作战模拟,combat simulation
1)combat simulation作战模拟
1.Application research of combat simulation used in effectiveness evaluation of surface naval vessel;作战模拟在水面舰艇作战效能评估技术中的应用研究
2.Research and Design of Intelligent Combat Simulation System;智能化作战模拟系统的研究与设计
3.The Analysis and Realization of Combat Simulation System;作战模拟系统设计与实现

1.Research on Template of Radar System Functional Model in Air Defense Simulation System作战模拟系统中的雷达模型模板研究
2.Study on Air Force Campaign Simulating System Based on Analytical Models;基于解析模型的空军战役作战模拟系统研究
3.Combat Effectiveness Evaluation of Landing Ship Based on Combat Simulation基于作战模拟的登陆舰艇作战能力评估方法
4.ECM Simulator in SAM Operational Simulation防空导弹作战模拟中的电子对抗仿真
5.Web-based Situation Display Method in Combat Simulation一种基于Web的作战模拟态势显示方法
6.Simulation of Attack-Defense Warfare Based on HLA/CGF基于HLA/CGF的防空攻防作战模拟
7.Study on Simulation of Air Defense Combat Based on Lanchester Theory;基于兰彻斯特战斗理论的防空作战模拟研究
8.Simulation Method of Missile Battle Under Condition of Network-Centric Warfare;网络中心战条件下的导弹作战模拟方法
9.Analysis of Missile Battle in the Condition of Network-Centric Warfare网络中心战条件下的导弹作战模拟研究
10.Designing of domain conceptual model of electronic countermeasure combat simulation电子对抗作战模拟领域概念模型设计研究
11.The Military Modeling and Simulation system provides a fulltime focal platform for information concerning military simulated activities.作战模拟系统是一套专门为作战模拟活动提供各种计划情况的平台。
12.Research of Computer Simulation on Surface Ship Anti-Submarine Defence Imitative Training水面舰艇防潜作战模拟训练的计算机仿真研究
13.The joint operations simulation is a hotspot in military simulation area.联合作战模拟是当前军用仿真领域的热点。
14.Design Method of ATO in Air Offensive Campaign Simulation空中进攻作战模拟出动计划设计方法研究
15.Research and Implementation of the Technology for Joint Warfare Simulation Scenario Generation;联合作战模拟想定生成技术的研究与实现
16.a sham battle [fight]模拟战,作战演习,假战
17.a simulated battle for training military commanders.为了军事训练而进行的模拟作战。
18.A Model Research on Strategic Partner Selection of Virtual Enterprise;虚拟企业战略合作伙伴选择模型研究

war gaming作战模拟
1.Military Transforming of US Force and War gaming;美军转型与作战模拟——为庆祝《计算机仿真》杂志创刊20周年而写
2.The model is one tool of war gaming.模型是作战模拟的工具,构造出简单的、能表现作战系统基本特征和规律的模型,需要采用有效的建模方法;在分析面向过程建模方法的不足后,简述了面向对象的基本概念、建模方法和步骤;介绍了一个采用面向对象建模方法构造轻武器论证模拟模型的实例。
3.In the field of command training, military theory research and weapon equipment demonstration, the war gaming is found more and more application.计算机作战模拟在指挥训练、军事理论研究和武器装备论证等方面得到了日益广泛的应用 ,根据我军在作战模拟中缺少空间力量的现状 ,研制了一个空间侦察作战模拟系统。
3)battle simulation作战模拟
1.The basic characteristics and method of the battle simulation are introduced.介绍了作战模拟的基本特点及所用的数学方法。
4)operation simulation作战模拟
1.The development of operation simulation systems is a complex system engineering, requirements demonstration is the preceding work of systems development, and it has important effect on further system development.作战模拟系统的开发是一项复杂的系统工程,需求论证位于系统开发的前端,对后续的系统开发具有重要的影响。
1.In the paper,the choke points which block the reusability of war-gaming software resources are analyzed.在分析制约我军作战模拟软件资源重用瓶颈的基础上,结合当前建模与仿真、软件工程等领域的前沿技术,提出了基于可组构性仿真、面向实体、模式、Web服务等技术的解决方案,较好地解决了如何提高作战模拟软件资源重用性的问题。
2.The initial situation generating system in the war-gaming provides a visual environment of the initial situation for the war-gaming.作战模拟初始态势生成系统为作战模拟时建立初始态势提供了一个可视化环境。
3.By means of war-gaming,enough data used for evaluation are acquired through simulation and modeling.利用作战模拟的方法,通过仿真建模,获取评估数据,从而对成像侦察卫星系统作战应用的效能进行了科学客观的评估,使定性分析和定量分析相结合。
6)operation simulating model作战模拟模型
