1.Study of Emergency Materials Scheduling Problem Baesd on ELS3基于应急物流体的应急救援物资调度模型

1.Study of Emergency Materials Scheduling Problem Baesd on ELS3基于应急物流体的应急救援物资调度模型
2.Accelerate the Construction of Emergency Logistics System and Improve the Guarantee of Emergency Material加快应急物流体系建设 增强应急物资保障能力
3.Analysis of Integrated Model of Supply Chain in ELS~3应急物流体中供应链的集成模式研究
4.Discussion on the Construction and Operating Management of Emergency Logistics System;论应急物流体系的构建及其运作管理
5.Emergent Situation Logistics Supply Chain Integrated Pattern--ELS~3 Analysis非定常态供应链集成模式——应急物流体分析
6.How To Construct Emergency Logistics System after Earthquake--the Deep Thought on 5·12 Wen Chuan Earthquake;如何快速建立震后应急物流体系——对5·12汶川大地震的深度思考
7.An Analysis on the Emergency Logistics Ensuring and Unification of Military and Social Logistics;应急物流保障与军地物流一体化研究
8.Conception and Constitution Research of Emergency Logistics Capability;应急物流能力的内涵剖析与构成体系
9.Study on Natural Disaster Emergency Logistics Capability Evaluation System自然灾害应急物流能力评价体系研究
10.Theoretical Issues About Constructing an Emergency Logistics Management System for Natural Disasters论自然灾害应急物流管理体系的构建
11.Analysis on Ammunition Logistics System Oriented to Emergent Supply;面向应急保障的弹药物流体系分析研究
12.Research on Emergency Logisticcs System Based on Process Method基于过程方法的应急物流运作体系探析
13.Application of process re-engineering on emergency care of mass poisoning流程再造在群体食物中毒急诊救护中的应用
14.Investigation on Construction of Hubei Product Oil Emergency Logistics Distribution System构建湖北石油成品油应急物流配送体系初探
15.Promoting Military-Local Logistic Integration Development Basing on Emergecy Logistic以应急物流建设为依托,促进军地物流一体化发展
16.Wal-Mart Purchase Logistics System's Inspiration to Military Emergency Materials Purchase沃尔玛采购物流体系对军队应急物资采购的启示
17.Analysis and Management of Operation Process in Emergency Logistics System;应急物流系统运作流程分析及其管理
18.Logistics Activeness:A Criterion for Instant Response Ability of Emergency Logistics System物流活性:应急物流系统即时响应能力的评价

1.Study of intelligent decision support system of ELS3 based on Case-Based Reasoning;基于CBR应急保障物流体智能决策支持系统研究
3)emergency logistics system应急物流体系
1.On Development of Xinjiang Emergency Logistics System构建新疆应急物流体系的思考
2.Through an analysis of the logistics system reality faced by Wen Chuan earthquake-stricken area,this article try to summarize the key obstacles like transportation、information and organization in construction of emergency logistics system.分析5·12汶川地震后灾区物流系统面临的现实状况,总结了建立灾后应急物流体系的交通、信息、组织等关键障碍,并有针对性地提出在军事物流和现代物流信息技术的基础上建立应急物流体系统一领导机构的对策建议。
4)emergency logistics应急物流
1.The Application of RFID in Emergency Logistics;RFID在应急物流领域的应用
2.Location-Routing Problem in Emergency Logistics for Public Emergencies;城市突发公共事件在应急物流中的定位——路径问题研究
3.The Status and System Optimization of Emergency Logistics in China;我国应急物流现状及系统优化
5)emergency logistic应急物流
1.Performance evaluation for emergency logistic outsourcing vendor based on fussy analytical hierarchical process;基于FAHP的应急物流外包供应商绩效综合评价
2.This paper expatiates the connotation, analyses the comparability of emergency logistic and military-local logistic integration, and puts forward methods in several aspects as laws construction, command mechanism, preparative plan, material reserve, equipment support.文章阐述了应急物流与军地物流一体化的内涵,分析了两者的相似性。
6)Logistics Emergency物流应急
