可燃液体,flammable liquid
1)flammable liquid可燃液体
1.Experimental study on the increasing the flash point of flammable liquid;提高可燃液体闪点的实验研究
2.The mutative rules of the flash point of the multifold mixture of the flammable liquids are firstly examined in this paper.对多元混合可燃液体闪点的变化规律进行了研究,提出了一个简便的闪点估算经验式。

1.Method of test for ignition temperature of flammable liquids and gasesGB/T5332-1985可燃液体和气体引燃温度试验方法
2.Systems should not be located close to flammable liquid piping or piping of other flammable gases.系统不能接近可燃液体管道或其它可燃气体管道。
3.For applications where any liquid, even a nonflammable one, is objectionable, the dry type transformer is used.在液体甚至是不可燃液体不允许使用的场所,就采用干式变压器。
4.Study on Key Technology of Combustible Liquid Vapor Exploding Characteristic Test Apparatus;可燃液体蒸气爆炸特性试验装置关键技术研究
5.Calculation of Risk Assessment Foundation for Flammable Multi-component Liquid Mixtures可燃液体多元混合物危险性评价依据计算
6.It is advisable to locate the system on ground higher than flammable liquid storage or liquid oxygen storage.把系统放置在高于可燃液体或液氧的地面是明智的。
7.Investigators say someone is throwing flammable liquid on front or back doors and setting them aflame.调查员称,有人向住宅的前门或后门扔可燃液体并使其着火。
8.Study on the Heating and Controlling Sections of the Experimental Facility for Testing Combustible Liquid-vaporexplosion Characteristics;可燃液体蒸气爆炸特性试验装置加热及控制部分研究
9.a lamp that burns a volatile liquid fuel such as alcohol.燃烧可挥发性液体燃料如酒精的灯。
10.After Petroleum is Gone, What Then?石油枯竭后可接替的液体燃料是什么?
11.housing for liquid fuel furnace burners液体燃料燃烧器外壳
12.Coal may be processed to form a liquid or gas which is more usable, and in turn can be converted to liquid hydrocarbon fuels.煤可以加工成更有用的液体或气体,进一步可以转化成液态烃燃料。
13.They can be used for putting off just burning fires caused by intlammable liquid, Ras and common electrical equipment.可扑救易燃液体、易燃气体和一般电器设备的初起火灾。
14.Feasibility Analysis on Developing Sweet Sorghum Liquid Fuel in Xinjiang;新疆发展甜高粱液体燃料的可行性分析
15.Ionic Liquid as Fuel Cell Electrolyte at Elevated Temperature一种可高温运行的离子液体电解质燃料电池
16.(II) Cut off transmission of power, inflammable gas and liquid, and restrict the use of fire and power;(二)截断电力、可燃气体和液体的输送,限制用火用电;
17.Alcohol base liquid fuelGB16663-1996醇基液体燃料
18.water miscible flammable liquid与水混合的易燃液体

combustible liquid可燃液体
1.Test and research of water mist extinguishing system for the protection of combustible liquid fire hazard compartment;可燃液体火灾危险场所细水雾灭火系统的试验研究
3)flammable liquids可燃性液体
1.Four searching strategies are adopted in a flammable liquids detection experiment,which are genetic algorithm(GA),simulated-annealing algorithm,generalized sequential forward selection and random searching algorithm,and their .实验采用广义顺序前进算法、标准遗传算法、模拟退火算法和随机搜索算法4种搜索性特征选择算法,实现了可燃性液体检测实验中的阵列优化。
4)flammable fluid可燃液体<火>
5)flammable liquids可燃液体;易燃液体 FL
6)Combustible liquid tank可燃液体储罐
