工伤事故,industrial accident
1)industrial accident工伤事故
1.Through investigation on industrial accidents in 2000—2004 in Tianjin City, the number of industrial accidents, total number of death in accidents, major severe accidents, major trade distribution and accidents categorization were analyzed.对天津市2000—2004年的工伤事故进行调查及统计,从工伤事故起数、事故死亡人数、重大伤亡事故、重点行业、事故类别等多个角度进行了分析研究,总结出天津市工伤事故发生的规律和特点;对照天津市及其重点行业的经济发展状况,对天津市的安全生产状况做出总体评价,指出了天津市的总体安全生产水平处于全国各省市的前列,列出了导致死亡事故的事故类别的排序。
2.Characteristics and causation of industrial accidents in Tianjin are summarized through investigation of accidents occurred in 2000-2004,from which the way of thinking for developing countermeasures is suggested.根据对天津市2000—2004年工伤事故分析和研究,总结出的天津市工伤事故的规律和特点,以及事故致因的有关理论,提出对策研究的总体思路,并对照天津市及其重点行业的经济发展状况及安全监管的现状,提出了从总体上控制天津市工伤事故、不断提高安全生产水平的对策,即加强安全生产监管体系的建设、建立自律与激励机制、从制度上解决企业安全费用投入不足的问题、加大对重大危险源的监控以期杜绝特大事故的发生、尽快建立安全应急救援体系、加强事故管理、完善地方安全法规的建设使监管做到有法可依、强化安全检查等8项措施。
3.To ensure social equity and adequate security to laborers, China has reformed its industrial accident insurance system and civil damages system.其中,工伤事故中各种损害补偿或赔偿制度之间关系的问题已经直接影响到立法意图的实现。

1.She was injured badly in an accident during the work.她在一次工伤事故中受了重伤。
2.On the Relationship between Civil Compensation and Work Injury Insurance in Accidental Work Injury论工伤事故中工伤保险与民事赔偿关系
3.The Relation of In industrial Injury Insurance And Ciuil Infringement In the compensation of Industial Accident工伤事故赔偿中工伤保险与民事侵权的关系
4.On the Responsibility for Reporting of Industrial Accidents and Arbitrating Disputes of Industrial Injury;工伤事故的报告责任和工伤争议的仲裁
5.Money pay to the family of someone who dies in an accident at work.向因工伤事故死亡者家庭所付的钱。
6.Money paid to the family of someone who dies in an accident at work向因工伤事故死亡者家庭所付的钱
7.Industrial Accident Cognizance and Its Consummation Judicial Review Institution;工伤事故认定及其司法审查制度完善
8.Study on Legal Issues of Part-timer Industrial Injury Accident;兼职人员工伤事故若干法律问题研究
9.On the Applicability Relations of the Several Compensati on Mechanisms for Industrial Accidents;论工伤事故多种补偿机制的适用关系
10.They adopted safety devices to ensure workers against(from)accidents他们采用了安全设施,保护工人免出工伤事故
11.Work-related accidents steadily increased from 1990 to 2002.自1990年开始,工伤事故数目每年稳步增长。
12.Classification and Standardization of Criteria in Compensation for Employment Injury in China;论我国工伤事故的不同赔偿标准及其统一
13.Policy Analysis of the Government Industrial Accident Controls--Shenzhen City As An Example;政府工伤事故控制中的政策分析——以深圳市为例
14.On the Construction of Damages Mechanism of the Injured in Industrial Accidents;试论工伤事故受害人损害补偿机制之构建
16.Conflicts and Coordination in the Identification and Verification of Work Injury Resulting from Traffic Accidents;试论交通事故工伤认定的冲突和协调
17.The Accident Intensity is expressed as the lost man-hours per1,000 man-hours.事故强度表示每十万工时中因伤害事故而损失的工时。
18.Accidents and small injuries are an everyday occurences in this job.这项工作中,事故和轻伤是每天发生的事。

industrial accidents工伤事故
1.Analysis of time-series forecast for industrial accidents based on ARMA model;基于ARMA模型的中国工伤事故死亡率预测研究
2.The quantitative analysis of the relationship between the trend of industrial accidents and the intervention of the safety policy in China;我国工伤事故趋势与安全生产政策干预力度量化关系分析
3.Some significant conclusions can be got from the correlation analysisbetween industrial accidents and geomagnetic disturbance.地磁扰动与工伤事故之间的相关分析给出,工伤事故的平均发生率与磁情指数Ap成正相关,当磁情指数大于30时,相关系数达0。
3)industrial injury accident工伤事故
1.The part-timer industrial injury accident responsibility is not only one of important questions in the labor insurance,but also a special practice question in the tort law.兼职工伤事故责任既是劳动保险中的重要问题,也是民事侵权行为法中的特殊实践问题。
2.The productivity has been released since the industrialization began, but at the same time, industrial injury accident has been very closely associated with each other.人类社会自工业化进程以来,生产力被极大地解放了,但与此同时,工伤事故始终如影随形,给社会带来诸多困扰。
4)work accident工伤事故
1.At present, China\'s economy is developing stably and persistently, but at the same time, the situation of work accidents and industrial diseases is very serious.当前,我国经济保持快速稳定发展的同时,工伤事故和职业病的形势却相当严峻,其重要原因在于我国安全生产的长效机制尚未建立起来,工伤保险制度存在重补偿、轻预防的问题,使得工伤预防功能没有得到有效的发挥。
1.Study in the relation between fatigue of coalminers and coalmine accidents in China;煤矿工人体能负荷与工伤事故关系研究
6)Occupational accident工伤事故
1.Analysis of 122 occupational accident cases in confined space;密闭空间作业工伤事故百例分析研究
