1.In the base of analyzing the dipping sonar responding-antisubmarine search process, carrying on the simulation environment, building the MonteCalo model of dipping sonar, study the dipping sonar coefficient at interval, spiral coefficient, the checked number of detection, and search formation.反潜直升机使用吊放声纳应召搜潜是其搜潜的主要方式之一。

1.Simulative Research on Responding-antisubmarine of ASW Helicopter Which Using Dipping-sonar反潜直升机吊放声纳应召搜潜仿真研究
2.Building and Simulating Definite Second Time Submarine Search Models of Dipping Sonar Based on Transcendental Target Moving Course基于先验目标航向的吊放声纳应召搜潜建模与仿真研究
3.Simulation Research on Methods of Definite Second Time Search of Dipped Sonar Against Submarine对潜的吊放声纳应召搜索技术仿真研究
4.Research on Use of Special Sonobuoy of Ship-based Helicopter in Called-out Search舰载直升机应召搜索时使用特种浮标问题研究
5.deep submergence search vessel深海潜水船深潜搜索艇
6.The Application of the Group Search Games Theory to the Naval Vessel Submarine Antagonistic;集群搜索对策理论在舰-潜对抗中的一类应用
7.Application of Hungarian Algorithm to the Forces Assignment in Anti-submarine Inspection Searching匈牙利算法在检查搜潜兵力指派问题中的应用
8.Research on Cumulative Detection Probability in Passive Buoy Arrays被动浮标阵搜潜中积累搜索概率研究
9.Research on Submarine Evading One Course Anew Searching by Anti-sub Submarine潜艇规避反潜潜艇平行航向法再搜索研究
10.and so calls in one of their spy hunters.于是召来一个间谍搜寻人员。
11.Analysis and model of probability of antisubmarine helicopter detects diesel-electric submarine反潜直升机搜索常规潜艇概率分析与建模
12.The policemen burst the door open to search for the escaped prisoner.警察破门而入,搜寻潜逃的囚犯。
13.Analysis and Simulation of Submarine-searching Operation of Surface Ships;水面舰艇对潜搜索仿真与分析(英文)
14.Markov Decision Programming Model of Warship CGF Searching Submarine Process舰艇CGF搜潜过程马氏决策规划模型
15.The Hidden Iceberg--The Calling Structure in All s Well That Ends Well;潜藏在水下的冰山——《终成眷属》中的召唤结构
16."The balmy" came almost as soon as it was courted.“温馨”不久就应召而来了。
17.He was summoned/called to testify in the case他应召为该案作证。
18.A draftee waiting to be inducted into the army.等候被应召入伍的士兵

antisubmarine call search应召反潜搜索
3)Searching for Submarine对潜应召搜索
1.Evaluate on antisubmarine call-search of surface formation;反潜编队对潜应召搜索效果评估
2.Analyzing the features of antisubmarine call-search, according to the tactical calculate, the text establishes the model of antisubmarine call-search ability, and calculates it, evaluates the efficacy.本文在分析反潜编队应召搜索特点的基础上,对应召搜索能力进行了必要的战术计算,对应召搜索的效果进行了评估,为实际反潜作战中提高对潜搜索的效果提供了可靠的依据。
5)emergency diver recall system潜水员应急召回系统
6)diver recall潜水员召回
