信息作战,Information operation
1)Information operation信息作战
1.Analysis of the Status Quo and Development Trend of UUV s Information Operation Capability in US Navy;浅析美军无人潜航器信息作战能力现状及发展趋势
2.Research on the Issues of Information System Security Architecture for Information Operation;信息作战环境下信息系统安全体系结构若干问题研究
3.The scientific evaluation of information operation capability of missile troop is a good help to improve the construction of information.科学准确地评估导弹部队信息作战能力有利于促进其信息化的全面建设,提升整体战斗力。

1.Research on the Relationships Between Information Securities Assurance and Information Operation;信息安全保障与信息作战的关系探究
2.The Basic Questions of IW in the United Landing Operation;联合登陆战役信息作战基本问题研究
3.They do not outweigh or overshadow the importhnce of older types of IW or IO;它们并没有使信息战或信息作战的旧有方式的重要性降低;
4.Study on System Structure of Information Operation Test and Training Range;信息作战试验训练靶场系统结构研究
5.Fitting in with the Needs of Support Construction, Focusing on the Mobilization of Information Warfare;适应保障建设需要 关注信息作战动员
6.An Effectiveness Evaluation of the Information Warfare of Air Defense Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process;AHP在防空信息作战效能评估中的应用
7.Some Reflections on the Holistic Development of the National Information Warfare对国家信息作战整体发展的若干思考
8.Study on Information Operation Method for Ship-based Missile Air Defence System海军舰载导弹防空系统信息作战方法
9.Operational Effectiveness Evaluation on Information Operation of Surface-to-surface Missile Weapon System地地战术导弹武器系统信息作战效能评估
10.Network Centric Warfare Operational Concept and Information Fusion Technology;网络中心战作战理念与信息融合技术
11.The relability of information is the life line of future successful information war.信息的可信度是未来遂行信息化作战的生命线。
12.Information Overload and the Operational Commander; Final rept信息过载与作战指挥员/最终报告
13.Research on Key Algorithms of Cooperative Engagement Information System;协同作战信息系统(CEIS)关键算法研究
14.Research on the Network Management of Cooperative Engagement Information System;协同作战信息系统(CEIS)网络管理研究
15.Challenges of Informatization and Countermeasures to College Archive;信息化对高校档案工作的挑战及对策
16.Research on the Ship Formation Anti-missile Combat Effectiveness Based on Information Entropy;基于信息熵的舰艇编队反导作战效能
17.Analysis of Forces Requirement in Air Defense Fight on Informatization Condition;信息化条件下防空作战兵力需求分析
18.Development of Information Technology is a Strategic Goal in Russia;俄罗斯将发展信息技术作为战略目标

combat information作战信息
1.This paper has analysis the problem-researching mode of War-Designing-Engineering at first,and put forward the combat information structure in the problem.首先对战争设计工程研究问题的思路进行了分析,给出了问题中存在的作战信息的结构。
3)information warfare信息化作战
1.The factors which affect the operational effectiveness of missile weapon system in information warfare are analyzed.分析了信息化作战条件下影响导弹武器系统作战效能的因素。
2.To meet the need of information warfare research,the theories and key techniques of data farming based combat simulation are analyzed.针对信息化作战研究的需求,分析了基于数据耕种的作战仿真理论及其关键技术。
4)operational link作战信息链
1.The operational link and its advanced infrared search and track senson,track lluminator laser and extreme low-light level sensor are analyzed.简要地介绍了机载激光武器的使命和研制进展 ,分析了作战信息链及其先进的红外搜索与跟踪传感器、跟踪照明激光器和超灵敏的弱光探测器。
5)imformation operational system信息化作战体系
6)Battle gathering information作战信息获取
