女性与自然,women and nature
1)women and nature女性与自然
1.Alice Walker describes women and nature\'s misery experience in the patriarchal society,sisterhood and awakening of female consciousness and men\'s role conversion in her epistolary novel The Color Purple.艾丽斯·沃克在书信体小说《紫颜色》中,描写了女性和自然在男权社会压迫下的悲惨遭遇,姐妹情谊和女性意识的觉醒,男性角色的转换,阐释了女性与自然之间存在的关联,体现了生态女性主义的观点,从而可见艾丽斯。

1.The dialogue between female and nature--Analysis of ecological feminism in Surfacing;女性与自然的对话——《浮现》的生态女性主义解读
2.The Multi-dimensional Theoretical Approaches of the Women-Nature Relation--Critical Eco-feminism-Based Visual Angle女性与自然关系的多维理论进路——基于批判性的生态女性主义视角
3.Conversation between Women and Nature--Analysis of Willa Cather's Ecofeminism in The Cabin in the Garden女性与自然的言说——从《花园小屋》中透视薇拉·凯瑟早期的生态女性主义思想
4.An Eco-feminist Approach to the Metaphorical Relation Between Nature and Women;自然与女性之隐喻的生态女性主义批评
5.Transition from Edge to Center: Critique on Female and Nature by Eco-feminist从“边缘”到“中心”的位移——生态女性主义关于自然与女性身份的批评
6.Feminine Writing and Naturalized Ethic of Mary Oliver;玛丽·奥利弗的女性书写与自然化伦理(英文)
7.A Cognitive Approach to the Metaphorical Relationship between Nature and Women;认知语义学视阈下的自然与女性之隐喻
8.An Ecocritical Reading of the Relationship between Females and Nature in Wordsworth's Poetry生态批评解读华诗中自然与女性的关系
9.Human Being Nature Ecology On Ecological Feminism Naturalistic Ideology of 《White Heron》;人 自然 生态——《白苍鹭》的生态女性主义自然观解读
10.Female and Natural Concepts in Early Textures of Ecofeminism;生态女性主义早期文本中的女性和自然观
11.Women·Nature·Harmony: An Interpretation of the Color Purple from the Ecofeminist Perspective女性 自然 和谐:浅析《紫色》中的生态女性主义思想
12.The metaphorical relationship between nature and women can be analyzed by appealing to the concept of metaphor in cognitive semantics.自然与女性的关系可以运用认知语义学中的隐喻概念来阐述。
13.Ethical Reflection and Criticism of Mechanical View of Nature:An Ecofeminist Perspective;生态女性主义对机械论自然观的伦理反思与批判
14.Contrastive Study of Eco-Feminism s and Eco-Marxism’s View of Nature;自然观:生态女性主义与生态马克思主义之比较研究
15.Meta-analysis of Relationship between Occupational Benzene Exposure and Spontaneous Abortion;女性职业接触苯系物与自然流产率关系的Meta分析
16.Multi-angle Explication on the Relationship between Human Being and Nature--The Commentary and Analysis on the Genre of the Ecofeminism;人类与自然关系的多角度解说——生态女性主义思潮评析
17.Natura 1 Lives and Beautiful Humanity -Talk about the young girls in Xiang-xi created by Shen -congwen;自然的生命与至美的人性——论沈从文笔下的湘西少女形象
18.Humanism of Penalty and Application of Execution to Women Befalling Natural Abortion in the Dock;刑罚的人道性与审判时自然流产妇女的死刑适用

Nature and Women自然与女性
3)female and nature女与自然
4)Natural female自然女性
5)nature and young girl自然与少女
6)equivalence of women and nature自然与女性的等值

女性1.人类两种性别之一,与男性相对。常用为妇女的通称。 2.女子的性格﹑性情。