现代经验主义,modern empirism
1)modern empirism现代经验主义

1.Modern empiricism and the modernization of Chinese traditional philosophy;现代经验主义与中国传统哲学的现代化
2.Modern Contract Theory: Evolution and Logical Empiricism Methodology;现代契约理论的演化及其逻辑经验主义方法论
3.The CPC's Basic Experience in Exploring Socialism Modernization Theory中国共产党探索社会主义现代化的基本经验
4.From Idealism to Empiricism --On the Modern Turning Value Aims in Traditional Education;从理想主义到经验主义——试论传统道德教化价值目标的现代性转向
5.Experience Adaptation and Experience Exaggeration --on transformation and crisis of realism on the part of poetry in the 90s经验改写与经验夸张——论九十年代诗现实主义的流变及其危机
6.The Main Experience of the Three Generations of the CPC s Central Leadership on Marxism in China s Exploration;我党三代领导人实现马克思主义中国化的基本经验
7.The Edification from MAO Ze-dong s Endeavor in China s Modernization;毛泽东探索中国社会主义现代化道路的经验教训
8.The Decline of Modern Rationalism and the Rise of Empiricism;近代理性主义的衰落与经验主义的兴起
9.Antinomy of Rationalism and Empiricism in Linguistic History During 17th and 18th Century;理性主义和经验主义在近代语言学史中的对立
10.Experience and Lessons and Modern Significance Of China And Russia In Their Economic Reform;中俄经济转轨的经验教训及现代意义
11.Post-modernism has appeared as revolt.后现代主义已经以反叛者的面目出现。
12.empiricism-pragmatism school经验主义-实用主义学派
13.Of or as conceived by existentialism or existentialists:经验主义的由经验主义或经验主义者所构想的:
14.The Experience of the Modernization in Latin America and Its Significance to Developing Countries;拉美现代化的经验教训及其借鉴意义
15.Marxist Macroeconomics: A Modern Exposition;马克思主义宏观经济学:一个现代阐释
16.Alliance of Economy, Politics and Modern Consumptionism;现代“消费主义”与经济、政治的同盟
17.Naturalism:Medium from Realism to Modernism;自然主义:现实主义到现代主义的中介
18.of or as conceived by existentialism.属于经验主义或由经验主义构想。

experimental realism经验现实主义
1.Modernism and Its Embodiment In Furniture Design;现代主义及其在家具设计中的体现
2.From Modernism to Postmodernism Enlightenment on China from Western Fashion Trends from 1960's to 1980's;从“现代主义”到“后现代主义”——20世纪60~80年代西方服装潮流变迁的启示
3.Thinking on Some Basic Issues of the Modernism;关于现代主义一些基本问题的思考
1.This paper has,from careful analysis of the three modernist tendencies of individual image,special subjective expression and abstract narration in Gu Cheng s poem,pointed that some modernist thinking and expression means demonstrated by misty poems has provided the possibility for contemporary poems.顾城诗中个人化的象征,独特的主观表达,抽象的抒写三个现代主义倾向,体现出朦胧诗的一些现代主义思维和表达方式,为当代诗歌提供了一些新的可能。
2.Such modernist poetic devices have helped to enrich the repertoire of modernist poetry, innovating the writing skills of American poetry and triggering out the well-known verse libre movement.本着“日日新”的创新诗学,庞德在《华夏集》的翻译中创造性地使用了特殊留空与特殊空行等诗歌印刷版式,同时首次使用了“首语重复结构”等现代主义诗歌技法,极大丰富了现代主义诗歌的写作技法,实现了对美国诗歌写作技法的创新,引发了轰轰烈烈的自由诗运动,对后世的诗人与译者产生了深远的影响。
3.And they are also widely accepted by most critics as modernist nar- rative devices.通过对索尔·贝娄文学生涯中比较重要的一部小说《赛姆勒先生的行星》的深入研究发现,从小说创作技法的角度来看,这部充分体现索尔·贝娄小说特点的作品有力地说明了索尔·贝娄是一位堪称典型的现代主义作家。
1.Comparisons of Subject Views of Curriculum between Empiricism and Essentialism;经验主义与要素主义课程主体观比较
2.Legal Perspective of Dispute of Rationalism and Empiricism;理性主义与经验主义之争的法律视角
3.The Decline of Modern Rationalism and the Rise of Empiricism;近代理性主义的衰落与经验主义的兴起
1.His literary creation has presented the content of experimentalism and a tendency of post-modernism.理想主义一直贯穿于王蒙20世纪50年代到80年代文学创作中,但90年代以来,随着市场经济的建立,社会文化的转型,王蒙的创作观也发生了改变,以承认“存在就是合理的”为基础,追求文学创作的多元化,在他的创作观中,加入了经验主义的内容,且带有后现代主义的倾向。
2.On the base of experimentalism,Guzhun thought deeply about why China was stagnant for a long time ,searched after the difference between east and west culture,proved the non-logicality of history development.在经验主义哲学基础上,顾准通过对中国长期停滞不前的反思,探索了东西方文化的差异性,论证了历史发展的非逻辑性。
