1.The results indicated that atmosphere and soil and crops surrounding the brickfields had been pollutied by Fluorine to some degrees.结果表明,砖厂含氟废气排放点周围的大气、土壤、农作物已受到不同程度的污染,砖厂周围种植的农作物含氟量明显高于对照点,附近的家禽(鸡)死亡率也明显高于建砖厂前,因此,建砖厂时应对周围环境污染影响予以重视。
2.In order to study the environmental and health effect of fluorine pollution in brickfield, we conducted the environment monitor and the agriculture ecology and the complete and systematic research on it by means of epidemology.为研究砖厂含氟废气对环境与健康的影响,采用环境监测和农业生态学及卫生学方法进行全面系统的调查与研究。

1.He has a brick-yard, you know."你知道他有一座砖厂。”
2.Design of ageing silo陈化库对现代砖厂厂房柱基础的影响
3.Deciding to do some back-yard landscaping, my father-in-law went to the brickyard to buy quantity of brick.我岳父打算买些砖来修整一下后院,他到砖厂拉砖.
4.Excavation Report on Western Han Earthen Pits in Chongqing;重庆忠县砂砖厂西汉土坑墓发掘简报
5.Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments,Excavation of Han Tombs at theYeling Brickyard in Kangdian of Gongyi City,Henan;河南巩义市康店叶岭砖厂汉墓发掘简报
6.Brief Report on Excavation of the Han Dynasty Kilns at Chaidian gang, Laohekou;老河口市柴店岗砖厂汉代窑址清理简报
7.Status Quo of Safety in Production of Kunming Brick Manufacturers and its Analysis昆明市盘龙区砖厂安全生产现状及分析
8.I had but one fear here: a dog. He was owned by the boss of the brickyard.我在这家厂里只怕一样东西:一条狗。这狗是砖厂老板的。
9.Erbao was a worker at a brick kiln; every workday he sweated several quarts, and was asleep as soon as he got home.二宝是砖厂的窑工,上一天班要流几斤汗,回家就呼呼大睡。
10.The Project Post-evaluation of Pulverized Coal Ash Steam Compressed Brick Factory Expansion for Hebi Power Plant;鹤壁电力集团公司粉煤灰蒸压砖厂扩建工程项目后评价
11.The practice of building debris brick factory in Changcun mine;常村矿区建设煤矸石烧结空心砖厂的实践与探索
12.Hadacheck involved a Los Angeles city ordinance making it unlawful to operate a brickyard within certain portions of the city.洛杉矶市的一项法规规定在该城市某些特定的地区建砖厂是非法的。
13.The results showed that the level of fluorine pollution in fruits is related to the distance from fruit trees to the brickkiln and the variety of fruit trees.结果表明,水果受氟污染的程度与果树距砖厂的距离及果树的种类有关。
14.Ceramic tiles of our factory highly polished are of good quality.本厂瓷砖光洁度高,质量不错。
15.Countermeasure on Solving Corrosion of Flue Gas to Brick Sleeve Stack in Power Plant解决电厂砖套筒烟囱烟气腐蚀的措施
16.Research of Zhuzhuanjing Waste Water Treatment Plant of Hefei City;合肥市朱砖井污水处理厂工程建设研究
17.Cold splicing the joints of the belt conveyer in brick and tile factory砖瓦厂带式输送机胶带接头的冷粘接方法
18.The huge factory hall of brick and glass were built in the 1920s modern style .用砖和玻璃建造的庞大工厂厂房是20世纪20年代的风格。

1.Progress on the Study of Emission,Pollution and Treatment of Fluorides from Brickyards in China;我国砖瓦厂氟化物的排放及其污染治理研究进展
3)Porcelain brick factory瓷砖厂
4)brick-column workshop building砖柱厂房
1.According to the weaving principles of GBJ 50011-2001 architecture aseismic design criterion,this paper puts forward relevant aseismic method of monolayer brick-column workshop building through the analysis of earthquake dam- age.根据国家标准《建筑抗震设计规范》GBJ50011-2001编制的原则,通过对单层砖柱厂房震害分析,提出了相应的抗震设计方法。
5)brick kiln制砖厂

耐火砖加工厂耐火砖加工厂processing plant of refractory brick naihuozhuon Jiogongehang耐火砖加工厂(proeessing plant of refracto-ry brick)进行耐火砖的切割、研磨、修整加工和预装配等工作的小型专业工厂。按其生产规模和加工能力,分为简易耐火砖加工厂和组合砖加工厂两种。前者一般设在筑炉现场,厂房为装配式或固定式临时建筑,只能对耐火砖进行磨、切等简单的加工处理。后者除进行耐火砖的一般加工外,主要用于组合砖的加工和预组装,其厂房为钢结构或混合结构的正式厂房,由装有砖加工机械的主跨和配置画线工作台、木工机械等的副跨组成,并附设存放耐火砖的工作棚。厂房可不设在施工现场。 简易耐火砖加工厂的设备,主要有磨砖机、切砖机、验砖平板(由铸铁制造)、预砌筑平台(或地坪)、通风除尘设施等.磨砖机和切砖机的数量根据加工砖的规模确定。厂房面积根据设备安全操作所需面积,辅助设备工作面积,临时存放耐火砖所需面积和运输通 On心道面积之和取值。用于一般冶金炉筑炉工程的简易耐火砖加工厂,也可按每台砖加工机械需占15mZ估算其总面积;用于高炉砌筑工程的,则可按每台砖加工机械需占3om,估算。组合砖加工厂的设备主要有切砖机、磨砖机和曲面铣床等,设备规格较大,自动化程度和加工效率较高,可进行湿切、湿磨和湿铣,进刀量均可自动控制,能进行各种异型砖和任意斜面、曲面的加工。此外,还有桥式起重机和电葫芦等起重运输设备.电锯、压刨等木工机械,干燥炉、角向磨光机等辅助设备以及袋式除尘器等。厂房面积主跨约为l000m,,除布置砖加工机械外,尚留有一部分预组装场地,副跨约为50om2。厂房外设有存放耐火砖的工作棚,约为500m2。 (王玉珍)