3)traditional regimen methods传统养生之道
1.National traditional sports and traditional regimen methods are both precious cultural legacies of our country by analyzing the common point and difference of national traditional sports and traditional regimen methods.通过民族传统体育与传统养生之道的异同点进行分析,指出民族传统体育与传统养生之道都是祖国宝贵的文化遗产,二者受中国传统文化的影响,都具有健身、祛病的功效。

1.Study on Relations Between National Traditional Sports and Traditional Regimen Methods;对民族传统体育与传统养生之道关系的探究
2.The Relations between National Traditional Sports and Traditional Regimen Methods;试论民族传统体育与传统养生之道的关系
3.Using the Chinese Traditional Theory of Preserving People s Health for the Landscape Design of Restorative Space;中国传统养生之道在疗养空间景观设计中的运用
4.Review of the relationship between contemporary health definition and traditional Chinese health-cultivation,self-restrain and virtue nurture;传统养生、涵养道德与健康长寿之原理
5.A Comparison between the Mental Regimen of The Traditional Chinese Taoism and the Psychological Therapeutics of Existentialism;传统道家心理养生之道与存在主义心理治疗之比较
6.The Influence of Traditional Ethics Morals View on the Moral Formation of Today′s University Students传统伦理道德观对大学生道德养成的作用
7.Learn the way one conducts himself in society at university from traditional culture;大学生从传统文化学习为人处事之道
8.An Essay on the Return of Traditional Moral among Present College Students;当代大学生传统道德文化回归之管见
9.Discussion on Modernization of Chinese Traditional Health Culture;关于我国传统养生文化的现代化改造之探析
10.The Basic Theoretical Analysis on the P.E and Traditioncd Health Preservation;对体育与传统养生之理论基础的几点质疑
11.The Significance of Confucian Morality in the Moral Development of College Students;儒家传统道德修养观对大学生完美人格培养的意义
12.From the Confucianism the Traditional Moral Education Commence to Educate the Morals Personality of the University Student s Health;从儒家传统道德教育入手 培养大学生健康的道德人格
13.Survival and Development of Ethnic Sports in Global Economy;全球化浪潮下民族传统体育的生存与发展之道
14.On the Survival and Development Way of National Traditional Sports试论中华民族传统体育的生存与发展之道
15.Taoist philosophy has always keeping the trad ition of"for oneself", "nourishing life", "keeping life sound" and pays at tention to keeping life as long as possible.道家哲学一直有“为我”、“贵生”、“全生”的传统 ,注重保养身体、延长生命。
17.Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, a traditional culture in China, have their own conceptions of life.作为我国传统文化的儒学,佛教和道教,均有其各自的养生观。
18.On Ecological Value of Raising Fish in Paddy Field--Take Yanglan Village in Tongdao County of Hunan for Example;论侗族稻田养鱼传统的生态价值——以湖南通道阳烂村为例

3)traditional regimen methods传统养生之道
1.National traditional sports and traditional regimen methods are both precious cultural legacies of our country by analyzing the common point and difference of national traditional sports and traditional regimen methods.通过民族传统体育与传统养生之道的异同点进行分析,指出民族传统体育与传统养生之道都是祖国宝贵的文化遗产,二者受中国传统文化的影响,都具有健身、祛病的功效。
4)Video Home System (VHS)录像带系统之一
5)A Perspective on the Relationship between the Teacher and Students师生关系之我见
1.Measurement of Ecosystem Diversity in Wuliangshan National Nature Reserve and its Adjacent Area in Yunnan Province;无量山国家级自然保护区及其周边地区生态系统多样性测度
2.Assessment methods of ecosystem services value of small watershed;小流域生态系统服务功能价值估算方法

中国传统健身养生图说    中国传统健身养生图说    医史著作。李经纬、朱建平编著。本书从历代古籍文献及文物考古资料中选出春秋战国至1911年间历代有关气功导引(道教内丹图内容未选)、饮食起居等养生图片加以重印或摹绘,加上部分新绘图,共计26套近700幅。每套图前简要介绍该养生功法的产生、演变以及有关人物和著作,而后按功法分解图逐一讲解。1990年由中国书店出版。