——残雪小说语言论
16.Natural Semantic Metalanguage Approach to Metaphor and Its Semantic Explanatory Power自然语义元语言理论的隐喻观及其语义解释力
17.On the Evolution of Language Conception in the 20th Century Western Philosophy;论语言观在20世纪西方哲学中的演变
18.A Review of Linguistic Theories during the 20th Century in Terms of Systems Science系统观照下的20世纪西方语言学理论

the theorized weltanschauung理论化的世界观
1.It points out that the theorized weltanschauung and the realisti.理论化的世界观与人的现实的世界观是不同的。
3)the worldview of evolutionism进化论的世界观
4)pluralism of linguistic world outlook语言世界观多元论
5)The Expertise of Contextulism语境论的专长观
6)A Contextual View of Science语境论的科学观
