1.In the end,we apply this optimal model to Television Sale Question(TSQ).将该优化模型应用于经典的"电视机销售问题"之中,得到了非常好的预测效果。
2)visual merchandising视觉销售
1.Discussion on extensional design of the clothing brand based on visual merchandising;基于视觉销售的服装品牌延伸性设计
3)equivalent sale视同销售
1.The analysis of the differences among the taxing operations on the enterprise equivalent sales activity;企业视同销售行为税务处理差异分析

1.The analysis of the differences among the taxing operations on the enterprise equivalent sales activity;企业视同销售行为税务处理差异分析
2.Analyses on the Differences Between Value-added Tax Regarded as Sales and Input Tax Turns;增值税视同销售行为和进项税额转出差异辨析
3.On Handling of Income Tax on Equal Sales and Tax Planning;视同销售中所得税的处理及税收筹划问题
4.A Brief Introduction to Several Equivalent Sales and Their Accounting Operations in Value-added Tax;浅谈增值税几种视同销售行为及其会计处理
5.Tax official: the donation is taxable in the case of transfer of the immovable property. But the turnover will be assessed by the tax authority.税务局:不动产的无偿赠送要视同销售,不过计税额要经过核定。
6.On the Accounting Management of Taxes from Self-made and Consumed Products;浅析自产自用产品视同销售行为应纳税费会计账务处理
7.Anti-opportunism Rule from Perspective of Economics and Accounting:A Specific Case Research of Rule of Being-considered-as-sale of Value-added-tax;经济学与会计视角的反机会主义规则——我国增值税视同销售规则的个案研究
8.A Comparison of Tax and Accounting Affairs Disposals about Deemed Sales企业视同销售的税务与会计处理之比较——基于新税法和《企业会计准则》的分析
9.Accounting Treatment and Theoretical Analysis on Taking the Value-Added Tax as Sales Practices--Research Based on the New Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises增值税视同销售行为的会计处理及理论分析——基于新企业会计准则的研究
10.Conference on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods国际货物销售合同会议
11.Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods国际货物销售合同公约
12.For example, TV, radio, newspaper and online advertising sales industries have vastly different paces and approaches.举例来说,电视台、台、纸、站各自有不同的广告销售步调和方式。
13.Confirmation of Value Added Tax on Sales in Different Selling Modes;不同销售方式下应纳增值税销售额的确定
14.The Risk in International Goods Business Contract and Its Prevention--From the Perspective of Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods国际货物买卖合同的风险及防范——以《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》为视点
15.(a) a sale at the same commercial level but in different quantities;(a)相同商业水平但数量不同的销售;
16.(c) a sale at a different commercial level and in different quantities.(c)不同商业水平和数量不同的销售。
17.Dune is also fundamental, to the sales department, I was soon sales colleagues "assimilation".其实也根本不饿,来到销售部后,我很快就被销售部同事“同化”了。
18.Concerned about the Marketing of Medical Equipment by the Method of Personal Experience重视对体验式销售医疗器械营销模式的监管

visual merchandising视觉销售
1.Discussion on extensional design of the clothing brand based on visual merchandising;基于视觉销售的服装品牌延伸性设计
3)equivalent sale视同销售
1.The analysis of the differences among the taxing operations on the enterprise equivalent sales activity;企业视同销售行为税务处理差异分析
4)Deemed as a Sale of Goods视为销售
5)sale motivation销售动机
1.This paper roundly reviews the loan sales activities of American banks, including the developing history, the status quo, the sale motivation and the impacts on banks.银行贷款二级销售市场是美国发展最快的金融市场之一,本论文从多个角度较为全面地考察了美国银行的贷款销售行为,包括美国银行贷款销售的发展历史、发展现状、银行贷款的销售动机以及贷款销售本身对银行的影响等问题,分析了中国银行贷款销售的现状及原因,认为中国银行应加强投行业务创新,从积极的信用风险管理和经营模式创新的角度来大力发展贷款销售业务。
6)Agricutural Machinery Sell农机销售
1.The Research and Implement of Agricutural Machinery Selling Contract Management System;农机销售合同管理系统的研究与实现

横向销售(crosswisesale)  企业集团内部两家子公司之间销售存货、固定资产、无形资产和购买债券的行为。当发生横向销售时,出售的子公司已在其账上实现收入、结转成本费用,确认损益,但从企业集团看,只要购入的子公司尚未将存货向外界转售,或购入内部长期资产尚在使用,或尚持有内部债券,则总存在着未实现损益或推定损益,未实现损益和推定损益均应归属于出售的子公司,在复杂权益法下需要调整母公司的投资收益和长期股权投资;在计算少数股东损益时,也应调整由少数股权分摊的未实现损益或推定损益。因此,横向销售时所形成的未实现损益和推定损益对少数股东损益和少数股东权益均产生了影响。